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The Binary Proposal (Plan for EC)

Started by atlantis, Apr 08, 11:44 AM 2016

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The Binary Proposal (Plan for EC)

Single 0
Single 0 with "le partage" (better)

Pick 2 EC's to play in combo for the entire session. Either:

R/B and H/L
O/E and H/L

Reason: With R/B and O/E there are 10 odd reds and 8 even reds + 10 even blacks and 8 odd blacks.

The other combos are equal in number 9/9 on each side...

When and What to bet?
The 2 opposites of last decision - but only if the last 2 decisions were not the SAME combo.
If they are exactly the same then WAIT for a change to occur first.

For instance if choosing to bet R/B and H/L and the last decision was
3R, the bet will be struck on BLACK and HIGH. (always assuming that the decision before last was not also LOW AND RED as well)

The result must be:
a win on one side, a win on both sides or a loss on both sides. (double loss)

RULE: Always do not bet after a double loss until a change of at least one side of the EC combo.
For instance if you are betting on Black and High and the result is Red and Low (or a ZERO) causing a double loss then no further bets until a change of EC combo on at least one side happens.

Progression +1/-1 after a win/loss on each side until a new high in the bankroll.
The default for an EC bet is: 1u
Reset to 1u-1u default on both sides only after a new high is achieved.


* = new high reached

#    R/Bbet             H/Lbet            w/l                +/-
23                                                                             wait for combo change
25                                                                             wait for combo change
16      1B                    1H              +0                 +0
8       1R                    2H              +3                 +3*    reset to default 1-1
23      1B                    1L               +2                 +5*    reset to default 1-1               
13      1R                    1H               +0                 +5
16      1R                    2H               +1                 +6*    reset to default 1-1 
30      1B                    1L                -2                 +4    double loss
30                                                                              wait for combo change
35       2R                   2L                -4                  +0   double loss
35                                                                              wait for combo change
7         3B                   3H               +0                 +0
8         2B                   4H               +6                 +6
33       1R                   3H               +2                 +8*    reset to default 1-1
29                                                                              wait for combo change
32       1B                   1L                -2                 +6    double loss
34                                                                              wait for combo change
23       2B                   2L               +0                  +6
14       3B                   1H               +2                  +8
13       2R                   2H               -4                   +4    double loss
13                                                                               wait for combo change
29       3R                   3L                +0                  +4
23       2B                   4L                -2                  +2
22       1B                   5L                +6                 +8
6         1R                   4H                +3                 +11* reset to default 1-1
24       1B                   1L                +0                  +11
12       2B                   1H                -3                  +8    double loss
14                                                                                wait for combo change
29       3R                   2L                 -5                  +3    double loss
35                                                                                wait for combo change
0                                                                                 zero - wait next change
21       4B                   3L                 -1                  +2
12       5B                   2H                +7                  +9
22       4R                   1L                +5                  +14*  reset to default 1-1
18                                                                                 stopped here

Been playing this lately on live autowheel + le partage with low stakes - have not tried on rng.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


8/8 real money winning sessions today using this so simple plan.  ;D

I will post up a quick demo vid to show how to play.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Hi RG,

What do you mean: "Recd Bankroll"  :question:
and is that good or bad?

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: atlantis on Apr 08, 03:35 PM 2016
Hi RG,

What do you mean: "Recd Bankroll"  :question:
and is that good or bad?


Recommemded bankroll. Sorry

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 08, 03:36 PM 2016
Recommemded bankroll. Sorry

Oh right. Well I am playing very small stakes remember with this. I play with start bankroll of £50 and use 0.10 units. Although you can probably start with less...
I am playing online of course with live dealer or live autowheel during this initial testing period.
At the moment it is just fun + not risking too much ;)

If playing at higher level I would feel comfortable with a bank of £500 and use base of £1 units.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


One more to write in little black book.

Thanks Atlantis!


Hi nextyear,
Yes - worthy of investigation definately. Not let me down yet this one. :)
So far +340u profit.
When I record a session I note it like this below first actual real money session of today:

R/B                 H/L
===                 ===
1L                    1W
1W                   2L
1W                   3W   +3 restart
1L                    1W
2L                    1W
3W                   1W   +6 restart
1W                   1W   +8 restart
1W                   1L
1W                   2W   +9 restart
1W                   1W   +11  Stop. (10 spins)

TBH, That was a fairly typical ideal sort of game; no worries, quickly over and luckily with no outright losing spins. (double losses)
If they were all like that would be great!  :)

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"



R/B                 H/L
===                 ===
1L                    1W
1W                   2L
1W                   3W   +3 restart
1L                    1W
2L                    1W
3W                   1W   +6 restart
1W                   1W   +8 restart
1W                   1L
1L                   2W   +9 restart
1W                   1W   +11  Stop. (10 spins)

Just correcting a text transcription error on the penultimate spin of that game  :-[  :-[

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


2nd session today;  a more usual type of session.

R/B                 H/L
===                 ===
1W                    1L    +0*
1L                     2W   +1*  restart
1L                     1L     -1   double loss; wait...
2W                    2W   +3*  restart
1L                     1W   +3 
2L                     1W   +2
3W                    1L    +5* restart
1W                    1W   +7* restart
1W                     1L    +7
1L                      2L    +4  double loss; wait...
2L                      3L    -1   double loss; wait...
3W                    4W   +6
2L                      3L    +1  double loss; wait...
3L                      4L    -6   double loss; wait...
4W                     5L    -7
3W                     6W  +2
2W                     5W  +9* restart
1L                      1W  +9
2L                      1W  +8
3W                     1L   +10*  STOP  (20 spins played)

3rd easier session also won +10u.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Very interesting stuff!!

Thanks Atlantis!

To everybody that think that it is impossible: Please get out of the the way of those who are trying.


Couple quick questions for you Atlantis. What casino is that? Have you found them OK to deal with? And, probably more importantly, what has been your maximum progressive bet? As you know +1/-1 can get to the breaking point in EC's but of course you have the rule of a reset on a high and it would take long losing sequences on both EC's to make a break happen - but still ...


Quote from: RMore on Apr 10, 07:13 PM 2016
Couple quick questions for you Atlantis. What casino is that? Have you found them OK to deal with? And, probably more importantly, what has been your maximum progressive bet? As you know +1/-1 can get to the breaking point in EC's but of course you have the rule of a reset on a high and it would take long losing sequences on both EC's to make a break happen - but still ...

Hi RMore,
That one is in UK and is a good one - the low-limit live auto-roulette wheel with la partage at:
Access it from the Live Casino Lobby there.
I believe it is a streamed live from Belgium or maybe the Netherlands... Not sure.
No problems with it though in my experience :)
The limit on the wheel is from £0.10p to £2,000 on the EC's.

I'm playing there right now at 16.25 GMT - atlantis.

The highest bet on one side of an EC I've had to place so far is 11u. I would be starting to perhaps worry a little bit at that if getting higher - but I've not gone beyond that - so far at any rate! But it is early days still. As you commented, we all know what can happen with an unlucky run.. and sometimes the only thing to prevent further loss is to accept the misfortune and retire gracefully only to return and try again with further recovery attempt later.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"
