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Something I *THINK* got from Priyankas thread

Started by RouletteGhost, Apr 30, 05:55 PM 2016

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Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 30, 08:42 PM 2016
0 insurance

I know what you're saying.
I did my "4 spin sequence" system a long time ago, doing something along these lines - even combined the columns and dozens - covered the 0 and 00 - it failed.
But I do hope that you find something of value out of it - it's all about testing and playing and learning.


Quote from: TurboGenius on Apr 30, 08:47 PM 2016
I know what you're saying.
I did my "4 spin sequence" system a long time ago, doing something along these lines - even combined the columns and dozens - covered the 0 and 00 - it failed.
But I do hope that you find something of value out of it - it's all about testing and playing and learning.

the key is after a loss sit out.....wait until another 2 in a row different comes....do not bet every spin...we know 123123123123 most likely wont happen and 0 may be a nuisance so bet 0
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins


The General

Quoteso bet 0 as a break even insurance

turbo your fear will NOT happen

do u understand how rare that would be?

you say 11 max but to fear 0/00

how freakin rare would the loss be? rare enough to be in profit!!!!!!!!!!!!-RouletteGhost

Sorry, but there's no point to betting the zero as well, since it's simply not possible to effectively hedge in a negative expectation game without exposing even more money to the house edge.
Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


Quote from: The General on Apr 30, 08:50 PM 2016
Sorry, but there's no point to betting the zero as well, since it's simply not possible to effectively hedge in a negative expectation game without exposing even more money to the house edge.

school us o holy one.....what should we do

explain specifically what you are sorry for, because you started off with sorry
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 30, 08:49 PM 2016
the key is after a loss sit out.....wait until another 2 in a row different comes....do not bet every spin

Lol. I hear ya.
But... sitting out spins does nothing to improve the chances of a win for the player, trust me.
Anyway - have at it. This game is fun to try to beat from all directions and angles.
(At least you didn't say after a loss, change tables or casinos - or leave and come back another day).

The General

Quoteschool us o holy one.....what should we do

1. Put on your big boy pants and develop some foresight.
2. Visit the wizardofodds.com and learn more about basic probability as it pertains to the game.
3. Read on the history and evolution of the wheel.  Even search the wiki.
4. Read what the risk consultants are discussing regarding the roulette.  Read what the people that engineer the wheels are talking about as well.
5. Focus on methods to exploit the wheel, not the game.  The inefficiencies in the wheel and dealing procedures are there.  Learn how to exploit them.

-The General
Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


Quote from: TurboGenius on Apr 30, 08:54 PM 2016
Lol. I hear ya.
But... sitting out spins does nothing to improve the chances of a win for the player, trust me.

no. it has limits we use that to advantage

231231231231 is a limit.............so on a loss sit out at least 2 spins to see if they are unique and go again

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: The General on Apr 30, 08:56 PM 2016
1. Visit the wizardofodds and learn more about basic probability as it pertains to the game.


2. Read on the history and evolution of the wheel.  Even search the wiki.


3. Read what the risk consultants are discussing regarding the roulette.


4. Focus on methods to exploit the wheel, not the game.

thats what the threads about

-The General
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins


The General

The "Trigger" Game

You have a system that relies on the outside ECs. The wheel doesn't have a zero, and you're using an up as you lose progression.

Your triggers are based on waiting for a miss of five reds... before you begin betting that black will hit within the next five spins, while using your progression.

How long must you wait for five reds to miss before you can begin to bet? Answer: the chance that a red will hit in five spins is 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/ 32. So you'll have to wait around for about 32 spins before you can begin to bet.

Now that you've waited, what is the chance that you won't hit on one of the next five spins? Spin one miss 1/2 x spin two miss 1/2 x spin three miss 1/2 x spin four miss 1/2 x spin five miss 1/2 (1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2) = 1/ 32. Or put another way, this means that your progression will fail about once every 32 spins.... hmmm interesting.

Summarizing so far: You stand around for about 32 spins waiting to bet... and find that your progression fails about every 32 spins.

So you think, well this just isn't going work, so you decide to increase your trigger to 10 spins without a hit.

Now how long must you stand around to see 10 misses before you can begin to bet your progression? 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/1024 This means you're going to have to stand around for about 1024 spins before you can begin to bet.

Now that you've waited all this time, surely your progression will be less likely to lose, right? Wrong! The chance that you're progression will fail is still 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/ 32. This means that every time you wait around for 1024 spins your progression will still fail about once in every 32 attempts.

The big question now is, why are you waiting? The probability of winning didn't change, so what's the purpose of the triggers? Regardless off how long you wait to bet, your progression still fails about once in every 32 attempts in the above trigger game.

I've noticed that many of you are running simulations... trying to figure out what the best trigger is that you should use. Each time you run your sims with a trigger, all you're doing is subdividing the number of spins on which you're actually betting. If you're betting on fewer spins, then your system will fail less frequently. However, if you compare the same number of spins on which bets were actually made for each of the triggers, then you'll find that the five trigger fails just as frequently as the six trigger, and the seven trigger, and the eight trigger, and the nine trigger, and the ten trigger, etc....and even the 1,000 trigger. Regardless of the trigger length used, you're not increasing your success rate. In other words, when you play the trigger game, you're only fooling yourself.

-The General

Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


Quote from: The General on Apr 30, 09:01 PM 2016
The "Trigger" Game

You have a system that relies on the outside ECs. The wheel doesn't have a zero, and you're using an up as you lose progression.

Your triggers are based on waiting for a miss of five reds... before you begin betting that black will hit within the next five spins, while using your progression.

How long must you wait for five reds to miss before you can begin to bet? Answer: the chance that a red will hit in five spins is 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/ 32. So you'll have to wait around for about 32 spins before you can begin to bet.

Now that you've waited, what is the chance that you won't hit on one of the next five spins? Spin one miss 1/2 x spin two miss 1/2 x spin three miss 1/2 x spin four miss 1/2 x spin five miss 1/2 (1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2) = 1/ 32. Or put another way, this means that your progression will fail about once every 32 spins.... hmmm interesting.

Summarizing so far: You stand around for about 32 spins waiting to bet... and find that your progression fails about every 32 spins.

So you think, well this just isn't going work, so you decide to increase your trigger to 10 spins without a hit.

Now how long must you stand around to see 10 misses before you can begin to bet your progression? 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/1024 This means you're going to have to stand around for about 1024 spins before you can begin to bet.

Now that you've waited all this time, surely your progression will be less likely to lose, right? Wrong! The chance that you're progression will fail is still 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/ 32. This means that every time you wait around for 1024 spins your progression will still fail about once in every 32 attempts.

The big question now is, why are you waiting? The probability of winning didn't change, so what's the purpose of the triggers? Regardless off how long you wait to bet, your progression still fails about once in every 32 attempts in the above trigger game.

I've noticed that many of you are running simulations... trying to figure out what the best trigger is that you should use. Each time you run your sims with a trigger, all you're doing is subdividing the number of spins on which you're actually betting. If you're betting on fewer spins, then your system will fail less frequently. However, if you compare the same number of spins on which bets were actually made for each of the triggers, then you'll find that the five trigger fails just as frequently as the six trigger, and the seven trigger, and the eight trigger, and the nine trigger, and the ten trigger, etc....and even the 1,000 trigger. Regardless of the trigger length used, you're not increasing your success rate. In other words, when you play the trigger game, you're only fooling yourself.

-The General


go away now
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



the general idea is 123 123 123 123 has not happened in 200k spins

same as any unique 3

we use that to our advantage

that really pisses off guys like general because that goes against everything they have done

general start your own thread to teach people
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins


The General

You can beat the wheel, but you can't be lazy if you're going to do it.

It requires foresight and effort.

All of the experts and mathematicians already state that what you're doing won't work.  So why do you choose to ignore everyone that's wiser, more experienced, and better educated than you likely are?
Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


Quote from: The General on Apr 30, 09:05 PM 2016
You can beat the wheel, but you can't be lazy if you're going to do it.

It requires foresight and effort.

All of the experts and mathematicians already state that what you're doing won't work.  So why do you choose to ignore everyone that's wiser, more experienced, and better educated than you likely are?

thanks general thanks so much

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



the simple concept u do not understand is that the wheel has limits

thats what priyanka is preaching

exploit it

i will exploits 4 unique sets of dozens 123 123 123 123

i will do that successfully. that upsets u
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



a method that works goes against what the general stands for

he travels the nation attempting to exploit wheels meanwhile there is an easier way to do so

this kills him

anything you post that works the general will jump in. only a loser would be on a forum to downplay when said person has a true winner. i call bullshit.  do not trust general

names i will not repeat have told me, DO NOT TRUST GENERAL
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

