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Started by Priyanka, Sep 15, 08:28 PM 2015

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Could ignoring some of the AP's lead to a better success rate (edge?)


Quote from: RayManZ on Mar 15, 06:07 PM 2017
Could ignoring some of the AP's lead to a better success rate (edge?)
I doubt it... what APs would you ignore? On the contrary, I think the only way is to parachute to another EC or straights after 1 AP or dead heat - or see if it's worth betting the 2nd AP (or ignoring that as we would usually do anyway).
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Quote from: RayManZ on Mar 15, 06:07 PM 2017
Could ignoring some of the AP's lead to a better success rate (edge?)

I did a short test of just taking any clear choice that comes before a deadlocked ar.prog.  Didn't come up with any clear edge.  Anything is on, or off the table for testing for statistics. 

But if I get the direction of this thread, the VdW, and perhaps any other "this-must-happen-in-X-spins" sort of "limit", is not used as a stand-alone tool to bet on.

Rather, the focus seems to be on how such a tool could be used as a switching mechanism, to switch between a couple parallel streams of similar or equivalent bets, or bets that are definitely related somehow.

One reason for converting at least one stream to a binary equivalent may be so you can run a VdW on it, not to bet on IT, but to bet on the other, when statistical analysis suggests it would be a good/better bet. Or visa versa.

I don't have a clue what related streams might work, if all the steams so far suggested as examples are not the winning combos.

So I suggest people come up with more creative ways to conjure up a couple of interesting dual, related *dependant* streams to chew on the statistics they may reveal...instead of trying to bet on the switching mechanism, or even the stream the switching mechanism is running on.


Custom Line.

Since lines have been mentioned so many times, let's see if a custom line can be made up of other bets, starting with EC bets. 

A "line", as it is mostly termed in this forum, is a six numbered group consisting of two side-by-side streets.  While each street pays out 11:1, the line pays out 5:1.

Meanwhile, there is a 1/6 chance a line will land.

Two consecutive EC parlay bets is too little (1/4), and three EC parlays is too much (1/8). 

When doing math, i always start with a question like this:

What, multiplied by 1/4 = 1/6 ?

This way, we can do some quick algebra and divide the left side of the equation to isolate the unknown, "What".

First convert to decimal for the heck of it.   

1/6 = .16666
1/4 = .25

.16666 / .25 = .66666666

That's two dozen.

So a line can be built with a parlay of two EC's, topped off by a double dozen. That could be two units on a single dozen, or one unit on two different dozens. 

That's a three step parlay.

This could be streamed parallel alongside an actual line bet stream, tracking VdW on the EC's, and dozen cycles on the dozen(s). 

To to make it interesting, three consecutive lines streams could be stacked, to somehow equalize the three step custom line...or not. 

Then, whenever some weird voodoo condition pops up in the VdW, or in the dozens cycle, a bet could be placed in the actual lines stream, just to see what happens. 

Only data and statistics could possibly reveal the possibilities (or not) of such a relationship. 

Can a line be built any other way?

Let's try this:

.6666 x .5  x  .5 = .166666

So we are back to 1/6 again. Or...

.5 x .6666 x .5 = .166666

So we can combine two EC's and one double dozen in any order to come up with a custom line.

Or, how about an EC, 12 straight up numbers, followed by another EC?

Any other ways to make a custom line?

Turns out yes:

.333333 x .5 = .166666

That's one dozen followed by one EC...or visa versa. 

Again, it's possible to run a VdW on the EC, and run a dozen cycle on the dozen, in some weird alternating parallel universe, just to see what the quarks do in the actual line betting stream. 

Or, maybe two different types of custom lines could be run side by side to see what happens in one, when some condition pops up in another.


Custom dozens.

We have seen how custom dozens can be conjured up by tracking the unique numbers that come up into three columns.   Although it's hard to say how this could be used, it can be done. 

What else can be done?

What, multiplied by .5 (an EC) will = .33333 ?

.33333 / .5 = .66666

So it looks like a double dozen, followed by an EC parlay would equate to a dozen.   And visa versa.

But i'm trying to get at a dozen some other way, for unknown reasons. 

Turns out a line, followed by an EC = one dozen...and visa versa. Likewise, a dozen, followed by an EC = a line.

I have no clue how this might be helpful. 

Maybe there's an even more lengthy way to come round to a dozen, assuming a dozen is useful for anything. 


Pretty sure my last post puts Turner in a roulette cage! :o


Check out rrbb's "outside the box" and Pri's "new system recipe": custom dozens can be created using the "positions" stream but I don't know yet know how it's done nor its application. However, this advanced technique of positions is now all the rage... I hope to pick it up in a few weeks time.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Here's an interesting stat:
DCL3o2d1   DCL1o1d1   DCL2o2d2   DCL1o1d2   LCL5o4d4

0.07% chance that we will get 4 dozen cycles close before a line cycle closes - usually it's just 1 dozen cycle closing with the line cycle.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Parachuting to a line cycle isn't helped by a CL3 on the previous dozen cycle - so still not sure what parallel game Priyanka was referring to in the event of a CL3 Dead Run for dozen cycles? And I don't think she knew about rrbb's positions at that time? And how can a parallel game turn a CL3 dead run into a winning game? Sounds like an overstatement - I'm sure she meant that we can only try to turn things around with bets that are more biased in trying to get us out of that hole; no guarantee we will get out though...

So my best advice for dozen CL3 is stop playing and retrack - unless you want to get into more complex Russian doll methods. Hopefully positions will supersede them all...
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Above was a mistake - CL3 DOES help if played correctly.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Quote from: falkor2k15 on Mar 17, 10:08 AM 2017Above was a mistake - CL3 DOES help if played correctly.

Well then, Falkor, how would you play it correctly?
Do I turn the wheel,
or does the wheel turn me?


Quote from: 3Nine on Mar 17, 10:18 AM 2017
Well then, Falkor, how would you play it correctly?
I've decided to keep my discovery to myself for now - but I will share it after I've had time to open a bottle or two... :thumbsup: (but don't expect me to turn every dead run into a winning game - that AIN'T gonna happen)
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Quote from: falkor2k15 on Mar 17, 10:44 AM 2017
I've decided to keep my discovery to myself for now - but I will share it after I've had time to open a bottle or two... :thumbsup: (but don't expect me to turn every dead run into a winning game - that AIN'T gonna happen)

Oh, ok. 
Do I turn the wheel,
or does the wheel turn me?


Quote from: falkor2k15 on Mar 17, 10:44 AM 2017
I've decided to keep my discovery to myself for now - but I will share it after I've had time to open a bottle or two... :thumbsup:


You've said this before

So double bullshit.
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



As spins roll off our predictions get better
