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The Safe Zone (Systems Only Section) Propagates An Infection Of Ignorance

Started by The General, May 11, 05:08 PM 2016

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The General

When you create a "safe zone" for the system junkies (system only posts) you're creating an infection of ignorance within the system zone while limiting and or prohibiting facts, logic and commonsense.

Taking free speech and power from the well educated and experienced and then giving more of it (or all of it)  to the  inexperienced, ignorant, and challenged is political correctness run amok.  It's a reallllllllllly BAD IDEA.  It will dumb down the forum, and it takes the power from those who deserve it the most, and then gives it all to those who deserve it the least.

Besides, when the system junkies leave their safe zone, who's going to be protecting them in the real world?  It's best that they get a dose of logic, facts, and commonsense here in the forum, rather than in the casino when real money is on the line.  Successful forums like the wizardofvegas (Which recently sold for over two million) do not create safe zones for a reason.  It turns the experienced gambler's away and propagates the infection of ignorance.  Lastly,  intentionally leaving them ignorant leaves them as prey for the gypsy system selling scammers that are selling there latest up as you lose progression or win3million. scams.

Just my ten and half cents.  :)

-The General
Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


Unfortunately thats not the biggest problem with the forum

The 'ignore' feature does not work

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins


The General

Does the ignore button work in the casino?

Above is pretty much all I will say on the subject.

Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


Quote from: The General on May 11, 05:20 PM 2016
Do the ignore button work in the casino?

No. I have a lot of fun at the casino.

Playing recreationally.
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: The General on May 11, 05:08 PM 2016
When you create a "safe zone" for the system junkies (system only posts) you're creating an infection of ignorance within the system zone while limiting and or prohibiting facts, logic and commonsense.

Taking free speech and power from the well educated and experienced and then giving more of it (or all of it)  to the  inexperienced, ignorant, and challenged is political correctness run amok.  It's a reallllllllllly BAD IDEA.  It will dumb down the forum, and it takes the power from those who deserve it the most, and then gives it all to those who deserve it the least.

Besides, when the system junkies leave their safe zone, who's going to be protecting them in the real world?  It's best that they get a dose of logic, facts, and commonsense here in the forum, rather than in the casino when real money is on the line.  Successful forums like the wizardofvegas (Which recently sold for over two million) do not create safe zones for a reason.  It turns the experienced gambler's away and propagates the infection of ignorance.  Lastly,  intentionally leaving them ignorant leaves them as prey for the gypsy system selling scammers that are selling there latest up as you lose progression or win3million. scams.

Just my ten and half cents.  :)

-The General

Yeah Steve.........why are you doing this to the General??? :question:

What's your problem?
You sir.......are a monster!!!


Quote from: thelaw on May 11, 05:35 PM 2016
Yeah Steve.........why are you doing this to the General??? :question:

What's your problem?

I seriously just laughed out loud
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Got to love it.
Like I said before - "I don't want to hear what you're saying so now you can't reply back".
Let's just go to every University and tell the students "If you don't agree with what the professors are saying, then here's a separate classroom where you can all give each other false information. You can also grade one-another as well !!".
Wow, I wonder what that graduating class would look like.
From the looks of it - there would be lots of "1+1=9" going around.
Oh yeah - the professors said it was 2 but SCREW THEM, we run the class now.
""Taking free speech and power from the well educated and experienced and then giving more of it (or all of it)  to the  inexperienced, ignorant, and challenged is political correctness run amok.""
Damn, I almost thought that I wasn't in the US anymore lol. Did the Democrats do this ?
In my world - when someone says something wrong and you correct them, they would say "Thank you, I understand now" but instead we are now supposed to think that "SHUT UP, I DON"T CARE WHAT YOU THINK" is acceptable.
Whatever, bad idea indeed - but you only grow the crops based on the seeds that you plant and nurture.


Quote from: The General on May 11, 05:08 PM 2016Taking free speech and power from the well educated and experienced and then giving more of it (or all of it)  to the  inexperienced, ignorant, and challenged is political correctness run amok.  It's a reallllllllllly BAD IDEA.  It will dumb down the forum, and it takes the power from those who deserve it the most, and then gives it all to those who deserve it the least.

what a horrible assumption to make about people


Quote from: TurboGenius on May 11, 05:45 PM 2016
almost thought that I wasn't in the US anymore lol. Did the Democrats do this ?

Liberal democrats in our country turbo are the worst breed to ever happen. The new modern ones running around
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: Turner on May 11, 05:49 PM 2016
what a horrible assumption to make about people

Agreed. Thats a remark of a crazy man

Been awhile since I read something so self centered and egotistical. Hopefully soon it will be over

When people like Bayes or Priyanka speak, i listen. Extremely intelligent people who seek to help. My cup of tea
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Some people just need to learn the hard way, and I'm all for letting them learn.
Bookmarks this thread so someday in the near future I can come back to it and say...........
Well - you'll have to wait for it.


Quote from: The General on May 11, 05:08 PM 2016When you create a "safe zone" for the system junkies (system only posts) you're creating an infection of ignorance within the system zone while limiting and or prohibiting facts, logic and commonsense.

What I'm doing is allowing willfully ignorant people to remain ignorant. The facts and truth is not hard to find for anyone who WANTS to find it.

Quote from: The General on May 11, 05:08 PM 2016It's a reallllllllllly BAD IDEA.  It will dumb down the forum, and it takes the power from those who deserve it the most, and then gives it all to those who deserve it the least.

Its not about "deserving" anything.

Quote from: The General on May 11, 05:08 PM 2016It's best that they get a dose of logic, facts, and commonsense here in the forum, rather than in the casino when real money is on the line.

I absolutely agree. But everyone has the right to do what they want with their lives.

Quote from: The General on May 11, 05:08 PM 2016Successful forums like the wizardofvegas (Which recently sold for over two million) do not create safe zones for a reason.

The original site creator understands grade 3 math. His site was built around fundamental grade 3 math. And compared to other forums, a higher percentage of members understand it too. So if you go there and say 1+1=9, you will get jumped on by a lot of people wanting to tell you how wrong you are. Most forums don't have "safe zones". I created one because some people dont want to hear logic. Yes its wilfull ignorance. And any professional player would bang their head against the wall watching ignorant people go in circles.

Regarding wizardsofvegas, the forum also has unmoderated trolls who are more interested in speaking condescendingly to people for arrogant personal gratification, although they have no idea what they're talking about, which is why I didnt stay at that forum for long.

Here's a summary:

1. Caleb I agree that the safe zone is NOT in the interests of fact and forward progress. It's as close to a "facts are not allowed" section as you can get.

2. Caleb you need to let go of people being wrong. You know gambling is a very small part of a much bigger world, and there is far worse ignorance going on. Some people have a problem with you not because you're telling facts - it's because you're constantly on people's case about it. Yes I know how you see the system junkies. But let them do their own thing. Is them being wrong going to affect you? Just resist the urge to shove a screwdriver in your ear. There is an advantage play section for discuss of approaches that do work. I'd be happy to contribute except what I know, beyond traditional vb etc, is not something I'll ever share publicly because it needs to be kept from casinos. When I see some self-professed expert talking about diamond hits, except his information is looking at the wrong thing and making vague limiting assumptions, I'd love to correct them. But I shut up. Even if I did help them, they'd only claim they thought of it as they've done previously.

btw, I have solid proof dice setting is reality. Comparatively shitty edge to roulette, but will definitely create trouble when I publish the information.

3. RG, I'm well aware that you only want to play as a hobby. What Caleb is trying to help you and others with is basic fundamental reality. I know I've explained this before. But how do you feel about people who dont know or care to know about the banks, money creation, GMOs etc. Drives you nuts, right? People have no f***ing idea, and whats worse is they dont even want to know. Well that's how it's like for Caleb when he sees RBRRBBRRRB oh I won i have the HG.... oh wait, RRRRRRBBBB is right, I have the HG... oh hang on, it's RRRBBRRBBBBBBBB then martingale, then that's the HG. See I tested 20 spins and proved it! I mean come on, it would drive anyone nuts. Fair enough, it's a hobby for you. It drives me nuts seeing this, but the difference between me and Caleb is I'm more willing to let you do your own thing without busting your balls.

4. Caleb, please stop busting people's balls.

5. RG, Caleb is not crazy. To any gambling professional, that's how you are seen.
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Quote from: Steve on May 11, 07:13 PM 2016
Is them being wrong going to affect you?

Define being wrong. If someone choose to use disposable money and put it into a hobby such as roulette and chooses to "play a system" why is that right or wrong?

I am lost on this

Because so and so has $100 dollars and they choose to play martingale one day after work why does that matter and why is that "wrong", the marty is just an example

Caleb is wasting his time, in a huge way. Not many people are going to devote so much time to VB. I mean look what he is reduced to. On multiple forums posting "who plays here" to get wheel info for his next adventure. Noone has time for that, most here play recreationally.
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on May 11, 07:19 PM 2016Define being wrong.

1+1=5 <----- WRONG

Quote from: RouletteGhost on May 11, 07:19 PM 2016If someone choose to use disposable money and put it into a hobby such as roulette and chooses to "play a system" why is that right or wrong?

That part is not wrong. Caleb doesnt give a crap what you do with your own money.

Maybe you are not understanding the difference between mathematical fact, and personal preference.

Quote from: RouletteGhost on May 11, 07:19 PM 2016Caleb is wasting his time, in a huge way.

On you he is, because you dont care. But I dont think he's interested in helping you. I think he's more interested in correcting the inaccurate and potentially harmful claims about what does and doesnt work.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
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Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: Steve on May 11, 07:26 PM 2016
1+1=5 <----- WRONG

That part is not wrong. Caleb doesnt give a crap what you do with your own money.

Maybe you are not understanding the difference between mathematical fact, and personal preference.

On you he is, because you dont care. But I dont think he's interested in helping you. I think he's more interested in correcting the inaccurate and potentially harmful claims about what does and doesnt work.

Noone ever argued that VB does or does not work

If anyone has a gambling problem and puts all their money into a "system" not only are they stupid but they should seek gambling help from their local government/state.

Wait a minute! 28 SMITES?!?!

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

