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Something I *THINK* got from Priyankas thread

Started by RouletteGhost, Apr 30, 05:55 PM 2016

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the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Turbo....Well I really wouldnt of bothered if there hadnt been mod reports. You are saying the same things but no ones reporting you. Thats my point.
Of course caleb is correct
I dont believe past spins...triggers or hit and run change any odds or give you an edge over the casino
I also believe random numbers are independant so to say they have limits makes no sense....and no one has reported me either


Also ill clarify this: Im the one who said i personally wouldnt trust Caleb. Please dont use what i said as a point if argument. Ive got no problems being honest about why I said this and my opinion of him. You asked for my opinion. Basically he has a very good understanding of roulette. We dont agree on some things, but neither of us are affected by each others opinions and we are happy to disagree. I trust he has real knowledge, but I dont trust him as a person because of some minor things he had said and done a while back. Nothing major, and i wont go into details but its not something i would have personally done, or expected from someone i would trust in something like a partnership. Maybe hes a great and trustworthy guy, i dont really know him. Again what im going on are relative minor things in the past. Nobody should bother speculating and if i explained it youd likely see it as minor. 

Im sure Caleb and others have their doubts about mee too. Its not a concern to me and i expect its not a concern to him either. Again please dont use my opinion you asked for as a point in an argument.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


rg sorry im just saying it as i see it, right or wrong. I dont want to sugar coat anything.

You are aware of some things but far from aware of others. Im not talking just about roulette. I mean also how people are, their intentions, motives, attitudes... and your own. You are needlessly abrasive sometimes. And you know yourself you are impulsive. Dont get me wrong, you are a good guy. But fiery for nothing. I suggest just take a step back and breathe. Put pride aside and see the bigger picture. The forum is nothing. The interaction with other real people and sharing of knowledge is the value, whether its about roulette or not.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: Turner on May 01, 07:49 AM 2016
You are saying the same things but no ones reporting you. Thats my point.
Of course caleb is correct
I dont believe past spins...triggers or hit and run change any odds or give you an edge over the casino
I also believe random numbers are independant so to say they have limits makes no sense....and no one has reported me either

I'll report you if you promise to report me too. lol


- if you want factual information and accurate advice, this board is the wrong place. Frankly its a place for wilful ignorance. But we're all free to believe whatever we want.

That was funny - in a good way. lol.


Tg I had a hard time putting it any other way. Many desperate people contact me who have ruined theirs and their familys lives with gambling. My response is always  to forget about anything related to gambling.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: Steve on May 01, 08:31 AM 2016
Tg I had a hard time putting it any other way. Many desperate people contact me who have ruined theirs and their familys lives with gambling. My response is always  to forget about anything related to gambling.

I agree - it's probably the best advice in the world - to avoid gambling all-together.
Unless you have something that wins.  >:D
Worse is the lottery - 1 in 15 million chance of winning but people will still say "I have a chance" or "Someone has to win"
and then eventually they are spending their savings on lottery tickets assured that if they just play more, they'll win.
The casino and the state's who run the lottery bank on this and it works great for them.


even better is to focus less on the pursuit of money, and more on reducing depedence of it. Isnt freedom what most players want? Not the money.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Its probably better to just stick to things that dont involve other humans :thumbsup:


Quote from: Steve on May 01, 07:44 AM 2016
Ive read through the whole thread and heres my take:

1. Caleb (general) was actually just trying to help. To steer people away from dangerous approaches that will lose you real money.

2. Rg its clear you and some others, not all, see Caleb as a thread hijacker. Again actually hes speaking the truth. So I created the new section you can discuss whatever in peace there.

3. Caleb does sometimes come across as arrogant and condecending, but mostly only after people have a go at him. And he appears to enjoy being more abrupt about facts. Rg you can comparison about him but actually your behavior on this thread has been much worse.

4. Rg you are on the wrong path if you want to do well with roulette. Ive said it before and its clear you dont want the help. Its nothing personal against you, but wilful ignorance is not a good trait. But you are a free man. And you can discuss whatever methods with likeminded people, without a word from Caleb or me, in the new section. I still have added my warning that ignoring logic is potentially very harmful. Real people bet real money and inaccurate information, in combination with ignorance, can destroy lives. So its not just about you. It would be irresponsible of me to not add a warning because some people may be misled into thinking profiting over 1000 spins with the law of a third means a winning system. Its not all fun and games when gambling destoys lives.

5. Not everyone cares about the facts and winning long term. For many players, its just a hobby and they tinker with ideas. The new section is suitable for them. But they can always find the facts on reputable websites. Its not hard to find facts if thats what theyre after.

I personally dont care what peoples opinions are, besides frustration when people argue points that are just not true, and they defy logic. But I do care when other people are affected by false information, and like I said it can destroy lives.

And rg i know youre tired of hearing the same thing. But facts wont change. And not liking someone is not reason to defy what theyre saying. Anyway, enough said, the new section is there if anyone wants it.

I have to disagree with Steve here......

In regards to the General.....he is just looking to start fires.

After reading his posts, I realized that he doesn't actually play for profit........but simply wants to show others that he has the upper-hand in a debate. I actually had to prod him for details, because he just wanted to tell us that the game takes "hard work" to beat.........."hard work" I assume he has not done himself. He is yet another member who gets his jollies from telling other people they're wrong...........far from trying to actually help.

The fact that he feels compelled to show others where they're wrong and calls himself "the General"...........basically explains everything.

A General with no army..........I think they call that a civilian. :sad2:

You sir.......are a monster!!!


Quote from: Steve on May 01, 08:40 AM 2016
even better is to focus less on the pursuit of money, and more on reducing depedence of it. Isnt freedom what most players want? Not the money.

I think (no wait, I know..) that most - if not all - people don't understand that making tons of money is when the true hell begins.
But anyway, in RG's defense as well - Over the 33+ years of doing this, there are times when you think that you've found something and it doesn't matter what anyone else says. It's just a process that has to take place I think.
As long as it's done on paper and plays out - then no money is lost, no harm done - and it ends with someone being more educated in the game then they were before. I guess that's the plus side of working on this game.


Quote from: thelaw on May 01, 09:00 AM 2016
A General with no army..........I think they call that a civilian. :sad2:

I'll fight on the guy's side - and not against the system people because I am one as well.
But I know for a fact that he's pointing out the 'truths' where others won't.
As far as starting trouble - there's always that professor in a college who knows his shit and everyone hates the guy.
There's always the 'boss' who makes a million $ a year and the employees who don't think he's a prick.
It's just human nature.
It's easy to call someone a troublemaker when they are just pointing out what's wrong.
People should look for ways to beat the game based on what the people who know are telling them - but if they want
to keep trying what's already been done, that's fine too. Telling someone not to post info that isn't correct doesn't make much sense. "I don't want to hear it so I'm not listening !" is fine - but what's the point then.


Pri's winrate has dropped from the 3s into the 2s now - continued play will have it balance with everyone else's if the person would play. 800 spins ?

There is someone in 116th place with a winrate much higher - 3.45
I don't see a thread with 80 pages and people worked up asking "how did they do that ?"
148th place has 4.36 ! What holy grail of mystery could that be ??????
A smart person would say "they haven't played enough spins yet" - then again that same person would be called
a troublemaker I'm sure.


Turbo...unfortunatly with testing it can get where you wont get in the the pool unless you dip your toe in every single square inch and you never actially get to swim
