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Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea

Started by onetaste, Nov 02, 10:29 AM 2015

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Quote from: MrJ on Dec 26, 11:22 AM 2015
Nope, I got a TON of roulette items taken care of. Not to mention, another movie of course.


i just got the harry potter set. watched first one last night. im behind
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 24, 03:45 PM 2015
Almost family time. Wanted to make one more post

For those of you who are testing the different grassroots variations by now you know how powerful it can be. Whether its the original or any of its tweaks

I will say why i think that is

Well, for one we have a 66% chance of winning every spin. Does not change everytime we bet. Past spins have no effect

So why are those testing having such good results?

I have a theory

Roulette is random. Its hard for the wheel to spit out a set pattern time after time after time

123 123 123 has the same chance as happening everytime but will it? No

We are betting against a fixed sequence, which is beneficial when you are at war with random

Will it lose. Yes. Will you win more then lose. Yes.

What i think is happening is we have a 66% chance of winning every spin BUT we are combining that with betting against fixed patterns. Whether it be denzies tweak or any of them.

So the 66% is coupled with the fact the wheel will not spit out the same fixed pattern everytime. Which i think raises from 66% but thats debatable.

Thats why its successful

After the holiday i will test AMK. Even i will not play 1 3 9 27 but i will see what i can do with it

When your chances are more then half and you have the bankroll and you have fixed patterns on YOUR side you wil prevail, i believe

Dont use 139. Use something that you personally are comfortable with

For me thats 1 3 9 then 3 9 27 for recovery. But never just 1 3 9 27. GLC is the man for that department

So to recap why i think people are seeing success: 66% chance COUPLED with the fact the wheel will not spit out fixed patterns

You dont have to agree. This is directed to those playing it.


P.s. want to add. We arent betting every spin either. Mini games of 3 spins. Win on spin 1 or 2? Wait for that 3 spin sequence to finish before beginning again? Win at spin 2 sit out next spin. You get the idea. Also depends on your trigger and style. Rolling basis is a no no slap on da wrist

2 win
3 sit out
1 win
2 sit out
3 sit out
2 win
3 sit out

Before you get too excited about winning 66% of the time, remember,
you lose twice as much on a loss. Please review my earlier post about
my experience. Not with this specifically, but playing variations of "last two",
and using a labby.  Worked magically like I'm reading here. Then failed.
3 consecutive times. THAT was the rub. The consecutive times after
being on a pink cloud. Makes me not so sorry I kept testing it before
real play. Cause progression losses in this league can be devastating.

Can I ask a simple point of clarification?  The terminology here gets
a little  mixed up.

Please remind me exactly of what the "classic grass roots" method is.
Which variant (or not) exactly.

Also, what "AMK" means.....


NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


@celescliff. ...what is that progression? 
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 26, 12:33 PM 2015
Before you get too excited about winning 66% of the time, remember,
you lose twice as much on a loss. Please review my earlier post about
my experience. Not with this specifically, but playing variations of "last two",
and using a labby.  Worked magically like I'm reading here. Then failed.
3 consecutive times. THAT was the rub. The consecutive times after
being on a pink cloud. Makes me not so sorry I kept testing it before
real play. Cause progression losses in this league can be devastating.

Can I ask a simple point of clarification?  The terminology here gets
a little  mixed up.

Please remind me exactly of what the "classic grass roots" method is.
Which variant (or not) exactly.

Also, what "AMK" means.....


norielles is pretty far up read his story in raymanz thread. now go one page back and read what simon has to say. you have norielles and simon with the same success story playing raymaz tweak

goto page 1 and read the original

AMK - previous 4 then bet against the opposite
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 26, 09:10 AM 2015
Hello everyone!!

I have been lurking on this board for a while now. And I have found that this is an amazing community!!

I am not a  big roulette enthusiast. I am more trying to find the Holy Grail on the Baccarat table.

But the Grassroot thread really got my attention. And I would like to contribute little bit about it.

I have been playing the Raymanz Tweek for a few days and I am 67 units over. Its the first method yet that has brought me steady profit.

I play online on  a site that offers many tables, so after a win, I switch tables. I dont know if it really change something but….

I have read the entire thread, but I dont think that this has been thought of.

I was wondering something, according to Normy2000:

“A combo of 3 to repeat append aprox. every 2130 spins.
There is 9 of them, 2130/9 = 236.6 spins.”


123 123
321 321


I was wondering, what are the odds of 3 times of them happening:

123 123 123
321 321 321


What is the odds of ANY 3 dozens happening 3 times? Like:

222 222 222
133 133 133
321 321 321
112 112 112
333 333 333


What if we would wait for two sets of 3 same and then bet BIG against the set happening a third time?

I know it can be a little long to wait but for those of us who plays online, you can do something else at the same time.

In one of the game I played lately, there was this suite: 223 223 and then 212.

Just my little contribution.


im going to the casino tomorrow to play some $20 minimum airball....deciding what method to play, hit and run 123? denzies tweak? grind out raymanz way? i dunno
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 12:40 PM 2015
im going to the casino tomorrow to play some $20 minimum airball....deciding what method to play, hit and run 123? denzies tweak? grind out raymanz way? i dunno

What I make of this can of worms is from post #739.

Flat bet.
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 26, 04:03 PM 2015
What I make of this can of worms is from post #739.

Flat bet.

739 is what i see every test
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 04:12 PM 2015
739 is what i see every test

Meaning that that is the core strategy?  And the one you've tested most?

I also look at just betting single dozen being the same, also according to
the same setup of 3 rows.  I have not done a lot of testing, but I would
suggest playing every spin til 3 losses in a row. Then wait to see one win
and continue to play every spin til 3 losses in a row.

You can me a lot more aggressive with a progression when you get
paid 2-1.

Just a thought.
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 26, 04:28 PM 2015
Which reply # or conversation?

he linked it because thats where post 739 is where celes did that test
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Mogul I want to make sure you understand the original, where it all originated.

see the attached chart

we are NOT betting every single spin

this is the original bet against 123 where it ALL started

see row 1. we bet against dozen 1, we win. now sit out the next 2 spins.
go down to row 2, bet against dozen 1, win. sit out next 2 spins.

goto row 5. we bet against 1, LOSE, now we up it to 3 units per dozen and bet against dozen 2, we WIN. sit out the next spin and dont bet again until row 6

wherever you see a GREEN color we stop betting that row. yes a progression. a 139 progression. dont like it? well then maybe 1 3 3 and grind....either way this is a progression system and ive been saying maybe its not for everyone

when i played for real money i played 1 2 5 progression. that means in a mini game i only win spin 1, but less risk. i made 7 units in 1 hour. will i everytime? NO. i WILL lose. I REPEAT I WILL LOSE. but money management can be applied to such a sure fire system.

have the time? chillin at home nothing to do bored? play raymanz tweak. WAIT for a unique dozen pattern ( 123 132 213 231 312 321) and bet against it, have even more time to spare? wait for a unique to repeat THEN bet against it, then laugh all the way to the bank

everyone's different

if the strategy is not for you or you do not believe in progressions or triggers then MOVE ON. not you mogul, just in general

i expect more Simon to be joining in the coming days, at least I HOPE the lurkers come out.....
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



and mogul

AMK chimed in on the raymanz tweak thread

he said his strategy wins just as good

take last 4 dozens


now bet against the opposite with 1 3 9 27

bet against 3123

any win sit out and wait for the 4 to expire, then site out the NEXT 4 and wait for another 4 dozend to come then bet against the opposite.

bet against

bet against
1 - win here
2 -sit out
2 - sit out
2 - sit out
2 - sit out
2 - sit out
3 - sit out
bet against

when you do not play on a rolling basis and play in sets and sit out 1 set in between beautiful things happen
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 05:03 PM 2015
and mogul

AMK chimed in on the raymanz tweak thread

he said his strategy wins just as good

take last 4 dozens


now bet against the opposite with 1 3 9 27

bet against 3123

any win sit out and wait for the 4 to expire, then site out the NEXT 4 and wait for another 4 dozend to come then bet against the opposite.

bet against

bet against
1 - win here
2 -sit out
2 - sit out
2 - sit out
2 - sit out
2 - sit out
3 - sit out
bet against

when you do not play on a rolling basis and play in sets and sit out 1 set in between beautiful things happen

This sudden death Marti strategy is wayyyyy too risky............an absolute bankroll destroyer!!!

We've already seen several instances where an improbable pattern has popped-up..........why not stick to the more conservative bets??? :question:
You sir.......are a monster!!!


Quote from: thelaw on Dec 26, 05:10 PM 2015
This sudden death Marti strategy is wayyyyy too risky............an absolute bankroll destroyer!!!

We've already seen several instances where an improbable pattern has popped-up..........why not stick to the more conservative bets??? :question:

I Agree with You

Was just stating AMKs strategy

Much better MM can be used
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

