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Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea

Started by onetaste, Nov 02, 10:29 AM 2015

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OK. So I made the whimsical, but true comment a few posts ago about
how we can get confused looking at something, like looking at the negative
of a picture. I remember decades ago talking to someone online
(Jim Ferr if you know him) about a method of selecting bets.  It looked
like Einsteins theory.  "Go back to this, step forward, add 2"  Whatever.
After presenting this to him at one point  he responded, "isn't that just
playing the "next to last decision"? 

It was.

So we have....

Tweak By RouletteGhost (THE ABSOLUTE BEST, just kidding, it isn't)

Bet against a unique formation from occuring only when the 1st 2 in a mini game are unique

Triggers are:

12 then bet 12
13 then bet 13
21 then bet 21
23 then bet 23
31 then bet 31
32 then bet 32

All this is, is playing 2 dozen by playing the "last two dozen".

This is no comment or slam against you, RG.  I was eating this up.
Then last night, in bed, I thought of this.

The reason it is a problem is the fact that my last BIG TEAR where
I actually went to the casino once a day to test it (now it's 3 exits down)
I thought that *I* found the holy grail.

And I was winning (on paper) handily. I was playing a labby. For a half
hour on paper. And after 5-10 quite nice sessions it went sour. And the
interesting thing was that it went CONSISTANTLY sour for 3 trips.
In a big way. And really burst my bubble.  This was early fall.

Since then I had an ankle operation on Oct 9th and am still non weight
bearing. So I'm here all the time.
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 24, 10:02 AM 2015
OK. So I made the whimsical, but true comment a few posts ago about
how we can get confused looking at something, like looking at the negative
of a picture. I remember decades ago talking to someone online
(Jim Ferr if you know him) about a method of selecting bets.  It looked
like Einsteins theory.  "Go back to this, step forward, add 2"  Whatever.
After presenting this to him at one point  he responded, "isn't that just
playing the "next to last decision"? 

It was.

So we have....

Tweak By RouletteGhost (THE ABSOLUTE BEST, just kidding, it isn't)

Bet against a unique formation from occuring only when the 1st 2 in a mini game are unique

Triggers are:

12 then bet 12
13 then bet 13
21 then bet 21
23 then bet 23
31 then bet 31
32 then bet 32

All this is, is playing 2 dozen by playing the "last two dozen".

This is no comment or slam against you, RG.  I was eating this up.
Then last night, in bed, I thought of this.

The reason it is a problem is the fact that my last BIG TEAR where
I actually went to the casino once a day to test it (now it's 3 exits down)
I thought that *I* found the holy grail.

And I was winning (on paper) handily. I was playing a labby. For a half
hour on paper. And after 5-10 quite nice sessions it went sour. And the
interesting thing was that it went CONSISTANTLY sour for 3 trips.
In a big way. And really burst my bubble.  This was early fall.

Since then I had an ankle operation on Oct 9th and am still non weight
bearing. So I'm here all the time.

any method can go sour

this is not just betting the previous 2 dozens.

this is playing the previous 2 dozens ONLY when unique in mini games of 3

no 22 33 11 etc

we see a straight unique about 5 mini games per 100 spins

afterall, if this was a HUGE failure THEN betting AGAINST uniques would be the way to go wouldnt it? (as in the original 123)

if betting that the unique will not finish of

then betting against the uniques would win

here is a short test, if u see a color thats a trigger. red loss, green win

Celescliff is this how you played? see chart
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



just posted in a couple of posts the recording did in corals using AMK method but over 3 spins. Very successful
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 24, 10:11 AM 2015
just posted in a couple of posts the recording did in corals using AMK method but over 3 spins. Very successful

AMK way does good with 3 spins. its the same as betting against previous 3. heres a chart i tested on that
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 24, 10:05 AM 2015
any method can go sour

this is not just betting the previous 2 dozens.

this is playing the previous 2 dozens ONLY when unique in mini games of 3

no 22 33 11 etc

we see a straight unique about 5 mini games per 100 spins

afterall, if this was a HUGE failure THEN betting AGAINST uniques would be the way to go wouldnt it? (as in the original 123)

if betting that the unique will not finish of

then betting against the uniques would win

here is a short test, if u see a color thats a trigger. red loss, green win

Celescliff is this how you played? see chart

1)  First of all I find these charts that get created a little confusing.
I could just be inept. When I was looking back at your old posts.
I THINK that A and B are the 1st two of the 3.

2) Not sure I see the exact value of constructing it in the group of
3's. I could say the obvious that it doesn't matter statistically.
And I could be wrong.  I'll look some more.

But like I said, I was on a TEAR for a week. Then it went south.
And the Important part of that story is the thing went CONSISTANTLY
bad for 3 days.  What a killer.

3) I really enjoy this approach and am enjoying working on it with
everyone. I still am going to look closer at the idea of betting on dozen
the way we talked about.

4) Looks like everyone has the day off. I have EVERY day off :-\ :-[

Have a merry and happy and great Christmas everyone.

And more importantly a happy and PROSPEROUS new year.

"live long and prosper"..

"me and mine........ you and yours".
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


Im out for the day

Last minute shopping

Then calamari, scallops and other fish on the christmas eve menu

Merry xmas everyone
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



I'll spend Christmas the same way as every past one.....testing roulette methods at home!!

I love it.

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


Quote from: MrJ on Dec 24, 12:31 PM 2015
I'll spend Christmas the same way as every past one.....testing roulette methods at home!!

I love it.


my families italian, so they wont stand for that LOL
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



The highest I got at Celtic Casino was 18K (fun money). Remember, they start you out with 1K.

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


Almost family time. Wanted to make one more post

For those of you who are testing the different grassroots variations by now you know how powerful it can be. Whether its the original or any of its tweaks

I will say why i think that is

Well, for one we have a 66% chance of winning every spin. Does not change everytime we bet. Past spins have no effect

So why are those testing having such good results?

I have a theory

Roulette is random. Its hard for the wheel to spit out a set pattern time after time after time

123 123 123 has the same chance as happening everytime but will it? No

We are betting against a fixed sequence, which is beneficial when you are at war with random

Will it lose. Yes. Will you win more then lose. Yes.

What i think is happening is we have a 66% chance of winning every spin BUT we are combining that with betting against fixed patterns. Whether it be denzies tweak or any of them.

So the 66% is coupled with the fact the wheel will not spit out the same fixed pattern everytime. Which i think raises from 66% but thats debatable.

Thats why its successful

After the holiday i will test AMK. Even i will not play 1 3 9 27 but i will see what i can do with it

When your chances are more then half and you have the bankroll and you have fixed patterns on YOUR side you wil prevail, i believe

Dont use 139. Use something that you personally are comfortable with

For me thats 1 3 9 then 3 9 27 for recovery. But never just 1 3 9 27. GLC is the man for that department

So to recap why i think people are seeing success: 66% chance COUPLED with the fact the wheel will not spit out fixed patterns

You dont have to agree. This is directed to those playing it.


P.s. want to add. We arent betting every spin either. Mini games of 3 spins. Win on spin 1 or 2? Wait for that 3 spin sequence to finish before beginning again? Win at spin 2 sit out next spin. You get the idea. Also depends on your trigger and style. Rolling basis is a no no slap on da wrist

2 win
3 sit out
1 win
2 sit out
3 sit out
2 win
3 sit out
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Well said.

Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 24, 10:05 AM 2015

Celescliff is this how you played? see chart

That's how I play it. And with the way I bet after loss, I would be in profit looking at that chart.  :thumbsup:

Sometime you can wait a while for a trigger but not for too long. I'm thinking about adding columns aswell for more triggers.


New chart played with same rules. Like I said, it could be a little grindy, but this is a glimpse of grassroots true potential that you can come back even when on a loosing streak. This chart would have looked better if i followed denzie's rules completley. I will test this with the other rules applied, to bet on 11 22 33 00 aswell. But overall, even at -30, +305 units.  :thumbsup:



I LOVE seeing that. I dont know how people do not see the light here

"This is a glimpse of grassroots true potential"

Im 8 beers in buddy merry christmas!
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: celescliff on Dec 24, 07:43 PM 2015
New chart played with same rules. Like I said, it could be a little grindy, but this is a glimpse of grassroots true potential that you can come back even when on a loosing streak. This chart would have looked better if i followed denzie's rules completley. I will test this with the other rules applied, to bet on 11 22 33 00 aswell. But overall, even at -30, +305 units.  :thumbsup:

So a total of -200+ draw-down.........so maybe a stop-loss or win of 300 units? :question:

Also, this would probably not be classified as a grinder method, as it produces roughly 1 unit per spin with a reasonable bank. Most grinder methods that I have seen posted produce a few units per hour.

Thanks so much for the graphs...........remember, graphs carry a huge amount of weight on these boards.........keep up the great work!  :thumbsup:
You sir.......are a monster!!!


"as it produces roughly 1 unit per spin" >> Is that 1 unit per spin PLAYED or 1 unit per spin overall?

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.
