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Street Betting System

Started by whoisthewomanme, Feb 23, 06:52 PM 2016

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Hey Everyone! I'm currently testing out a method of betting using streets. I thought I would share it here with all of you. Please feel free to test it yourselves and post the results. Also open to ideas on tweaks and improvements.

Strategic Exploit 1 - In Negative Edge Games - Bet Only A Few Times But Ready To Bet BIG BET SIZE During Opportunity Setups

Strategic Exploit 2 - EXPECT that there will NOT be a symmetric or “Bankroll Killer Variant” distribution of 3 per Streets per 36 Spins

Tactical Exploit - At least one Street will have 3 Occurrences go to 4 or more in any one Session (= 36 Spins)

Risk Control - No Betting until 25 Spins recorded (accurately)

Risk Control - Wait for 1st “paper win” after 25 Spins - ADD +1 “wait” Spin for every 0/00 outcome prior to Spin 25

Risk Control - Player has sufficient Session Bankroll = 600 units AND the Player is comfortable risking all 600 units; Ideally the Total Lifetime Bankroll = 3x to 5x Session Bankroll

Play Control - Target = EXIT after 1st Net Closed Profit

Play Control - Play to WIN! Be aggressive! Have Faith & Belief in the Strategic Exploit principles above!

Tactical Plays, Bets, & Adjustments (Dynamic Strategy):
1. Betting begins after the 1st Paper Win following Spin 25 (+ # of 0/00s)
2. Add (+1) Spin(s) for every 0/00 result prior to Spin 25
3. Bet on Street(s) only in Hot Zone
4. Every Betting Round - must exceed Draw-down if next Spin = Win

Additional Observations & Ideas

1. STOP Game if there are > 8 Streets in the Hot Zone (Aggressive players can allow >8 Streets in Hot Zone)
2. STOP Game if there are > 6 “Wins” before Spin 25

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. When does actual live $ betting begin? Following the 1st Paper Win after Spin #25. Don’t forget to add (+1) Spin “filter” for every 0/00 result.

2. Example: there were two 0/00s prior to Spin 25 - then the Spin “filter” is Spin #25 (+2) - wait for 1st Paper Win after Spin #27.

3. If the Next Bet exceeds the Session Bankroll â€" how is the Next Bet to be played? Bet all-in on remaining Bankroll evenly split on Street(s) in the Red Zone. Conservative players can STOP instead - refill new Session Bankroll - begin new Game(s).

Attached is an example game.

Notes from example game:

1.Track & record 25 Spins (including 0/00) - two 0/00s
2.Wait for 1st Paper Win after Spin #25(+2) - Spin #27 = Bet Entry Trigger
3.Spin #28 - had six (6) Streets in Red Zone - 2,5,6,7,8,12
4. Immediate Win on Spin #28 - nice “BONUS” Win (+6 units)


Are a the tracking sheets from a few more games so you can see them being used.



you have my attention

37 spin test

7 streets had 3 hits

4 of those streets turned into a 4th hit

thank you for something new
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



We start with a 36 spin max game. For each 0/00 that comes up during the game we expand it by one.

We track the street results of the first 25 spins (+1 for each 0/00 that has come up during tracking). We are looking for streets that have 3 occurrences. We wait for one of them to go to a 4th occurrence after 25 spin tracking is complete. That is our "paper win"

We then begin betting on each street that has a 3rd occurrence (including any that have 4 or more occurrences)

We use a progression as necessary to ensure that each game will produce a net profit.

The formula of what a payout will be is 12 minus the number of street bets.

So if we have a -12u draw down and 6 streets to bet on. (12-6=+6u) we would bet 3u on each street. 3u x 6u = +18u. - 12u drawdown = net +6u


the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



did you discover this through study or from another source?
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



I have also been testing taking the first bets with line bets.

If a Street in the Red Zone is in play â€" how is the “Adjacent Street” to be determined? The Most Recent Adjacent Street will be paired to
the Street in the Red Zone. This will form a valid line bet. If both Streets adjacent to the Street in the Red Zone have not been hit choose the adjacent Street closest to Street #6 and #7.

When is betting on line bets finished and future betting switched to betting ONLY on Street(s) in the Red Zone? - If there are > 5 Streets in the Red Zone.

Attached is a sample game.

Here are the notes from the sample game:

1. Track & record 25 Spins (including 0/00)

2. Wait for Wait for 1st Paper Win after Spin #25 ----> Spin #26 = Bet Entry Trigger

3. Spin #27 ---> had five (5) Streets in Red Zone ---> 1,2,6,8,12

4. Since < 6 --- prefer using line bets to reduce risk.
a) Bet Adjacent Street to Street in Red Zone
b) Combine into: 1/2, 5/6, 7/8, 11/12

5. Immediate Win on Spin #27


I will typically only bet if it is 4 line bets. If first bet is a loss but is still only 4 line bets... I will bet again but progressing up to 3u per line.

If this bet fails, I will then switch to betting on streets (will need to start with 3u bet per street). Keeping with betting lines can really push up the progressions quickly. Better to switch to streets for better risk to reward.

If the first 4 line bet fails.... but now would need 5 lines.... better to switch to streets.

I will take the first bet if it needs 5... but will then switch to streets if it losses.

This system seems to win a lot more small wins of +1u or +2u.. but the drawdowns are never that large since typically winning on first or second bet. Could probably get by with a 250u bankroll.


Another idea I've had is playing the "wheel streets" (series of 3 numbers together on the wheel)

Use the same system but place flat bets on the required numbers.

I've yet to test this one.

I've played close to 100 games without a loss. Some of them were just street bets and some of them were using the line bet / street bet combo.

I was just waiting for 20 spins and then beginning to bet but had too many losses.

I than begin waiting for a "paper win" after spin 20 and then started betting. Also had losses there.

Waiting for a "paper win" after spin 25 though seems to win more. Bankroll requirement is a little higher though due to having to bet on more streets and the progressions can stack up a little bit.


I've also been trying to think of ways to speed the game up. Tracking 25 spins takes a while! lol

Not quite sure I have any ideas on it that have worked out yet.

Anyway, that's where I'm at. Looking forward to input from you guys and any suggestions you may have to improve the system.


in your first example there were two zeros, doesn’t this mean that the game should start at spin 28?

Also in Game 4, because of the single zero we start at spin number 27, which is no. 7 and a loser. 
Spin 28 is no. 23 and is a winner, so shouldn’t the betting commence at spin 29?

It looks like you put spin 28, no. 23, in street 10.


Whoops! Tracking error there on my part. Good eye, shuttle!

Yes, in game #4. Spin #28 should have been in Street 8 not street 10

We would track 26 spins because of the single zero. 25 is the base and then +1 for each zero. So 26 in this case.

We then get the "paper win" on spin 28 ( it would be in street 8 )

Betting would begin on spin 29.

Would have won on spin 31. (or spin 30 if using line bet method)


Thanks for your reply, which came as I was modifying my original post.  Could you please have a look at my question regarding your first example.

Thanks for posting this method, I think it is very interesting. 


Hey Shuttle, to answer your first question...

In the first game, because of the two zeros, you would track to spin #27 and then #28 would be the paper win, so betting would have started on spin #29.

In this case, I played spin #27 as the paper win because it was the last of the +1s from zeros so I was okay with counting it as the paper win... I started betting on spin #28. This was a bit more aggressive play on my part.

Does that answer your question?


5 Games played yesterday. All easy wins.
