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Plein-Betting 1 to 4 numbers

Started by winkel, Jul 06, 03:26 PM 2015

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Hi Jim and not forgetting WINKEL, Hope your in good shape Wink.

Jim what i'm going to say, i know from playing those numbers today. Think i told you of this game play, its something like tic tac toe, so i was playing the neighbours of the numbers span, did ok.

so if you take 13 and use its neighbours 10,16 next 23 so use 20,26. or even use there neighbours on the wheel, you'd have your 4 numbers.
Good hunting
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Fight your grind indeed.....

Starting BR of this particular game was 893, played fib prog 1,2,3,5

1st set of 34 spins
No wins

2nd set of 34 spins
W @ sp32 â€" BR 803

3rd set of 34 spins
W @ sp15 â€" BR 768
W @ sp27 â€" BR 768

4th  set of 34 spins
W @ sp10 â€" BR 685
W @ sp 13 â€" BR 805
W @ sp 16 â€" BR 925...should probably have quit here
W @ sp 25 â€" BR 925...again, should have considered quitting, but didn’t...
No more wins, after 34 spins, BR 745.

No real damage 148 units down.

Overall, BR has now increased from 472 units to 1025 having played a total of 14 games.



Quick update for anyone interested....

BR almost 1700 units now after 33 games, still using low stakes (1p) Sky Vegas roulette. I'm using the fib prog 1,1,2,3. I'm hoping to get to 2000 units, then I'll up the progression to 2,2,4,6, then 3,3,6,9 at 3000 etc. I tend to end each game after a win, if my win rate equals approximately 1 unit per 2 spins, or, greater.



Do you always chose the same 4 numbers? How do you select them?


Hi Ray,

I tend to pick 4 numbers around, or, including 0, the 4 numbers are always adjacent to one another on the wheel, example if I'm playing 0,32,15,19, and I win my game, I might now play 32,15,19,4, or, maybe 35,8,26,0, or, 4,21,2,25, I have no set rules for picking the numbers except, as already stated, they are adjacent to one another on the wheel.

The reason why I pick around, or, to include the 0, is mainly because I'm playing Sky Vegas RNG roulette with turbo spin, therefore, I'm hitting the spin button with very little time between spins, and as I've selected numbers around, or, including the 0, I can almost tell as soon as the spin button is pressed whether I'm getting a win, as the 0 is a good marker, no other reason than that to be honest :)

I don't have exact numbers, however, I reckon, I've played this for about 2000 spins. I've also looked through old spin data, and in most cases if you take 4 numbers adjacent to one another on the wheel, and test the system, you will find at some point you will be in the plus, the question is do you continue to try & get more, or, end the game. This is where, as winkel points out, the grind can kill you. Also, if you're having a bad run, and say you mange to get your BR back to say, -100 whilst in the fourth stage of the progression, consider quitting and take the loss.

In one my earlier games, I was playing the fib with 1,2,3,5 playing numbers 0,26,3,35, my starting BR was 1185, and I got it up to 1235 after the 24th spin in stage 2, I should have quit here, however, I carried on and only got 2 more wins in stage 4. Mr BR had dropped to 569, ouch, however, I added a fifth number, 12, and increased the amount on each number to 8 units, and thankfully I got a couple of early wins, and I quit with my BR at 849. I wouldn't do this again, as I'm now wise enough to quit after a reasonable profit, and not get to greedy!!



the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: JimmieB on Jul 14, 03:10 AM 2015
Quick update for anyone interested....

BR almost 1700 units now after 33 games, still using low stakes (1p) Sky Vegas roulette. I'm using the fib prog 1,1,2,3. I'm hoping to get to 2000 units, then I'll up the progression to 2,2,4,6, then 3,3,6,9 at 3000 etc. I tend to end each game after a win, if my win rate equals approximately 1 unit per 2 spins, or, greater.


Jimmie, fibo on 4 numbers? can get out of control fast??
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins




at are you waiting for. Just reduce the   thirty-eight 9 number neighbor selection to 5 ( Two on each side  of the selected number)
ay at your own risk..


Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 03, 07:43 PM 2016
Jimmie, fibo on 4 numbers? can get out of control fast??

RG the progression isn't set in stone, you could use 1,1,2,3, or, 1,2,3,4, or even 1,2,4,8, (I've thought about flat betting, where you could increase the bet amount after each full game depending whether you are plus or minus, not sure it would work with this though), and remember you are only betting a maximum of 4 numbers so the progression can't really get out of control, also, you are only betting 1 number for stage 1, 2 numbers stage 2, etc. I only bet the 5 numbers once, and as I stated I wouldn't do that again, that game was actually in the plus at one stage, stage 2, but I got greedy, this is where the "grind can kill you"!! The point being you are looking for the game to be done no later than late on in stage 2/early stage 3 if possible, however, I appreciate this isn't always the case, this is when YOU have to decide what to do.

I've been playing this on the multiplayer roulette, and it's been holding up well, the losses I've have had have been with crazy betting amounts on double dozens :). Regarding my number selections for the multiplayer, I've been taking some advice recently on the forum about not paying attention to last spins when you come to the table, therefore, whatever number has just hit when I log on, this will be my first number for the first set of 34 spins, I then keep a note of  the numbers hitting, and whatever number has hit the most either side of my first number (wheel layout), I'll add this in stage 2, if the game goes to stage 2 that is. Of course you might have a tie, no numbers may have hit, etc. you have to choose which number to add, and yes I realise this is RNG numbers at the moment, and playing a section isn't applicable, however, I'm wanting to play this as I would in "real life"...have a look at some past spins you'll be surprised. The issue being for some players is you are only betting one number for 34 spins, then 2 for another 34, and so on, this doesn't suit everyone's style of play. I've looked at the possibilty of betting 2 numbers for 16 spins, then adding another 2 another 16 spins, and so on, or 3 numbers for 10 spins, then adding another 3 for another 10 spins, etc. however, I keep coming back to the original idea.


Thanks. Very informative

I picked a random 4 numbers

Ran through zumma

Very nice
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Glad you like, I think it's pretty decent, I'm also looking at the possibility of increasing the stakes on a winning number per one as what's currently getting advised by the likes of Turbo on the forum at the moment, and adding a number from the sector as they show, max 4 numbers. The hard bit is figuring out when to stop/reduce betting amounts etc....maybe they'll give me some advice, as I'm listening to them :lol:


Guys, just giving this a wee bump...

Since the reset on the multiplayer game, I've been solely playing this method, the section I've been using is 4,21,2,25 with the 1,2,4,8 progression, I've played 20 games in total, which equates to 412 spins and I've added 592 units to my BR. I know this is a very small sample, however, thought I would share...



Sounds good. Maybe I would wait a dubbel hit within the markee and bet with extra 3 . Bit hotzone we might say.

How's that progression going exactly?  To make sure I capture it 100%
As spins roll off our predictions get better


You're playing too many spins.
Do I turn the wheel,
or does the wheel turn me?


Quote from: denzie on Apr 26, 09:02 AM 2016
Sounds good. Maybe I would wait a dubbel hit within the markee and bet with extra 3 . Bit hotzone we might say.

How's that progression going exactly?  To make sure I capture it 100%

Hey Denzie, the progression isn't set in stone, as will see from previous posts; how is works is you are betting your first number for 34 spins, at level one of the progression, if you get a hit within these 34 spins, I start over, game is won, however, this is your choice, after the first 34 spins, if you are continuing, you now add your second number, and both numbers are bet at level 2 in the progression, after a total of 68 spins, again, if continuing to play, add your third number, and all 3 numbers are bet at level 3 of the progression, and so on...I hope this clarifies your query. There is no set progression, or, how to choose your numbers, or, when you stop, it's your call, personally I like picking a sector, and sticking with it, you might choose 4 numbers before you start playing, and use these, it's up to you.

I'm now one of the guys who is of the opinion past spins don't count, however, when you sit at the table as we know, there's a good chance approximately 24 numbers are going to hit in 37 spins, reducing this slightly to 34 spins, still means you still have around a 60-65% chance of that one number hitting in your first set of 34 spins, when you are betting 2 numbers in you're next set of 34 spins, I'm not sure of the % chance, maybe it's the same, I'm not clever enough to work that out ;D

Anymore queries, just ask...
