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Random Thoughts by Priyanka - A concise reference

Started by falkor2k15, May 07, 09:34 PM 2016

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Can somebody help me understand the numbers in the table on page 1? Taking Priyanks's results as an example I see 1531 played spins and amount bet 79947. This means an average bet of 52.22 units. Really? Seems rather high - but - OK then. Looking at Phi I see 846 played spins and 364917 for amount bet. Um - 431.34 units per spin average bet? Really?  I don't get this table at all. Am I really that dumb?

What is the win rate? Do I take it that Pri's win rate at 3.0 means an average of 3 units per spin won? But if the average bet is 52 then is that so great?  And Phi at 1.29 when betting 431 units per spin seems like a poor return.

Me no comprende.



Quote from: RMore on May 12, 07:37 AM 2016Am I really that dumb?

Don't worry - you're just smarter than you think. And others are gullible and will believe just about anything - even when told not to by people who know better.

The General

QuoteDon't worry - you're just smarter than you think. And others are gullible and will believe just about anything - even when told not to by people who know better.-Turbo

Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


Quote from: TurboGenius on May 12, 08:20 PM 2016...people who know better...

Who gives you the right to repeat this continuously?

People who know better - would know better than this!
