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The effect of what you post

Started by Steve, May 15, 06:50 AM 2016

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QuoteJust because some people arent too bright doesn't mean i wont clearly warn them, so maybe they don't make mistakes.  You know stupid or not, these are real people we are talking about who may even be supporting families. And I'll do the responsible thing and steer them in the right direction.

Steve i agree with you that common pepole can become naive and try to play full time or as proffesional and they might have familys with kids.
They might have house with mortage.

So Steve what is reallity, maybe its time to make a reality check.
I respect pepole who spent 6 Days each week in the casino, that is not silly, that is seriuos stuff.
They should know what it takes with mental pressure to make your Daily session a succés to put food on the table and put away some for the mortage or rent.

John Patrick wrote a topic about the subject and i which this guy had read it Before he start playing and test all systems.
Very good advice from JP.
One thing he mention is to keep your day job and try out six mounths playing the game and see if you can make it.
That way you have something to fall back at if things goes wrong.
And i agree with JP this is a very good advice.
But then again you missing the crusal part of this adventure, the mental pressure, you will not feel that part if you keep your day job and it would not be the real thing.

Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


Anyone who chooses to become a professional gambler should have at least a stock portfolio of $ 600,000.-- , a residence without any mortgage payments and above all a cash gambling bankroll of $ 100,00.--.

Take it or leave it. That`s   reality.


Quote from: ego on May 15, 11:40 AM 2016
Steve i agree with you that common pepole can become naive and try to play full time or as proffesional and they might have familys with kids.
They might have house with mortage.

So Steve what is reallity, maybe its time to make a reality check.
I respect pepole who spent 6 Days each week in the casino, that is not silly, that is seriuos stuff.
They should know what it takes with mental pressure to make your Daily session a succés to put food on the table and put away some for the mortage or rent.

John Patrick wrote a topic about the subject and i which this guy had read it Before he start playing and test all systems.
Very good advice from JP.
One thing he mention is to keep your day job and try out six mounths playing the game and see if you can make it.
That way you have something to fall back at if things goes wrong.
And i agree with JP this is a very good advice.
But then again you missing the crusal part of this adventure, the mental pressure, you will not feel that part if you keep your day job and it would not be the real thing.

What was he thinking, that he would reach luxury and glamour going proffesional? Who read system boards and invest 5000 Euro? There is something wrong with this Picture!
I mean when you have a day job you get Points in my contry for pension, your employer pays the pension Insurance, so when you quit working at age 65 you get full salary.
For example, assume i earn 2000 Euro each mounth and i am 45 and when i am 65 i will get around 1400 Euro each mount as long as i live my Life, until my Death.

What this means, well i am not only going to earn Money for food, rent apartment, hobbys, traveling. Gambling.
Lets say food is 500 Euro each mounth and rent 500 Euro each mounth and traveling to different casinos around the World 500 Euro each mounth and hobbys among other things 300 Euro.
500 + 500 +500 +300 = that is 1800 Euro each mounth or around 550 Euro each week.

Lets say 2000 Euro each mounth and 500 Euro each week and all this is not including savings for your pension which would be Another 2000 Euro each mounth for saving.
As you don't have Insurance Points by any employer.

That is a total of 4000 Euro each mounth or 1000 Euro each week, get real is not going to happen and why did not this guy do this caculations?
No one will win 4000 Euro on regular basis.
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


I agree with nathan -a pro has to have a good chunk put away
"No Whining, just Winning"


Quote from: Tomla021 on May 15, 10:29 AM 2016
nice --keep this all in one post  and I wont bring up system plays and screw this post up but I did hear that if you wiggle your ears and the third dozen comes up its wise to bet the first dozen...the real trick is in learning how to wiggle ones ears

Hold on I think you are curve fitting here.
The last time those rules also included wearing a baseball cap backwards now no mention of it. :xd:
'Sometimes it is best to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt'


Quote from: Steve on May 15, 06:50 AM 2016
I understand many members arent interested in facts and math, and develop roulette systems and play roulette as a hobby. And you dont like it when people explain why your system will lose. Yes it can be annoying. But heres the other side of the argument...

At vlsroulette.com a new member posted this:

So heres one person who believed some thread about systems being winners.

Firstly, its the players fault for not doing proper testing before betting real money. He shouldve known better. But unfortunately, reality is some people dont know better, and they are misled by incorrect information posted on forums. I cant help feeling partially responsible for him being misled by material on forums I run.

I know some of you dont like hearing "facts". Its inconvenient. Often its not fun. If you want to stick your head in the sand, its your choice and nobody will stop you. But soon Ill add a clear warning throughout the forum so readers dont so readily bet on bad advice, hobby advice or not.

It may seem like a terrible idea to create virtually a "fact free" area. its a section where people can choose to ignore critical information. The consequence is for some members to enjoy freedom of ignorance with their hobby, other people with families in need of money will be misled and harmed. Its just no comparison of priority.

Soon the area or whole forum will come with an annoying warning, especially for people who believe everything they read.

noone to blame but himself

gamble only what you can afford to lose

seek help if you cannot
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: Steve on May 15, 06:50 AM 2016
I understand many members arent interested in facts and math, and develop roulette systems and play roulette as a hobby. And you dont like it when people explain why your system will lose. Yes it can be annoying. But heres the other side of the argument...

At vlsroulette.com a new member posted this:

So heres one person who believed some thread about systems being winners.

Firstly, its the players fault for not doing proper testing before betting real money. He shouldve known better. But unfortunately, reality is some people dont know better, and they are misled by incorrect information posted on forums. I cant help feeling partially responsible for him being misled by material on forums I run.

I know some of you dont like hearing "facts". Its inconvenient. Often its not fun. If you want to stick your head in the sand, its your choice and nobody will stop you. But soon Ill add a clear warning throughout the forum so readers dont so readily bet on bad advice, hobby advice or not.

It may seem like a terrible idea to create virtually a "fact free" area. its a section where people can choose to ignore critical information. The consequence is for some members to enjoy freedom of ignorance with their hobby, other people with families in need of money will be misled and harmed. Its just no comparison of priority.

Soon the area or whole forum will come with an annoying warning, especially for people who believe everything they read.

Classic example of "attacking the straw man"


Quote from: Steve on May 15, 06:50 AM 2016

I know some of you dont like hearing "facts".

that is a bit belittling

Most of us "know the facts"

maybe it bothers you that some do not care and only play as a hobby?
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Rg you have a strange view if you think peoples hobbies affects me
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


"I'm know I'm wrong, I just don't care"
Seems to be popular lately lol

Besides, what kind of hobby would a person have an interest in - but no interest in doing it properly.
Hopefully not skydiving, bungee jumping, scuba diving, ski jumping, base jumping, cliff jumping, hang gliding, wow - could go one and on...gambling ?


Quote from: TurboGenius on May 15, 05:27 PM 2016

Besides, what kind of hobby would a person have an interest in - but no interest in doing it properly.

but who are you to say how to "play properly" ?

properly to your standards?

you play your way i play my way. same odds man.
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



I'm just saying - even as a fun hobby, surely you would want to be as good at it as you can be ?
If other people have the same hobby and point you in the right directions, why is that something hostile ? In those other hobbies it could save a life even.
(I'm just poking, play how you want lol)


Quote from: TurboGenius on May 15, 05:38 PM 2016
I'm just saying - even as a fun hobby, surely you would want to be as good at it as you can be ?
If other people have the same hobby and point you in the right directions, why is that something hostile ? In those other hobbies it could save a life even.
(I'm just poking, play how you want lol)

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



For me theres no better time then going to atlantic city, throwin down a few hundred bucks, and playing roulette

I dont need to win it won't effect my lifestyle

If people get out of hand they need gambling help

Noone shoule lose their shirt

Play it for fun
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins




Ive played chess most of my life, and after 20 years realized what was actually needed to be really good. Its mind blowing.

I could beat most at the club, but certain players will always beat me. Sad thing is I am that good a player, I can see exactly how they have beat me.

The upshot is that I really dont have the time (in life) to ever get to where I would like to be. Im 52, and should be this good at chess at 10 years old to have a chance.

I think this recent spate of "you dont know what you are doing", mainly from 3 people, is missing the point big time

I recon that the people TG, Caleb and Steve continuously keep trying to make "see sense" would fair much better in a casino against the Chinese resteraunt waiters and taxi drivers who throw chips at the table like a proud Dad throwing confetti at his daughters wedding.

Seriously, I have faith in them.

And this is where we all are. We arnt no Grand Masters, but we know the game well enough to do well in the casino and most of all, enjoy seeing that knowledge work for us.

Im not going to buy a computer and "improve my bet selection". IMHO its cheating.
Im not going to travel the world on my own, living out of travel lodges, examining bits of fluff and grease in wheel pockets. Its sad. Get a life!

Im going to keep trying to enjoy having a great buzz at the casino, and keep doing well by playing a knowledgeable and sensible approach.

Thats the fecking point you 3 keep on missing.....over and over and over and over and over and..........

Now....stop trying to convert the "Heathens" like some door knocking Jehovah’s Witness and let people enjoy this wonderful game at the level they feel comfortable at.

Sermon over

and relax......
