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Started by FENDER1000, May 21, 04:30 PM 2010

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By the way, this thread isn't about "Convincing" anyone of anything. It's about INTERESTED members trying things until something can either be used or not, that will improve what is being discussed.

It's refreshing to see someone like Fender being excited about roulette for a change instead of grumbling about every hair-splitting issue. Thank you to all of the members that are keeping this forum a pleasant place to discuss roulette. Agreeing to disagree is great and healthy. Anything beyond that is going against the grain of what is excepted here. So thanks to all of those members that fall into that catagory.


Hey Scooby

I said numerous times the enthuiasm of Fender is a good thing, I have also said he sometimes appears to have blinkers on to those that disagree, BUT, when someone agrees and praises him and becomes a follower, he takes them onboard and when they and only they recommend a change he agrees with it, and if they change it enough it gets a new name and they get the credit, makes you think doesn't it?

If I had something that had made me thousands of units $EuroÃ,£s' and felt I needed to tell forums about it, I would NOT take any changes to what I know/think works, heck if it's worked for 11 years and is 'the sure thing' why change it.

Why change it?? because as it gets tested more by different people it morphs as different players get different results, that's why people are supsect of Fender, hinting on someone that either is building up to sell something or just plain attention seeking.

When it emerged on the old VLS forum it was run against automated testing bots RX etc, and because they show long term results in a matter of minutes, the fails show up, that was not welcomed and poopooed by the hopeful people that 'hope' it isn't true, theres none so blind as those that don't WANT to see.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


the old saying theres always room for improvement

People who are the opposite to that are usually the know all type

I dont think bringing up the bot arugument was worth mentioning , probably everything would be beaten by a bot for obvious reasons.   you need  to think outside the bot

Side B

Fender and Atlantis, could you please clarify this: you do not wait for a losing dozen or column to finally hit before you start looking for a new qualifier? Because I always wait for a losing dozen to actually hit, whether I play the Zone or Crossplay 5, so I'm thinking I might be doing something wrong?

For example, playing Crossplay 5 after 2 virtual losses, if I then got this sequence: LMMMHMMLM   Dozen L loses on the 7th spin, then comes M, do you then start betting on H or do you wait for a brand new qualifier?


Quotethe old saying theres always room for improvement

Exactly, but getting stuck in a rut is only prolonging the eventual downfall

QuoteI dont think bringing up the bot arugument was worth mentioning

It wasn't an argument at all, I was stating that automation, using real results from real wheels/tables gets you to the answer we are all asking much quicker 'will it win me money?' the opposite to that mentality are people who play because they enjoy the game and dont mind losing hard earned money, after all, the casion is charging us 2. 7% for the pleasure of entertaining us.

Heres my old saying, you can't flog a dead horse

flog a dead horse  (British, American & Australian) also beat a dead horse (American)

to waste time trying to do something that will not succeed
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Quote from: Side B on Jun 03, 03:57 PM 2010
Fender and Atlantis, could you please clarify this: you do not wait for a losing dozen or column to finally hit before you start looking for a new qualifier? Because I always wait for a losing dozen to actually hit, whether I play the Zone or Crossplay 5, so I'm thinking I might be doing something wrong?

For example, playing Crossplay 5 after 2 virtual losses, if I then got this sequence: LMMMHMMLM   Dozen L loses on the 7th spin, then comes M, do you then start betting on H or do you wait for a brand new qualifier?

Hi SideB,
In the crossplay 5 I would start betting on H after that last M.

If I was waiting for a trigger at that point I would count that H as a virtual qualifier to be monitored as a potential losing trigger.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: ScoobyDoo on Jun 03, 12:21 PM 2010
Hi Fender,

I'm not 100% convinced that MATCH 9 is ready to bring to the forum. But since you say you are having good luck with it maybe you should be the one to introduce it, especially since you have a few things that you have added to it which I don't know much about.

If you are going to introduce it, I think you should start a new thread.

Scooby doo
Scooby my friend You know I have alot of respect and regard for your views. I am going to sit on it a bit longer until you are happier. I will email you later with the tweaks I have added. Speak soon


Quote from: superman on Jun 03, 02:28 PM 2010
Hey Scooby

I said numerous times the enthuiasm of Fender is a good thing, I have also said he sometimes appears to have blinkers on to those that disagree, BUT, when someone agrees and praises him and becomes a follower, he takes them onboard and when they and only they recommend a change he agrees with it, and if they change it enough it gets a new name and they get the credit, makes you think doesn't it?

If I had something that had made me thousands of units $EuroÃ,£s' and felt I needed to tell forums about it, I would NOT take any changes to what I know/think works, heck if it's worked for 11 years and is 'the sure thing' why change it.

Why change it?? because as it gets tested more by different people it morphs as different players get different results, that's why people are supsect of Fender, hinting on someone that either is building up to sell something or just plain attention seeking.

When it emerged on the old VLS forum it was run against automated testing bots RX etc, and because they show long term results in a matter of minutes, the fails show up, that was not welcomed and poopooed by the hopeful people that 'hope' it isn't true, theres none so blind as those that don't WANT to see.

Superman, you never let up. Listen when I go to Vegas in 2011 yes I have brought it forward a year. And you will soon find out WHY. You are welcome to come along, all expenses paid by me. I will say this again. THE ZONE IS SET IN STONE. I can resume using it anytime and it will deliver EVERYTIME. Coming to this forum wasn't for me to learn how to win, I already know how to do that. It was to show others who have been jaded and swamped with negative thinking and flawed maths tripe, that ITS VERY POSSIBLE.

In doing so I have ignited a little enthusiasm, and got clever and studious people like Atlantis, stackbundles and Scooby to start seeing even potentially GREATER winning possibilites. In my opinion thats what a Roulette forum should be all about. Or whats the point? Just tell everyone to go to a negative place like the wizard of odds, who I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE AT MY SIDE IN VEGAS 2011.

He needs putting right in a hurry. Or read Einsteins famous quote. And say yup aint nobody beating Roullete, anyone for a game of poker?? NO, as annoying as I am to people like you Superman, I have a mission to debunk the long flawed thinking on Roulette. And thats exactly what I am going to do. I want every negative thinker to know of what I achieve in 2011. Maybe, just maybe they will get a clue to how beatable this game is when you come at it from a completely different angle.  ;D


Quote from: strato1985 on Jun 03, 03:36 PM 2010
the old saying theres always room for improvement

People who are the opposite to that are usually the know all type

I dont think bringing up the bot arugument was worth mentioning , probably everything would be beaten by a bot for obvious reasons.   you need  to think outside the bot

Well said strat. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOT, I love that. But kidding aside THAT'S exactly what you must do.  ;D


Hey Fender

I have never said roulette can't be beaten, I win every day too, well, my bot does it for me, today for example, 65 units and counting, yes 67 attacks won, no loses, yet! each attack is 6 steps in total.  As it is done by a bot it's impossible for a user to do, A) you would get bored and B) you couldn't calculate fast enough.

Here's the proof fresh off the bot, for me thinking outside the bot has been done over and over, don't try to beat the game, target random as the enemy, enjoy
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Quote from: superman on Jun 04, 06:38 AM 2010
Hey Fender

I have never said roulette can't be beaten, I win every day too, well, my bot does it for me, today for example, 65 units and counting, yes 67 attacks won, no loses, yet! each attack is 6 steps in total.  As it is done by a bot it's impossible for a user to do, A) you would get bored and B) you couldn't calculate fast enough.

Here's the proof fresh off the bot, for me thinking outside the bot has been done over and over, don't try to beat the game, target random as the enemy, enjoy
that's great Superman, then you should show a more positive attitude on here. I will show you a simple strategy later Superman for high and low that is almost a grail. The zone isn't my only profit maker. It works because it does the opposite of what most strategies are trying to do PREDICT AN OUTCOME. Show you later and you tell me it can't beat the game.  ;D



Please don''t get me wrong, but there is more than a subtle difference between a bot which plays a previously well thought out system and an automated testing system like Rx(which is a system designer)
I have been involved in the design of several "bots" to try and beat this game.  A well thought out system and a good bot compliment each other.  Btw I only play at online live casino's and time does become an issue sooner or later.  Hence the "bot".



Quote from: metalrat on Jun 04, 07:00 AM 2010

Please don''t get me wrong, but there is more than a subtle difference between a bot which plays a previously well thought out system and an automated testing system like Rx(which is a system designer)
I have been involved in the design of several "bots" to try and beat this game.  A well thought out system and a good bot compliment each other.  Btw I only play at online live casino's and time does become an issue sooner or later.  Hence the "bot".

Hello metalrat, I am totally old-school, I wouldn't know a bot from a robot. But I know a winning strategy. And thats the important part.  ;D

Side B

Quote from: atlantis link=topic=157. msg1399#msg1399 date=1275630560
Hi SideB,
In the crossplay 5 I would start betting on H after that last M.

If I was waiting for a trigger at that point I would count that H as a virtual qualifier to be monitored as a potential losing trigger.


Thanks Atlantis, that's different to the way I play it.  Is that how you play the Zone too? I believe that in the Zone you would get worse results if you didn't wait for the losing dosen to hit before tracking again.  Fender, do you do it my way or Atlantis' way?

I've been testing a tweak on Crossplay which is working well so far, I'll keep you posted.


Quote from: Side B on Jun 04, 08:02 AM 2010
Thanks Atlantis, that's different to the way I play it.  Is that how you play the Zone too? I believe that in the Zone you would get worse results if you didn't wait for the losing dosen to hit before tracking again.  Fender, do you do it my way or Atlantis' way?

I've been testing a tweak on Crossplay which is working well so far, I'll keep you posted.

Side B Hi, yes tracking and betting a new dozen/column before a losing one has come back from its vacation is standard. It works perfectly. Remember you may not have seen many of these but I have. Some dozens and columns can stay out for 25 plus spins. Two days ago at Betfreds Column 2 took 26 spins to come home. In between there were 3 winning streaks for the dozens and columns.
