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Started by Priyanka, Sep 15, 08:28 PM 2015

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Quote from: Priyanka on Mar 26, 05:00 PM 2016
Does the clash here appears because we have a possibility of betting both black and red. What if we tie our hands that we cannot bet black and we can bet only red. Does this clash happen. Does this handicap situation of betting only one colour makes this theorem more workable from a VdW perspective. Does this handicap really a handicap or is it a boon in some form making us lose less?

I would bet the colour that won the last series as I am assuming for the moment without any analysis that the 62/38 split is valid for even chances as well as dozens ?


my guess is having ratio 66/34 or something will not give any edge reason being is in order
to have 66% you will have 24 numbers to bet versus 12 numbers so every time you need to get hit within 2
spins or so to get in profit flat bet.. :question:
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


or maybe you are able to find 12 numbers hiting 40% or above if so well done
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Quote from: Priyanka on Mar 26, 04:41 PM 2016
Apart from the ratio that I have highlighted, are there any other ratios that you are able to see. Do you think we will be able to use VdW theorem with which I started the thread in some form or other to bring a statistical concept and a non-random concept together.

Thank you for the questions. Back to the drawing board again.

In some point you mentioned that it is a must thing to use parallel bet in order for non random to work. And in your videos you are betting same location all the time. So is it possible for that parallel bet (which seems only virtual) to be with different odds then the one you are betting?




Quote from: Priyanka on Mar 29, 06:28 AM 2016
There is an important thing here around statistical advantage of same element defining the next spin. What if we remove cycles of length 1, do we see any difference in ratios. Can cycles of length 1 be exploited?  Can cycles greater than length 1 be exploited?

I am working on this. I have to do all this manually but hopefully soon I ll make some progress :)


Quote from: Priyanka on Oct 16, 02:33 AM 2015
Other way of using this is application of VW theory as I explained earlier for the AP to form on 2 dozens in 3 spins.
Can someone please explain how the VdW theorem can be used on double dozens?
I understand it on EC's and single dozens, but can it be applied to double dozens, when a double dozen bet can be 12, 23, or 13?
E.g. if the last number was 14, you cannot say it was the dz 12, it also could be dz 23.


Interesting question ati. Maybe we do the same as with the even chances , unless there is a clear choice to complete the series then we accept it as a loss as priyanka does as I can't see how you could bet all 3 dozens if there where 2 qualifying 2 dozens.

What number are you using to finalize the vdw series for 2 dozens ( 24 numbers ) ? I am guessing 6 so that would give us 123 234 345 456 135 246 ?


Quote from: maestro on Mar 29, 10:54 AM 2016
my guess is having ratio 66/34 or something will not give any edge reason being is in order
to have 66% you will have 24 numbers to bet versus 12 numbers so every time you need to get hit within 2
spins or so to get in profit flat bet.. :question:

Few friends here have asked me how to play with cycles. I think enough of mystery here didnt attracted the rest to join (maybe even better?   ;) )…

So I ll try to give one variation of the game which I consider to be the most simplest example of how to bet on cycles. So for the now lets put asside WdW and other things needed to gain an edge in the end.
I hope you understand what cycles are and how to get them. Priyanka explained this several times here. If not, you can ask again.
So the ones who understood the cycles and started to observe them, spotted that all cycles are coming in certain amount of hits which seems not  to deviate much for every single session. What that means? It means that we can be pretty sure that number of cycles will be coming in certain ratio and that ratio is pretty constant. Lets take dozens for simplicity. It means that we will be sure that one of the cycles will be showing most times, one the minimum times and the last somewhere between first two.

So I ll show you how that number looks in a few 250 spins sessions:

Session  1:

Cycle 1: 39 times
Cycle 2: 56 times
Cycle 3: 31 times

Session 2:
Cycle 1: 42 times
Cycle 2: 60 times
Cycle 3: 30 times

Session 3:

Cycle 1: 45 times
Cycle 2: 60 times
Cycle 3: 28 times

Session 4:

Cycle 1: 45 times
Cycle 2: 55 times
Cycle 3: 30 times

Session 5:

Cycle 1: 41 times
Cycle 2: 60 times
Cycle 3: 29 times

And so on and on...

So do you see the first ratio Priyanka was talking about? It is very nice and constant isn't it?
   Of course construction and the payout for getting each cycle are different. To get cycles 1 you need to bet one dozen every time, for cycles of 2 you need to bet two dozens for two attempts, and cycles 3 require betting first two dozens and then one dozen. I hope this is clear. If not, be free to ask. I ll answer with an example.

So here we are having the most simple bet which is using the fact that we know  how certain distance will not vary much in the end of an average length session. If  we look this through the flat bet scenario we will see that this isn't giving us edge of course, but it doesn't lose much also.

Lets take cycle 1 and we will be attacking only that cycle through the whole session. It means betting one dozen ,which will give us payout 2:1 for having each cycle 1. So for the first session we will win all cycles 1 and earn 39X2 making it 78 units and lose on all cycles 2 and 3 by 1 unit, making it 56+31=87 units lost flat bet.

(Or for example you prefer double dozen bet and you can aim only distances 2. Its up to you.)

Sessions 2 and 5 will also lose a bit while sessions 3 and 4 will be slight ahead. When everything is added up it will be right on the expectation for the odds plus green, well you know... But as you see, no big deviations  :-\

So the question is: is it possible that such bet selection is making the game more tamed?  Can we add standard deviation into this?

Is there any progression and money management which we could apply and not to be in fear of getting  stretched too much?

Or this is the same as any other dozen bet?

What do you think?



i think best try to somehow stick them and make it to even chance bet since ratios are so strict make sure either site is 50% and go for labby might work...this will ensure you not gona get les than 0.42% of hits and control labby
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


ok Drazen have a look on attached xls sheet,random injection>hackin terms< :twisted:,i just have few drinks and feel creative...inside sheet you will see a1 to a500 random numbers,b2 to b500 generated numbers with strog bias so what you can try to do is do 2 spins at roulette and start betting according to biased sequence....if you have 0 to 18 in biased sequence you bet low,and if you get 19 to 36 on biased sequence you bet high....see what it does....cheers...nice whiskey igot... :thumbsup:
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Quote from: maestro on Apr 03, 04:04 PM 2016
.if you have 0 to 18 in biased sequence you bet low,and if you get 19 to 36 on biased sequence you bet high....see what it does....cheers...nice whiskey igot... :thumbsup:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


hope formulas are ok Pryianka because i do not touch computer when drinking,...but hey hooooo..cheers
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Quote from: ati on Apr 02, 03:51 PM 2016
Can someone please explain how the VdW theorem can be used on double dozens?
I understand it on EC's and single dozens, but can it be applied to double dozens, when a double dozen bet can be 12, 23, or 13?
E.g. if the last number was 14, you cannot say it was the dz 12, it also could be dz 23.
Ati - there are many ways.  I will explain one possible way.

12 - outcome A
23 - outcome B
31 - outcome c

For ease of explanation (only for ease of explanation!!!) wait for two independent dozen to form. Let's say they are dozen 1 and 2. 

Consider the following spins.

3,15, 23, 2, 31, 21, 16, 34, 32, 23, 1, 15, 19.

3- dozen one
15 - dozen 2

Th double dozen is 12. So anything different from this we will mark it as different.  Anything same as this we will mark as same. 

23 - Same
2 - same. Possibility of ap in next spin. Play dd 12
31- different
21 - different. Possibility of ap in next spin.
16 - same
34 - same. Ap in next
32 - same. 

Remember this is just one way. 

Now the comment that ati you highlighted is different from playing double dozens. It is for an AP for 2 dozens in 3 spins.  This will typically have one single dozen bet and one double dozen bet.
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Quote from: maestro on Apr 03, 04:15 PM 2016
hope formulas are ok Pryianka because i do not touch computer when drinking,...but hey hooooo..cheers
I am more drunk in Dubai on a nice night with pals. Bars here are open longer than when I visited them last time.
So can't validate yet. But the idea is great.  :).
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Quote from: maestro on Apr 03, 04:15 PM 2016
hope formulas are ok Pryianka because i do not touch computer when drinking,...but hey hooooo..cheers

Thank you maestro! I ll do it and report.

I am very glad to see such cheer here  8)

