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The Binary Proposal (Plan for EC)

Started by atlantis, Apr 08, 11:44 AM 2016

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sort of understand this one Atlantis. If its not too tiresome posting some more egz would help --it seems like a good little system as far as I can tell
"No Whining, just Winning"


Looks like you have to be in the UK to join Grosvener. Oh well. I'm in NZ. Anybody know a reputable casino that has low limits, plays la partage, is not Playtech and has a live feed?


Quote from: Tomla021 on Apr 11, 11:42 AM 2016
sort of understand this one Atlantis. If its not too tiresome posting some more egz would help --it seems like a good little system as far as I can tell

Hi tomla021,

I play it and bet using just the R/B and H/L even chances.

There is an individual +/-1 progression applied to both of these chances.

Up one on loss/down one on win

Selection: I bet the opposite sides of the last hit result - but only if the last 2 hit results are not the same R/B and H/L type.

(eg: If last 2 hits were 36 and 23 they are both red and high so I wait until a change on at least one side of the EC before resuming to bet)

I only reduce to default 1u-1u on both sides when reaching a NEW HIGH profit.

I aim to win 10u per session.

36 wait for change
6                                  bet 1R and 1H
33 LW                    +0  bet 2R and 1H
23 WW                   +3  bet 1B and 1L
8   WW                   +5  bet 1R and 1H
16 WL                     +5  bet 1B and 2H
4   WL                     +4  bet 1R and 3H
27 WW                    +8  bet 1B and 1L
9   LW                     +8  bet  2B and 1H
9   LL                      +5  wait...
16                                 wait..
30                                 bet 3B and 2L
2   WW                   +10  STOP

Hope you get it!

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Happened to be in my local casino yesterday so I monitored a game of this on the rapid roulette. I gotta say, it went real well. +50 units in 95 spins - that's outstanding. Hope it is still performing well for you Atlantis - any fails yet?  Must break sooner or later, right?

I would like to suggest one small modification that I used - you may already be doing this but it isn't mentioned in your rules so I thought I'd add my two pence.

The basic rule should read - "the goal for each spin is to achieve a new high".

Consider this scenario. Our previous high is +23. we are currently +21. Our next bet according to our progression and play to this point is 7 on Odd and 4 on Low (playing O/E and L/H).

If we lose both the cost will be 11 units - a one in 4 chance. But of course if we win both we gain 11 units - also a one in 4 chance. This is way more than we need actually. If we win on Odd and lose on High we gain 3 units - enough to make a new high. And if we lose on Odd and win on High then we lose 3 units.

We should reduce our progressive bets down to the point where we still gain a minimum of 3 units but our potential loss will be much reduced. The bets should be - 4 on Odd and 1 on High - and proceed from there. Sure, we have lost the opportunity to gain 11 units, but our goal is to achieve a new high and we can achieve that with the same odds but with much reduced risk. We still make (or lose) 3 units as a minimum - no change there. But our potential loss is much reduced - from -11 to -5.

Note that I am not advocating net betting here. Just a reduction in a certain specific situation.

Also, I'm not sure that there is any point in having a win goal. Logically it makes no sense, unless it is coupled with a loss goal. In a game like this it probably makes more sense to talk in terms of retrenchment. That is, if you retrace 20 units from a high point then that might be a good time to quit. You may be in profit still or you may be down, but I think that is a better way to find a stopping point. As long as you continue to reach new highs, why quit at +10?


Tanked - badly. Luckily I was not playing for real money - just watching and recording. This was only my second game of monitoring so was really quite surprised. Since there was no money involved I thought I'd just play on and see where it went. Boy am I glad I wasn't playing for real! After 125 spins I gave up. The progression was at 24 units and the bank had reached -247 units.

The problem is that there are two nightmare scenarios that kill this approach. Firstly the obvious - if you have a repeat of both EC's. The rules state to wait for this to finish but of course what happens is you get a repeat of both, wait until it finishes, get back on board and then the new combo repeats. A few of these and the progression skyrockets.

Secondly, you get the expected 50/50 wins but the wins are predominantly on the smaller of the two progressive banks. So the big progression just keeps getting larger and the bank decreases in rapidly increasing lumps.

Once the separation between the 2 running progressions gets to around 8 or higher there is no way it will ever recover. So you have to quit taking the loss - but this loss is never compensated for with the wins. The thing is, the wins come from the grind but the losses come from a few but increasingly larger losses. So the wins can never make up for the losses.

Sorry man - I had hopes for this one.


Hi RMore,

Thanks for your test reports/findings on this. And I think you identified pretty succinctly exactly what *can* happen over time with it... Maybe that's not too much of a surprise actually.
I also like your suggestion about reducing the progression, by just betting enough to be ahead at times, in order to try and prevent rising progression should a losing run manifest. I can also report it has tanked recently on me now too and I lost money; because of that I have stopped playing it in its present form because I do believe a major rethink is definately required... I still think there is  something in the idea of betting on 2 EC locations like this - but needs some more time and thought.
All for now,
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"



I'm gonna revive this and try it playing both Ec's as before  - but this time with the 3-step cyclic progressions on both sides:


to see if it makes it stronger or not.

Here it is applied to the above session:

R/B                 H/L
===                 ===
1L                    1W    +0
1W                   1L     +0
1W                   1W   +2 restart
1L                    1W    +2
1L                    1W    +2
2W                   1W   +5 restart
1W                   1W   +7 restart
1W                   1L     +7
1W                   1W   +9 restart
1W                   1W   +11  Stop. (10 spins)

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


This going Ok so far using the rules and applying the 3-step cyclic prog on each EC.
3 sessions completed so far:
+7; +8; +10

Highest cycle = 1-2-2


A further rule I have decided to enforce is to reduce to cycle 1 (1-1-2) on both sides if I reach level high on a win, instead of being ahead overall - but I ONLY do this if I get in arrears during that round of play.
For instance this is what happened after I reached +9 on 3rd session. This just how I track it. (Results+"waits" not shown)

R/B                       H/L                   Bal.
1-1-2                       1-1-2                   
L1                             W1                      +9
w1                            L1                       +9
L1                              L1                       +7 (in arrears)
w1                             L2                       +4
w1                             L1                       +4
w1                             w2                      +7
w1                             w1                      +9 - Level High after arrears; Restart
1-1-2                        1-1-2
w1                              L1                       +9
w1                              L1                       +9
L1                               L2                       +6 (in arrears)
L1                               w1                       +6
w2                              w1                       +9 -  Level High after arrears; Restart
1-1-2                        1-1-2
w1                              L1                        +9
w1                              L1                        +9
L1                               w2                       +10 - Target Reached 
STOP +10
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Hi Atlantis,

I didn't realise this was an old thread. When I went to grovenorcasinos.com I couldn't find the game you mentioned, the lowest stakes are now 50p and for la partage it seems to be £1.  :(
Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: CoderJoe on Apr 08, 07:01 AM 2018
Hi Atlantis,

I didn't realise this was an old thread. When I went to grovenorcasinos.com I couldn't find the game you mentioned, the lowest stakes are now 50p and for la partage it seems to be £1.  :(

Hi CoderJoe,

You're wrong. It's still there and I still play it. Its called "AutoRoulette La Partage" and you must scroll down the screen in the live roulette game lobby to locate it...
I'm going there now to test/play again ;)

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Hi CoderJoe,

Was there just now.
+9 in abt 12mins. Highest cycle 1-1-2 on both EC's. 17 spins.
I'm happy with that! :)

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Here is breakdown of the live online autowheel game...

R/B                 H/L          Bal.
1-1-2             1-1-2          +0

L1                   w1            +0
w1                   L1            +0
w1                  w1            +2

1-1-2             1-1-2           +2
L1                   L1             +0 (arr)   wait...
w1                  w1             +2

1-1-2             1-1-2            +2
w1                  w1              +4

1-1-2             1-1-2            +4
L1                   L1              +2 (arr)    wait...
w1                  w1              +4

1-1-2              1-1-2           +4
L1                   L1              +2 (arr)    wait...
w1                  w1              +4

1-1-2              1-1-2           +4
w1                  w1              +6

1-1-2              1-1-2           +6
w1                  L1              +6
w1                  L1              +6
w1                  w2              +9 Stop

17 spins: 14 bets;3 waits Highest: 1-1-2
Profit= +9u

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: atlantis on Apr 08, 07:48 AM 2018You're wrong. It's still there and I still play it. Its called "AutoRoulette La Partage" and you must scroll down the screen in the live roulette game lobby to locate it...

Hmm... funny, still can't see it. I can only see 12 roulette games in the live roulette area and there isn't one called AutoRoulette La Partage. Classic La Partage is £1 minimum.

Logic. It's always in the way.


Hi CoderJoe,

From the home page of Grosvenor click on the "LIVE CASINO" tab.
You will get a SIMILAR page to the one you showed.
Second row down on the left - click on LIVE ROULETTE large icon where it says "Play Now".
Voila! You now have the Live Roulette Lobby with all the roulettes! :)
Scroll down for 10p autoroulette la partage.
That's it!

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: atlantis on Apr 08, 01:19 PM 2018
Hi CoderJoe,

From the home page of Grosvenor click on the "LIVE CASINO" tab.
You will get a SIMILAR page to the one you showed.
Second row down on the left - click on LIVE ROULETTE large icon where it says "Play Now".
Voila! You now have the Live Roulette Lobby with all the roulettes! :)
Scroll down for 10p autoroulette la partage.
That's it!

Atlantis....so...I play in the Grosvenor in Manchester. They have terminals where you can play all the wheels or there is an airball in the middle of the terminals.
Sad chinese extras from The Walking Dead seem to like playing them

Is this live play online same as the inhouse terminals....or is it some latvian dolly trolly
