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Random Thoughts

Started by Priyanka, Sep 15, 08:28 PM 2015

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Quote from: falkor2k15 on Mar 17, 05:33 PM 2017
Still, oh I get it... so you are actually looking for that book too?? Unfortunately, that's my secret also...  Everyone seems to be after that secret Book Of Edge... somebody even tried to mug me today for it - but do you think I'd be so stupid as to actually carry the book around with me? :question:

You made that chart based on my HTML table.... that curve is better than I thought actually - not too far off Priyanka, Praline and 3Nine's graphs.

I don't even believe Priyanka discovered that method - I was the first to do so and document it for posterity.

Ok so you're saying nothing about the betting logic of that chart/method was from sourcing the group here and is a completely original idea that you don't feel obliged to disclose as part of any sort of quid pro quo?


Only the cycles part is from here... the actual strategy is original and was developed by me... only 2/5 bets were placed. If I had used all 5 bets then that chart would look even better... this discovery also taught me how to beat VdW and theorem on friends and strangers. However, one small error - or failure to allow the non-random sequences to complete - means any edge is lost; you can only win consistently when random is locked inside a cage under total equilibrium.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Here's a preview from my forthcoming secret Book Of Edge - this is how you play it...
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Ok so you're saying that you have had proprietary secrets for a long time and the impression you sometimes give of seeking group resources, tips, and/favors from others is either a false impression, or unnecessary, since you already have something that could help you get your money back?  Did the proprietary info cost you some money? Or, is it your info, but you are behind at the roulette wheel?


He's always claimed to have secrets that he may release at a later date

When he was first banned he promised to release a Hg "by Christmas"

Couple years ago

Just calling a spade a spade

Falkor it's simple to become part of the forum. Stop digging a grave
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: Still on Mar 17, 08:14 PM 2017
Ok so you're saying that you have had proprietary secrets for a long time and the impression you sometimes give of seeking group resources, tips, and/favors from others is either a false impression, or unnecessary, since you already have something that could help you get your money back?  Did the proprietary info cost you some money? Or, is it your info, but you are behind at the roulette wheel?
I haven't known the secrets for a long time - never even knew what edge was before - but I study hard and diligently every day with my friend from New York. It hasn't cost any money... only the electricity used to run my computer and roulette sims. I just like to discuss it here because it's the most interesting journey I ever experienced in life - where no books happen to be available for obvious reasons - and I just wish that others here would take up the challenge of Random Thoughts and change their lives too. Trying to put all these concepts together is way better than playing your favourite RPG or strategy game by a long shot, once you get into it...
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Quote from: falkor2k15 on Mar 17, 07:43 PM 2017
Here's a preview from my forthcoming secret Book Of Edge - this is how you play it...

ah yes

we understand
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: falkor2k15 on Mar 17, 07:43 PM 2017
Here's a preview from my forthcoming secret Book Of Edge - this is how you play it...

So your playing strategy involves "meiosis" only?

You need to involve "mitosis" also -- otherwise, your quest for an edge in roulette will remain an unfulfilled dream.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Quote from: falkor2k15 on Mar 18, 06:26 AM 2017
I haven't known the secrets for a long time - never even knew what edge was before - but I study hard and diligently every day with my friend from New York. It hasn't cost any money... only the electricity used to run my computer and roulette sims. I just like to discuss it here because it's the most interesting journey I ever experienced in life - where no books happen to be available for obvious reasons - and I just wish that others here would take up the challenge of Random Thoughts and change their lives too. Trying to put all these concepts together is way better than playing your favourite RPG or strategy game by a long shot, once you get into it...

Ok. You could take ideas sourced from this forum and test them on your own and not publish any test results here.  Instead, you have taken ideas sourced from here, run some tests, and published some of the results here.   In either of those two scenarios, your source of ideas to test has been from here.

Sometimes you have explicitly requested more ideas from here, for example, as recently as three days ago:

Quote from: falkor2k15 on Mar 15, 03:45 PM 2017
Hey, Priyanka, you have me on ignore too BTW besides praline so I couldn't PM you... I wanted to know whether the above was the same type of parallel game/parachute used in the CL3/Dead Heat situation described on page 7:Or can you please confirm if it's using positions instead? And in case your PM box is buggered or something my email is gilius2k15@gmail.com

This was a request for more information, to be received either publicly OR privately.  Presumably, the information, if granted, would give you EVEN MORE of an edge.   

Meanwhile, you are sitting on six-ways-to-Sunday, to bet on VdW and cycles, having admitted that the chart i posted represents 2/5, or two out of five other ways you have an edge, and these two aren't even the best ways.   

The optics of this don't look good. 

People have been studying VdW and cycles for a year, group sourcing for a year, many contributing, many borrowing...lots of man-hours, not to mention the woman-hours Priyanka has invested in getting out the word about things like VdW, cycles, parallel streams, ect.

Now you are sitting on at least five bets, all inspired by the group effort to understand Priyanka's effort, won't disclose ANY, and are asking for more info from Priyanka, to be received either publicly or privately. 

This could be because you are Priyanka's best student, and you could very well be.   I would not argue that.  I would also not argue that you may well have come up with some application of VdW and cycles that Priyanka DID NOT ANTICIPATE, and which does not represent the way Priyanka herself uses that information.   

The idea for YOUR application of VdW/cycles/combinations may have come from praline, RMore, Turner, 3Nine, rrbb, Winkel...hell, maybe even RouletteGhost. But let's say it's a completely original application of one of your own ideas, something nobody has thought of trying, not even Drazen.   I would not argue that either.  Could very well be. 

Here then is a situation where you have come up with a proprietary bet(s), despite Priyanka's efforts to discourage the application of VdW/cycles, in any other way she uses them, as probably, almost assuredly, break-even tools that lead to the house edge...when used apart from her, as yet unrevealed, combination of application. 

If you have discovered something of an edge with your data-mining efforts, you have most likely surprised her, and everybody else. 

But it's not the edge that her methods have seemed to promise from time to time, one of which get's 9+% over the house alone.   It's not what gave her a 3.0+ win-rate on the local multiplayer game.   

So i posted a chart showing, what, a .05% edge over the house (if it's not actually normal random deviation), that would probably give you a 1.0001 win-rate on Steve's multiplayer...and you are acting like you want to keep this to yourself, along with more, even better bets you have up your sleeve?

The optics of this are not good, even if you don't owe the group anything. 

Meanwhile, Atlantis has released not only a system, but a complete tracker to bet on repeating lines.   Based on some sound logic, there's a chance it could outperform the edge depicted in the chart i posted.  There's also a chance that winkel's G.U.T., or nottohammers' KTF, or Priyanka's posted variations of those themes (including trackers), could outperform the chart i posted of just a couple of your worst bets, but which may have an edge. 

And you're saying you're going to give it only to those whom you deem to have also been good students of Priyanka's teachings? Or, not at all to anybody? Ever?

Meanwhile, Priyanka has more to give, if it's true that YOUR application is YOUR idea, and NOT the way Priyanka applies VdW and/or cycles.  Much more.   

So, you want to go dark, but you also want Priyanka, and who knows who else, to shed more light on the original subject?


Yes, I worked hard to discover my method using only knowledge of basic cycles. I had no private help from Priyanka. And I couldn't have done it without my overseas friend pushing me every single day. It was complete brute force trial and error - so much so that Rmore (one of Priyanka's best students - if not her best) is now proficient at using "positions" (and he's better at parachuting than me too) - yet I don't believe he's spent anywhere near as long as I did on the basics, hence he seemed slightly confused about which kinds of streams are Random or Non-Random and whether cycles are random or non-random.

When studying this there's no shortcuts - the only way is through long-term problem solving that must be worked at diligently. And there's no guarantees what day of the week or time of day a new insight, perspective, eureka moment, or contextual element is going to be realised in your mind in terms of improving the bigger picture, such as what makes cycles or a parallel stream Random or Non-Random. As Pri said: you just need to keep re-reading and returning to it like a spiral.

Ask 3Nine... if he gives me permission to share it with you then I'll do it, but by rights you should really be at a more proficient level of using cycles before being deemed worthy?

I'm planning to do a timeline of all my discoveries, progress and stones overturned during the past 52+ weeks - that's how much time you need to put in at a bare minimum before edge could possibly come your way. For Priyanka I heard it was 6 years. Right now your main contribution/progress has been through analysing Pri's first video (and one that came prior to that). What else have you researched/gleaned from this topic so far?
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Quote from: falkor2k15 on Mar 18, 05:17 PM 2017

Ask 3Nine... if he gives me permission to share it with you then I'll do it, but by rights you should really be at a more proficient level of using cycles before being deemed worthy?

The guy who thinks we live on a flat plane, where space is a hoax and not real, thinks we must be more worthy.
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Falkor, keep stirring the pot. It's simply taking you further and further away from the Truth. 

This is my last post.  Good luck all.
Do I turn the wheel,
or does the wheel turn me?


Quote from: Still on Mar 18, 04:23 PM 2017So, you want to go dark
Still...I do like your posts  :thumbsup:

But, unlike you, I have direct access to images from inside Falkors shed


falkor doesnt even post about roulette anymore

he talks in circles about things that have almost nothing to do with the game

its turning people off to the forum

get rid of him?

this guy is a joke and we are sick of him

come on moderators

if off the charts bat shit crazy is not enough to get banned then how about using this site as a pedestal to not talk about the game

WTF is he even saying?

mitosis and HIS STUPID charts


trim the fat steve get rid of this god damn idiot troll

ever hear the term "enough is enough"

this guy is a blabbering moron
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: falkor2k15 on Mar 17, 07:43 PM 2017
Here's a preview from my forthcoming secret Book Of Edge - this is how you play it...




the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

