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Interesting way of playing, have no idea how to call this

Started by kingdombunnies, Jun 11, 02:45 PM 2016

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Here is a way of playing and I would like to hear the more experienced player(s) their thoughts. I did not come up with it, but I think it is interesting. Even more interesting is that the person who played like this knew when to bet and when not to bet. He kept a notebook with him and wrote down every number.

So for example you have a bankroll of 1000 dollars/ euros/ points (does not matter).

So you place a 100 on red, 100 on even, 200 on 3rd 12, 200 on 1-34 and 200 on 2-35

Let's say the ball falls on 22. That is 1400 if calculated correctly. So + 400
The next bet you do the same and the ball falls on 32 that is 1600. Soo + 600 a total of +1000.

You bet again like this and the ball falls on 17. That is 1200. So +200

However, what numbers are "bad" numbers to bet when you play like this? Which numbers you don't like to fall?

So to continue, the person did not bet for 4 spins, which was a good thing because he would lost.

The 5th spin the ball landed on 14 so that is 1600, if I'm right.

Anyways he quit after that last round. Was he really lucky? Or did he found a way? And what are your thoughs about it?

And how to turn this in a system that would work long term? Or is this only short term and quit after you make 2-3 rounds profit?

To be honest I am tempted to test this out. But a 1000 euro is a lot for me ::)

Either way, I think it is interesting :)


Nice system.

Easy to play, same 4 locations.

Tested on RNG 100+ in 1 hour.

I added 1 unit after every spin, win or lose.

15 units was the most I had on the 4 locations=60

No big drawdowns, recovered easily.

Our enemy, b6, b15, b24, and 0

33 #'s in our favour,4 against.

I'll take those odds, all day long. :)



kingdombunny what are these 2 bets? 200 on 1-34 and 200 on 2-35
"No Whining, just Winning"


"No Whining, just Winning"


Eighty- four and counting.  Is age an excuse?


Quote from: holymoly on Jun 11, 11:33 PM 2016
Nice system.

Easy to play, same 4 locations.

Tested on RNG 100+ in 1 hour.

I added 1 unit after every spin, win or lose.

15 units was the most I had on the 4 locations=60

No big drawdowns, recovered easily.

Our enemy, b6, b15, b24, and 0

33 #'s in our favour,4 against.

I'll take those odds, all day long. :)


Yeah @holymoly it is good/ interesting system. I noticed this :)

I think I want to test this out 1 million spins. Of course what do other people think of it? And who want to test this out as well/ see this tested 1 million spins?

@Tomla021 yeah columns. Are they different on an american roulette?


when you hit 22 is 800 back and net 0,when you hit 17   win is 600 and your net is -200    :question:
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Quote from: maestro on Jun 12, 02:52 AM 2016
when you hit 22 is 800 back and net 0,when you hit 17   win is 600 and your net is -200    :question:

You're right  :ooh: Thnx for pointing that out :D


So I went to a casino this morning. I had 100 euro's and I played on a airball/ electric roulette (what is the right name for those anyway)?

I wrote down 250 spins (I will put them all down later this week, because tomorrow I will continue playing). At the moment I am -40 euro. I played for around 4 hours.

However I have to admit I sometimes played an number (and this system does not require to play certain numbers). If I would stick from the beginning to the system perhaps I would not lose :p

Tomorrow I will play at least another 250 spins. And will post the numbers per spin + win and loss rate :)

I think I will call this the "old man bet" system because an old man played like this. The only thing I want to discover is how the old man knew when to bet and when to wait... perhaps 1 day I will find out  :twisted:


i played it a bit playing flat and the br climbed up ---- fun bet covering a lot.....my guess is the old man came in after column 3 came in 3-4 times but what do I know....
"No Whining, just Winning"


So after 500 spins there is 1 thing I noticed. This system wins often in the beginning but aorund 100-200 spins you will gradually lose.

My guess it is a good system for the short run and you need to bet quite "high". Small bets have no merit with this system. But for the long run you need another system.

However, it is good to make (a lot) of profit/ points so you can start playing somethinge else. Or you quit while you have a nice profit :)

I will test it more, but that are my thoughs about it.


"No Whining, just Winning"


As it is presented there is no reason for this to not lose long term...
"In God we trust; all others must bring data", W. Edwards Deming


Okay are there math guys here?

In the attachement below you can see when you use this system what numbers make you profit and what numbers don't .

My questions is can you "predict" or calculate to increase your chances?

BTW I did not make that chart, someone else did :)

16 out of the 37 numbers would profit.


"No Whining, just Winning"
