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Voisins , Tiers ,Orphelins

Started by Tamino, Jul 18, 12:28 PM 2016

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Mr Winkel,

Thanks  for  the MM approach. Well I still   discussion  the  discussion in which you have partaken in the Paroli Forum regarding " Intermediate equalization of Even Chances"

Since the I have reduced the  6 EC to  only ONE dominant.

The first time I did play this method  with all  6 EC I was completely exhausted. The dealer , an Asian Fem, did not like this and hardly gave me time  to place my bets. I still came out ahead. But in all candor I was done for the day.


Nate.... of course, voisins and tiers etc. are only there  because these areas of the wheel can be covered quickly with a few chips using splits.
Tiers 5/8, 10/11, 13/16, 23/24, 27/30, 33/36

Probably named Tiers because playing that way will end in tears ;D


Quote from: Turner on Jul 20, 04:57 AM 2016

Probably named Tiers because playing that way will end in tears ;D

Where is the Like button  ?  :xd:
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: winkel on Jul 18, 03:02 PM 2016
OMG you know nothing about europe, do you?

In Germany you are safe like a baby in a crad

<Mr winkel,

Better rise from that " Sleeping Beauty" nap because within one hour of  your reply  one terrorist  attacked  passengers with a hatchet and knife eon a local train  to Wuerzburg Germany..His battle cry  Allaju Akubar.

Today , in Mujnich, Germany 6 people killed  by apparently one assailant in a  shopping center ( No further details available as of now)

Germany Wake Up



Quote from: The General on Jul 19, 09:38 AM 2016
Look back, long before any US intervention and you will find the Moooslims were fire bombing trains and killing the 'infidels'.  It's what their religion directs them to do.  Read the Koran.

Unfortunately you are right, it's not about what you believe, but the freedom to believe what you want.

If I come to you and say:
"You must believe what I do because it's the only reality, otherwise you have no place in this world..."
Your only options would be to accept it or die, or fight back if you can.

When a bad  situation starts, many others could follow like chain reaction...

Where does this stop? Only if the good people decide to tolerate the injustice and sacrifice themselves.

With one mistake you cannot correct a previous mistake...


Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jul 19, 09:53 AM 2016
Bill maher says it best. Religions suck. But no religion does what islam does today

-Woman oppression
-Believe what i believe or i will kill you

I have seen videos from europe. With my own eyes. Listening to what the muslims say sometimes is scary. Catholics and jews dont do this


Islam engulfs fanaticism which have been proved countless times in history that leads to violence and many other atrocities.

Lesser bad is their "rusty" mentality, it's like living centuries ago...

