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Predict Exact Number Excel Spreadsheet from Gamblers Glen

Started by RFMAXX, Oct 07, 07:46 AM 2015

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Guys, i am reading old posts from GG for fun.
Yesterday i found this Spreadsheet for European Wheel.
Tested some Numbers for fun: BANG. Big Hitrate. Original way to play is only betting the one or two numbers from column N.
But it was slow...so i tweaked it a litte: BANG! Betting the six Numbers in the cells E - I. Hits like crazy.
Then at home tested some more numbers... 18 Losses in a row betting six Numbers.

Maybe we can tweak it together....like virtual W, grouping, progression etc.
feel free to test and let us know how it performs.


the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



short sequence yesterday spins duisburg table 5...

+72 in 22 spins? yes!

bet every trigger 6 times. after w start a new trigger. after 6 l, start a new trigger.
you get the idea...

also notice exact numbers prediction in line 14 betting on 0 and 2.


and a sequence from yesterday table 4...

lots of l but still ahead 18 units...

any idea how to avoid the losing streaks?

notice: no exact number prediction.
also notice: sometimes the six numbers are very close to the result....maybe bet 12 numbers? or add the table layout neighbours?
that would be a 10 numbers bet.


I dont understand german... Can someone translate me the columns of this spreadsheet? I'm not sure google is translating accuratly...
"In God we trust; all others must bring data", W. Edwards Deming


It looks to me as if he is waiting for 6 unique numbers to show
and then he bets the last 6 numbers until a win.

The biggest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance ; it is the illusion of knowledge.
Daniel J Boorstin.
