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Which Force Is At Work? Is It The Magical Ether. Does It Exist?

Started by The General, May 08, 04:09 PM 2016

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The General

The magical  ether, does it exist?

Many of you believe that past spins somehow reach forward and effect the chances of winning on the next spin and the next series of spins.   In other words, that each spin is not independent.
If you are one of the believers, which of the known four basic forces do you feel are at work?  Or do you believe that there could be a magical fifth force, such as the magical ether. Which force is it that's reaching from the past and into the future and changing the number of pockets on the wheel.   (After all if the number of pockets on the wheel remain the same from one spin to the next, why should the odds change?)

1. The Strong Force?
2. The Electromagnetic Force?
3. The Weak Force?
4. The Gravitational Force?
5. The Magical Ether?

How does the spooky stuff work?
Are the casinos aware it?
What is the supposed cause of the dependency???

Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)

The General

PLease noTe thAt thiS is a tHrEad iN aN ofF tOpiC arEa. 
Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


It's oddly on-topic though lol

I would say that roulette is random.
Each spin is independent from the last.
There's no equality, more like a chaos within restraints - but never equality.
One number can't show up 38 times.
38 numbers can't all show up once in 38 spins.
Hot numbers tend to stay hot, cold numbers tend to stay cold. *TurboNewton's First Law of Random*
Contrary to what is believed by most people (the opposite).
Triggers, waiting, entry and stop/exit points are useless to something working or not.
Negative progressions are evil - positive progressions (when the player HAS an advantage is important).
((with no advantage, all progressions might as well be negative ones)
So really none of those listed 'guide' me in what numbers I play.
Although TurboNewton's First Law of Random isn't too well known yet - it will be at some point


Quote from: The General on May 08, 04:09 PM 2016
1. The Strong Force?
2. The Electromagnetic Force?
3. The Weak Force?
4. The Gravitational Force?
5. The Magical Ether?
Oh you really think you are the only one who reads this stuff dont you.

How can us dumbo's know about classical field theory?

Number 5 is stupid and you missed the word Nuclear out of 2 of them

Its a ridiculous attempt to patronize people

Nice try

The General

QuoteNumber 5 is stupid and you missed the word Nuclear out of 2 of them

"Nuclear" isn't required, as it's implied already.
In chemistry, the reason we could study how materials behave is because they exist, holding together by some kind of forces.

In fact all known forces (or interactions) in the universe can be grouped into four basic types. Below lists these forces in the order of decreasing strength.

1. The Strong Force
This force is responsible for binding of nuclei. It is the dominant one in reactions and decays of most of the fundamental particles. This force is so strong that it binds and stabilize the protons of similar charges within a nucleus. However, it is very short range. No such force will be felt beyond the order of 1 fm (femtometer or 10-15 m).

2. The Electromagnetic Force
This is the force which exists between all particles which have an electric charge. For example, electrons (negative charge) bind with nucleus of an atom, due to the presence of protons (positive charge). The force is long range, in principle extending over infinite distance. However, the strength can quickly diminishes due to shielding effect. Many everyday experiences such as friction and air resistance are due to this force. This is also the resistant force that we feel, for example, when pressing our palm against a wall. This is originated from the fact that no two atoms can occupy the same space. However, its strength is about 100 times weaker within the range of 1 fm, where the strong force dominates. But because there is no shielding within the nucleus, the force can be cumulative and can compete with the strong force. This competition determines the stability structure of nuclei.

3. The Weak Force This force is responsible for nuclear beta decay and other similar decay processes involving fundamental particles. The range of this force is smaller than 1 fm and is 10-7 weaker than the strong force. Nevertheless, it is important in understanding the behavior of fundamental particles.

4. The Gravitational Force
This is the force that holds us onto the Earth. It could be important in our daily life, but on the scale of atomic world it is of negligible or no importance at all. Gravitational force is cumulative and extended to infinity. It exists whenever there is matter. Your body is experiencing a gravitaional pull with, say, your computer (or anything close to you or as far away as stars and galaxies) but the effect is so small you will never sense it. However, you can sense the gravitaional pull with the Earth (that is, your weight) due to the cumulative effect of billions of billions of the atoms made up your body with those atoms of the Earth. This means that the larger the body (contain more matter), the stronger the force. But on the scale of individual particles, the force is extremely small, only in the order of 10-38 times that of the strong force source link:://sciencepark.etacude.com/particle/forces.php

Please note that this is an off topic area.  So your insults...

are perfectly accePtabLe. ;)
Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


Quote from: Turner on May 08, 05:23 PM 2016So your insults...

You typed that quick lol

what insults? You think magical ether isnt stupid?

The General

I think the "magical ether" is fitting.  So many people like to claim that past spins influence future spins, but check logic at the door.  In this thread, they can put forth their best argument or insult (towards me) if they so choose.  I wouldn't take any of it too seriously though.  Let's keep the thread fun.  ;)

Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)



Quote from: TurboGenius on May 08, 04:50 PM 2016

I would say that roulette is random.
Each spin is independent from the last.

Hot numbers tend to stay hot, cold numbers tend to stay cold. *TurboNewton's First Law of Random*
Contrary to what is believed by most people (the opposite).

Turbo, those statements are contradictory. If hot numbers tend to stay hot then you can look at past spins and if some are "hot" you're then entitled to bet that they will continue to stay hot. Ditto for cold numbers.

That means there is a dependency. Funny how the General didn't notice that, him being an expert on logic.   ;)
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain



Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Quote from: Bayes on May 08, 06:15 PM 2016
Turbo, those statements are contradictory. If hot numbers tend to stay hot then you can look at past spins and if some are "hot" you're then entitled to bet that they will continue to stay hot. Ditto for cold numbers.
That means there is a dependency. Funny how the General didn't notice that, him being an expert on logic.   ;)

I'm not so sure about that, but for all I know you could be right.
I don't look at past spins when I sit down to play - that would be useless to me.
I could ask the guy next to me "Hey, any hot numbers ?" and he could say "yeah ! 30 and 21 !"
But.. So what ? They more than likely won't be my hot numbers - or they could be, but I won't bet on them based on what happened before I started playing.
Now - on the other hand, I sit down and play 10 because 10 just showed up (is it a hot number ?...hmm. It has a better chance of being one than a number that hasn't shown up yet)

"""Dear Lord - please make sure people read that last line and scribble it down on a piece of paper so in 10 years they can jump out of bed yelling "OH SHIT ! I GET IT NOW !" - thank you. Signed TurboGenius"""

So now 10 shows again and I win (because I was betting on it already) ((see what I did there)).
I stay on it but I'm not betting 9 or 31 or 0 because they aren't hot (for me.... maybe for the guy at the table before me...sure).

So - am I playing past numbers ? No - not if 'past' means before I started my session.
Am I betting higher based on a number's past performance since I started playing ? Yeah....
It's TurboNewton's First Law of Random so to do anything else would be silly.

Great thread General - lets keep it civil - which I hope means no hitting below the belt..... 'cause I have PLENTY below the belt and that's just not fair to hit me there.

The General

I believe what Turbo is trying to say, is that his hot numbers have a greater chance of being more than just a hot number.  Since he's playing the live wheel and dealer, there's an ever so slightly greater chance that his numbers could be bettererer than random since they recently hitteded and because they hitz more than the other numberzz...  Meaning unlike the other random goats often chosen by the playerz that believe in dependence, his numbers could be mightly powerful, wonderful, wisely chosen, biased numbers that could be exploiting a defective wheel!

Well done Mr. Turbo!  Well done! Bravo!


Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


Quote from: TurboGenius on May 08, 06:41 PM 2016I could ask the guy next to me "Hey, any hot numbers ?" and he could say "yeah ! 30 and 21 !"
But.. So what ? They more than likely won't be my hot numbers - or they could be, but I won't bet on them based on what happened before I started playing.
Wise thought turbo.  I had a thought that struck me.

I come to AC. I see my idol sitting next to the wheel playing numbers. ( Oh yeah, that's you if not for those wisdom and interest during the old days ofc will I be playing roulette?  ). I ask politely what is hot and you as always helps me with a few numbers. I keep betting on them. Will I win or will I lose? If am winning, why? They were not my numbers, they were yours. Ouch! Too much of a deep thought, brain is swelling.
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Quote from: Priyanka on May 08, 08:57 PM 2016
Wise thought turbo.  I had a thought that struck me.

I come to AC. I see my idol sitting next to the wheel playing numbers. ( Oh yeah, that's you if not for those wisdom and interest during the old days ofc will I be playing roulette?  ). I ask politely what is hot and you as always helps me with a few numbers. I keep betting on them. Will I win or will I lose? If am winning, why? They were not my numbers, they were yours. Ouch! Too much of a deep thought, brain is swelling.

You won't win on my hot numbers, no. You "could" if they remain hot of course - but you could also be missing out on your own personal list of hot numbers that began appearing as you sat down. :)
