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Started by INTERCEPTOR, May 30, 04:51 AM 2016

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Gitano and anyone who trust LOTT; with the TROT  being shown by countback
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The General

Quote from: nottophammer on Sep 30, 02:10 PM 2018
Gitano paste some of the pictures, we can see if this machine gives the Strange info called LOTT that countback can show as well.

We won't be disturbed by Steve & General as LOTT dont exist to them only the 1/37, but we might get some replies that could be anyone of their AKA's

The law of the third demonstrates the distribution of randomness. Good grief! LOL!!!

Think of it like this...
In craps, the seven hits the most because there are more ways for the seven to hit.
In roulette, over 38 spins, there are more ways for some numbers to have hit two times, three times, maybe fives, or not at all, than there are for all numbers to have hit exactly once. Understand??

Unfortunately there's absolutely no way to exploit the normal random distribution in the random game because it's RANDOM, and the payout is set for a 36 pocket wheel, not a 37 or 38 pocket wheel. This is why I'm always shaking my head when the  cough... cough... forum members plot their distributions. Their distributions are showing that the wheel has toooo many pockets. LOL!!!

Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


Gitano these 1st 10 spins are from your sheet.
We see its 10/10, so mark the expected 15 non-hit over spins 11-40, so here we see countback shows distribution,5,5,5
If any have looked at the non-hit time table, the general's #'s, live and German live spins from the real spin section, that both give 15 point something for spins 11-40; so i round down to 15 a convient 50/50 for non-hit over 30 spins, so the other 15 must be "NO" repeats, what ever next.

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How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


General still here.
Now if you’ve bothered to look at the time table, you could see the average to hit and of course the max to hit.
Well I’ll tell you, up to the 19th non-hit they have an average of 2 spins, the max you’ll have to look up, can’t do everything for you lot.
Now remember the Generals mate, think not, Winkel, what does he reference at spin 13, you’d know this reference if you bothered to read GUT, a brilliant method, who cares what Kon-fused found if you bet every crossing, I’d never be betting those amount of crossing and Winkel made a suggestion to overcome that lost crossing.
So that reference is 2 repeats could have appeared by spin 13.
Well what would you do here, idiot will say curve fitting, well listen to him if you want.
What is countback showing, showing 11th non-hit is late

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Gitano +10 spin 28
So this is fast for non-hit. Now I’d be just watching, I know what I’d bet for, but you see if you could win by betting for the non-hit or even repeats. General will only say I’m curve fitting.
Okay LOTT says could see 24 non-hit on average, countback shows 24 non-hit by spins 37/38; look how far in front the non-hit are; what is going to happen, oh yeah 1 pocket too many, it’s 1/37; yeah if you like.

Got to get the next lot of #'s
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So Gitano this sheet showing the #’s shows the machine gave 25#’s one more than the expected at spins37/38, so in GUT; Winkel showed different results for different days on different equipment and I believe he said as long as LOTT is showing then it is fair.
The countback, is spot on with 25, so 15 non-hit and 15 repeats.
Have you looked how many non-hits can appear by spin 60?

I should write a book
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Here you see the checkpoints for the Generals starburst #’s, showing each 10 spins and there average

Now Random.org

And you see 29 non-hit came for those 1/37 spins and just 1 pocket too many.

Where’s Muttley, oh yeah he’s off to the KFC,
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


now 1 hidden has joined should be good for Bla Bla
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Quote from: The General on Sep 30, 02:26 PM 2018
The law of the third demonstrates the distribution of randomness. Good grief! LOL!!!

Think of it like this...
In craps, the seven hits the most because there are more ways for the seven to hit.
In roulette, over 38 spins, there are more ways for some numbers to have hit two times, three times, maybe fives, or not at all, than there are for all numbers to have hit exactly once. Understand??

Thats perfectly put Caleb. It does nothing more than present the distribution that has the most ways to show more often than ways that have less ways to show.....commonly know as "on average"

and....24 hit, 13 unhit (European wheel)  is the 7 in craps. This is the one combination that has the most ways to hit.

This is the basis of the 2nd law of thermo dynamics, or entropy. An egg falling off a table and breaking has so many more ways to go than re assembling back onto the table. Thats the only reason it doesnt. Probability. Thats the arrow of time.


Quote from: Turner on Sep 30, 03:56 PM 2018This is the basis of the 2nd law of thermo dynamics, or entropy. An egg falling off a table and breaking has so many more ways to go than re assembling back onto the table. Thats the only reason it doesnt. Probability. Thats the arrow of time.

Hey Turner, this doesn't seem quite right to me. I can imagine it could happen that all 37 numbers hit in a cycle, given enough cycles, but I can't see how an egg falling off a table could somehow by "chance" re-assemble itself back onto the table. It seems to me that there's more to this not happening than just probability.  :o
Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: Joe on Sep 30, 04:13 PM 2018
Hey Turner, this doesn't seem quite right to me. I can imagine it could happen that all 37 numbers hit in a cycle, given enough cycles, but I can't see how an egg falling off a table could somehow by "chance" re-assemble itself back onto the table. It seems to me that there's more to this not happening than just probability.  :o

Its true...

Get a black coffee and stir. add milk slowly.

You see the milk for a few seconds them the milk goes to one of the zillion ways it can mix, one of which is the milk staying separated.

If you wait zillions of years, you may see the milk seperate out (hypothetically)

or.....there is no reason why all the molecules of air in the room you are sat in could be in one corner of the room apart from the gazillion other ways it could be there.

There are simply more ways for 24/13 over a cycle to show than other combinations.

There are simply more 7s to be had with 2 dice. Thats why you see more 7s
Thats why you see 24/13
Thats why coffee goes light brown
Thats why you arnt choking to death in your room

Dont forget, compared to milk molecules in coffee, combinations of 37 numbers in 37 is minute

You will see 23/14 or 21/16 or 26/11 often enough but as small as it is compared to coffee molecules, its big enough to never see 27/0 or no.6 hit 37 times.


It doesn't matter what you'll probably never see. There's a lot you'll probably never see. What matters is probability vs payout.

It's still not being understood.
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Quote from: Steve on Sep 30, 05:28 PM 2018There's a lot you'll probably never see
and dont have to worry about...leaving your hands free to focus on what will definitely happen


Spin 21, +32
Now old LOTT say’s we can see 24 non-hit, in the 37spins, but because we believe what Notto shows with the averages from 4 sets of data, one set being from the expert on roulette, at this time known as the General. With Notto’s 15 non-hits in spins 11-40, we place countback, that shows the phenomenon; the TROT; we see countback says we should see 21, non-hits by spin 37/38; not the 24 that the LOTT says. Which will be right?
At 60; 28 came, close to the 29
What we know is that as the non-hit, decrease, the profits go up, nice that

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