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Progression bets are nothing more than different size bets on different spins. You could get lucky and win big, or unlucky and lose even more.

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The Hunting 9's System

Started by buffalowizard, May 22, 01:50 PM 2010

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I split the layout into 4 blocks of 9

Block 1 = 1-9
Block 2 = 10-18
Block 3 = 19-27
Block 4 = 28-36

The trick is to find the 9 block that repeats.  On average, the repeat comes between 1 and 9.  Occasionally it comes between 10 and 15, and quite rarely 16+

The attack is this:

Bet between the 2nd and 7th .  If a win comes on the 1st, then start afresh.  If it goes beyond the 7th, then Stop and rejoin on a next qualifier once a repeat has occurred again.

Progression is:

Level 1: 1,1,1,1,1,1
Level 2: 2,2,2,2,2,2
Level 3: 3,3,3,3,3,3  Etc.

Here are real sessions I have played each roughly 100 spins in length, and the profit/loss at the end, using the progression by Atlantis.

session 1: 7 2 4 2 5 7 5 3 2 5 5 7 4 4 6 5 3 2 3   +36   

session 2: 2 4 4 8 5 2 4 3 5 5 2 6 4 4 3 6 4 3 5 1 4 6 2 6   +39   

session 3: 4 3 6 2 6 2 4 4 2 1 3 8 1 8 3 3 5   +36

session 4: 1 4 4 3 7 1 (12) 2 1 1   +6

session 5: 2 1 1 6 9 (21) 3 5 5 (10) 6 3 2 4 1 2 4    -3

session 6: 2 6 6 2 6 2 3 1 2 1 4 4 8 7 6 2   +15

session 7: 7 3 2 4 7 1 7 2 3 2 2 9 3 5 4 1    +29   

session 8: 1 1 8 3 2 1 (17) 3 1 2 (15) 2 1 3 3 1 (10) (16) 6 1 4 2      -9

session 9: 2 3 (14) 3 8 3 2 1 (13) 8 2 2 2 1 4      +30

+179 total.  I really like the way the progression, even when reaching the 3rd level, never seems to destroy this.  The hits on numbers 2,3 and 4 steadily keep pushing it up.

Anymore testing and thoughts much welcomed.  Thanks



Hello there BW and thanks for sharing your method with us.

Those results sure look healthy, may them continue.

Have you tried with the ATILA progression for 9 numbers?


Maybe it can bring some different (better?) results.

Thanks again and regards.
🡆 ROULETTEIDEAS․COM, home of the RIBOT WEB software, featuring FREE modules for the community! ✔️


Quote from: VLS on May 22, 05:06 PM 2010
Hello there BW and thanks for sharing your method with us.

Those results sure look healthy, may them continue.

Have you tried with the ATILA progression for 9 numbers?


Maybe it can bring some different (better?) results.

Thanks again and regards.

Hi Victor,

Thanks for the words of encouragement, and thanks also for the Atila tip! I will sure do some more testing on this one. Hope others come aboard to help out also.
Take care



Hello Victor,

I'm sorry I'm not sure I understand with the Atila. Could it be written down as such or am I over-simplifying it?

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 If lost then move to:
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 If lost then move to:
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3  etc.




Here are the same results as posted earlier using the atila progression.

session 1: 7 2 4 2 5 7 5 3 2 5 5 7 4 4 6 5 3 2 3   +42 (same as  original - corrected)   

session 2: 2 4 4 8 5 2 4 3 5 5 2 6 4 4 3 6 4 3 5 1 4 6 2 6   +57   

session 3: 4 3 6 2 6 2 4 4 2 1 3 8 1 8 3 3 5   +24

session 4: 1 4 4 3 7 1 (12) 2 1 1   -3

session 5: 2 1 1 6 9 (21) 3 5 5 (10) 6 3 2 4 1 2 4    +3

session 6: 2 6 6 2 6 2 3 1 2 1 4 4 8 7 6 2   +33

session 7: 7 3 2 4 7 1 7 2 3 2 2 9 3 5 4 1    +23   

session 8: 1 1 8 3 2 1 (17) 3 1 2 (15) 2 1 3 3 1 (10) (16) 6 1 4 2      -33

session 9: 2 3 (14) 3 8 3 2 1 (13) 8 2 2 2 1 4      +3


Interesting results. Most 8+ losses are followed by an early win, which the Atila isn't so good at handling.
It handles better during 2x 8+ losses.
The jury's still out which is better but I will test with both and see how it pans out.
Still, cant complain with the results on either prog.



Quote from: buffalowizard on May 22, 05:25 PM 2010
Hello Victor,

I'm sorry I'm not sure I understand with the Atila. Could it be written down as such or am I over-simplifying it?

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 If lost then move to:
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 If lost then move to:
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3  etc.



Buff, check it out exactly like this: <- Starting point

If lost, rise one on ONLY ONE term of your betting line: <- Only a single 1 becomes 2

Lost again, repeat the process, add again to only one item on your betting line, while keeping the previous: <- As you can see, only one item is risen.

and repeat the process each time you lose, 1 item at a time: <- When you exhaust a line, you rise 1 unit on the latest item:

and repeat the process, slowly rising the unit this way.

continues to

...and so on...

I bet by now you got the gist  :)

As it is obvious, multiple hits are needed to recoup the balance, but the ATILA aims to dance the "concentration and dispersion of hits" dance by trying to fall slowly.

(Of course, there will be sessions that simply won't enjoy a concentration of hits -this is why a conscious stop-loss should be applied, but mostly roulette does have this duality: times when you are hitting more than expected and times when it is less than expected; alternating).

A conscious stop-loss simply means charting the maximum drawdowns across the sessions and using the stop-loss amount that covers the most sessions closed successfully, without trying to overcome the maximums that are bound to happened. After the stop-loss you must "let it pass" to any extreme/extent as the game wishes, just stick to the stop-loss and don't try to beat those sets.

"Keep those soldiers for the next battle".

🡆 ROULETTEIDEAS․COM, home of the RIBOT WEB software, featuring FREE modules for the community! ✔️


Quote from: VLS on May 22, 05:47 PM 2010
Buff, check it out exactly like this: <- Starting point

If lost, rise one on ONLY ONE term of your betting line: <- Only a single 1 becomes 2

Lost again, repeat the process, add again to only one item on your betting line, while keeping the previous: <- As you can see, only one item is risen.

and repeat the process each time you lose, 1 item at a time: <- When you exhaust a line, you rise 1 unit on the latest item:

and repeat the process, slowly rising the unit this way.

continues to

...and so on...

I bet by now you got the gist  :)

As it is obvious, multiple hits are needed to recoup the balance, but the ATILA aims to dance the "concentration and dispersion of hits" dance by trying to fall slowly.

(Of course, there will be sessions that simply won't enjoy a concentration of hits -this is why a conscious stop-loss should be applied, but mostly roulette does have this duality: times when you are hitting more than expected and times when it is less than expected; alternating).

A conscious stop-loss simply means charting the maximum drawdowns across the sessions and using the stop-loss amount that covers the most sessions closed successfully, without trying to overcome the maximums that are bound to happened. After the stop-loss you must "let it pass" to any extreme/extent as the game wishes, just stick to the stop-loss and don't try to beat those sets.

"Keep those soldiers for the next battle".


Thanks for the explanation victor. How would it apply if you were betting 3 streets?


Hi buffalowizard,

Possibly it is not just the type of progression.      Maybe a good idea is commence betting with 5 spins x 1/4 value points (eg: 25p 25c) and then go on to 5 spins x 1/2 points (50p 50c) before starting to use whole number units.     .     .     
Two lost games in a row would then only be 3. 75 and 7. 50 respectively and the wins would then come in at bigger units.     

Spin,Number,Type,Bet Unit,Win,Loss,Net,Unit Bal.    ,Bet Layout
1,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
2,21,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,497,1 : (10-12)(13-15)(16-18)
3,20,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,494,1 : (10-12)(13-15)(16-18)
4,0,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,491,1 : (10-12)(13-15)(16-18)
5,5,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,488,1 : (10-12)(13-15)(16-18)
6,18,Bet,3,12,-3,9,497,1 : (10-12)(13-15)(16-18) **won go back 2 stages

7,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,497,
8,29,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,494,1 : (19-21)(22-24)(25-27) * 3rd@1
9,1,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,491,1 : (19-21)(22-24)(25-27)
10,15,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,488,1 : (19-21)(22-24)(25-27)
11,26,Bet,6,24,-6,18,506,2 : (19-21)(22-24)(25-27) **won - reset

12,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,506,
13,25,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,503,1 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9)
14,12,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,500,1 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9)
15,31,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,497,1 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9)
16,21,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,494,1 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9)
17,9,Bet,3,12,-3,9,503,1 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9) **won go back 2 stages

18,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
19,10,Bet,3,12,-3,9,512,1 : (10-12)(13-15)(16-18) **won on 3rd@1 - reset

20,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
21,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
22,22,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,509,1 : (28-30)(31-33)(34-36)
23,11,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,506,1 : (28-30)(31-33)(34-36)
24,27,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,503,1 : (28-30)(31-33)(34-36)
25,27,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,500,1 : (28-30)(31-33)(34-36)
26,24,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,497,1 : (28-30)(31-33)(34-36) **lost go to next stage

27,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,497,
28,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,497,
29,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,497,
30,1,Bet,6,24,-6,18,515,2 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9) **won on 1st@2 - reset

31,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,515,
32,25,Bet,3,12,-3,9,524,1 : (19-21)(22-24)(25-27) **won on 1st@1 - reset

33,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,524,
34,1,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,521,1 : (28-30)(31-33)(34-36)
35,2,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,518,1 : (28-30)(31-33)(34-36)
36,17,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,515,1 : (28-30)(31-33)(34-36)
37,36,Bet,3,12,-3,9,524,1 : (28-30)(31-33)(34-36) **won - reset

38,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,524,
39,13,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,521,1 : (19-21)(22-24)(25-27)
40,34,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,518,1 : (19-21)(22-24)(25-27)
41,11,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,515,1 : (19-21)(22-24)(25-27)
42,8,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,512,1 : (19-21)(22-24)(25-27)
43,13,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,509,1 : (19-21)(22-24)(25-27) **lost go to next stage

44,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
45,28,Bet,6,0,-6,-6,503,2 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9)
46,36,Bet,6,0,-6,-6,497,2 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9)
47,19,Bet,6,0,-6,-6,491,2 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9)
48,13,Bet,6,0,-6,-6,485,2 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9)
49,24,Bet,6,0,-6,-6,479,2 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9) **lost go to next stage

50,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,479,
51,24,Bet,9,0,-9,-9,470,3 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9)
52,28,Bet,9,0,-9,-9,461,3 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9)
53,25,Bet,9,0,-9,-9,452,3 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9)
54,9,Bet,9,36,-9,27,479,3 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9) **won on 4th@3

55,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,479,
56,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,479,
57,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,479,
58,23,Bet,9,36,-9,27,506,3 : (19-21)(22-24)(25-27) **won on 2nd@3

59,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,506,
60,16,Bet,6,0,-6,-6,500,2 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9) 5th@2
61,18,Bet,9,0,-9,-9,491,3 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9)
62,3,Bet,9,36,-9,27,518,3 : (1-3)(4-6)(7-9) **won on 2nd@3

63,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
64,31,Bet,6,0,-6,-6,512,2 : (10-12)(13-15)(16-18) 5th@2
65,23,Bet,9,0,-9,-9,503,3 : (10-12)(13-15)(16-18)
66,15,Bet,9,36,-9,27,530,3 : (10-12)(13-15)(16-18) **won on 2nd@3 - reset

67,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,530,
68,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,530,
69,5,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,527,1 : (28-30)(31-33)(34-36) 1st@1
70,35,Bet,3,12,-3,9,536,1 : (28-30)(31-33)(34-36) **won on 2nd@1 - reset

+36 pts.   

That session was with the "best of 5" prog and going back 2 stages in the prog if still behind after a win.    I used whole units.     As you can see the risk would be less with smaller unit values

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Cheers Atlantis,

Its finding the best progression for this, I prefer the safer options as you state.

I'm looking into hits on the 2nd 3rd and 4th......so only 3 spins before you stop, and wait for the next qualifier so:

32   trigger
14   wait 1
35   bet
25  loss
2    trigger
23  wait 1
13   bet
19   win on 3rd

The reasoning behind this is that there are many hits on 2nd 3rd and 4th frames. If it hits on the 1st then thats fine as you are not betting at that point.

This is an example of hits:

1 1 (10) 6 (11) 3 1 9 2 4 6 1 4 2 3 2 5 1 5 6 4 2 3 3 (11) 2 (16) (10) 4 2 1 (16) (18) 1 1 5 (11) 2 6 6 1 1 3 1 1 3 8 5 5 5

(16) 5 3 1 2 2 1 5 2 2 2 1 1 8 4 7 2 1

Thats one of the worst sessions Ive seen. But you can see the advantages if you're only betting to hit the 2nd 3rd and 4th


BW what criteria are you using to select the block to bet on?


Quote from: dennisbelle on May 24, 10:05 PM 2010
BW what criteria are you using to select the block to bet on?

Hi there,
all I am doing here is counting the amount of spins before a 9 Block repeats. Like this:

14  is in block 2, so bet bock 2
32  loss. 32 is in block 4 so bet block 4
9    loss. 9 is in block 1 so bet block 1
21  loss. 21 is in block 3 so bet block 3
27. Win

So thats a win after 4

I bet for a hit between the 2nd and 7th. If lost, then I wait for the repeat to come and then start betting again.

