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Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea

Started by onetaste, Nov 02, 10:29 AM 2015

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Quote from: MrJ on Dec 25, 04:24 PM 2015
"as it produces roughly 1 unit per spin" >> Is that 1 unit per spin PLAYED or 1 unit per spin overall?


I assume overall  :ooh:(just going from chart above +300 units in 350 spins)
You sir.......are a monster!!!


A bit of a grind. Maybe

Easily remedied by increased chip amounts. Play with 25 win a few leave

So solid at this point who cares. Guaranteed loot.
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: thelaw on Dec 25, 01:47 PM 2015

Thanks so much for the graphs...........remember, graphs carry a huge amount of weight on these boards.........keep up the great work!  :thumbsup:

Courtesy of Raymanz and normy2000 from beginnig of thread

QuoteWhy not bet for the last combo not to repeat with your 1 3 9 progression?


Wait for this to happen. Then bet against it with 1 3 9  progression. Less waiting and in theory the same results as 123.

What amazes me is all the graphs of people testing head north eastward. NONE trend south


Thats why for any new readers its important to test yourself

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Ok, three more before i go to bed.

The first uses the same spins as the second graph I uploaded, but with columns added, so more bets on that one.

The second and third graph follows denzies rules, but with the "progression" I use. Will upload some longer sessions later on.


Quote from: celescliff on Dec 25, 10:19 PM 2015
Ok, three more before i go to bed.

The first uses the same spins as the second graph I uploaded, but with columns added, so more bets on that one.

The second and third graph follows denzies rules, but with the "progression" I use. Will upload some longer sessions later on.

What were you playing on first one?

And with denzies unique only or did 22 qualify?


P.s. good one denzie
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 25, 10:23 PM 2015
What were you playing on first one?

And with denzies unique only or did 22 qualify?


P.s. good one denzie

The first one I played dozen and columns but only 12 13 21 23 31 32.

The other two was denzie's rule completley. In other words like the first graph but including 11 22 33 00 aswell but without columns.


Quote from: celescliff on Dec 25, 10:29 PM 2015
The first one I played dozen and columns but only 12 13 21 23 31 32.

The other two was denzie's rule completley. In other words like the first graph but including 11 22 33 00 aswell but without columns.

Wow. Wasnt expecting that. 1St graph looks like many uniques occured on columns. Something to think about

Looks like denzies idea isnt too shabby
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



As spins roll off our predictions get better


Hello everyone!!

I have been lurking on this board for a while now. And I have found that this is an amazing community!!

I am not a  big roulette enthusiast. I am more trying to find the Holy Grail on the Baccarat table.

But the Grassroot thread really got my attention. And I would like to contribute little bit about it.

I have been playing the Raymanz Tweek for a few days and I am 67 units over. Its the first method yet that has brought me steady profit.

I play online on  a site that offers many tables, so after a win, I switch tables. I dont know if it really change something but….

I have read the entire thread, but I dont think that this has been thought of.

I was wondering something, according to Normy2000:

“A combo of 3 to repeat append aprox. every 2130 spins.
There is 9 of them, 2130/9 = 236.6 spins.”


123 123
321 321


I was wondering, what are the odds of 3 times of them happening:

123 123 123
321 321 321


What is the odds of ANY 3 dozens happening 3 times? Like:

222 222 222
133 133 133
321 321 321
112 112 112
333 333 333


What if we would wait for two sets of 3 same and then bet BIG against the set happening a third time?

I know it can be a little long to wait but for those of us who plays online, you can do something else at the same time.

In one of the game I played lately, there was this suite: 223 223 and then 212.

Just my little contribution.

To everybody that think that it is impossible: Please get out of the the way of those who are trying.


Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 24, 10:11 AM 2015
just posted in a couple of posts the recording did in corals using AMK method but over 3 spins. Very successful

What's "AMK"?
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


AMK?  Could be the opposite  of BNL. 


Quote from: Tamino on Dec 26, 10:16 AM 2015
AMK?  Could be the opposite  of BNL.


AMK is a member.

I was refering to AMK's opposite system
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Quote from: MrJ on Dec 24, 12:31 PM 2015
I'll spend Christmas the same way as every past one.....testing roulette methods at home!!

I love it.


Sorry to hear that.
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 26, 09:10 AM 2015
Hello everyone!!

I have been lurking on this board for a while now. And I have found that this is an amazing community!!

I am not a  big roulette enthusiast. I am more trying to find the Holy Grail on the Baccarat table.

But the Grassroot thread really got my attention. And I would like to contribute little bit about it.

I have been playing the Raymanz Tweek for a few days and I am 67 units over. Its the first method yet that has brought me steady profit.

I play online on  a site that offers many tables, so after a win, I switch tables. I dont know if it really change something but….

I have read the entire thread, but I dont think that this has been thought of.

I was wondering something, according to Normy2000:

“A combo of 3 to repeat append aprox. every 2130 spins.
There is 9 of them, 2130/9 = 236.6 spins.”


123 123
321 321


I was wondering, what are the odds of 3 times of them happening:

123 123 123
321 321 321


What is the odds of ANY 3 dozens happening 3 times? Like:

222 222 222
133 133 133
321 321 321
112 112 112
333 333 333


What if we would wait for two sets of 3 same and then bet BIG against the set happening a third time?

I know it can be a little long to wait but for those of us who plays online, you can do something else at the same time.

In one of the game I played lately, there was this suite: 223 223 and then 212.

Just my little contribution.


Welcome to the forum Simon

happy to hear of the success

raymanz tweak does take some time but it is a very nice way to make money. 67 units in a few days is amazing

what the math says is what I see. and this is also based on raymanz 66 thousand spin test

-there are 6 uniques 123 132 213 232 312 321
-you will see 5 to 6 uniques per 100 spins'
-you will see each unique repeat ex. 123123 every 2200 spins
-divide 2200 spin by 6 different uniques, expect a unique to repeat one time every 350 spins on average

these are statistics. so we might see 3 uniques repeat quickly, or we may never see it, or it might happen right on time. no telling with roulette

system requirement: insurance on 0, enjoy playing 24 numbers, have no problem with progression. LOL. so many people are disqualified off the bat

if you waited for a unique to repeat ex. 123123 or 231231 then went big you would PROBABLY win. If you played roulette for a living and waited all day for it and went big then it may work.

i am not sure how often a unique repeats 3 times in a row, but i have NOT seen it. one member saw 123 123 103. CLOSE, but no cigar, MUST bet 0

how did you play raymanz tweak? wait for a unique 3 then bet against? dozens only or columns to?

"Its the first method yet that has brought me steady profit." same here in my tests

I am trying to get more bets in rather then wait for the unique. Nick thegreek tweaked it where when you see a unique, play against that unique in each mini game continuously until a new unique trigger shows then play that one.

I myself have thought of betting against any dozen formation that repeats whether it is unique or not while waiting for the unique trigger

thanks and welcome

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 26, 10:58 AM 2015
Sorry to hear that.

Nope, I got a TON of roulette items taken care of. Not to mention, another movie of course.

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.
