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Started by Thunder Pants, Oct 24, 01:10 PM 2016

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Thunder Pants

The Bet: simply bet the same number as last spin plus the 5 numbers to the right and the 5 numbers to the left of that number on the physical wheel (here european). Example: Zero just hit so next spin we be on the area that consist of: 28,12,35,3,26,0,32,15,19,4,21. Next spin turn out to be 13 (we lost), we then bet 25,17,34,6,27,13,36,11,30,8,23. Next spin turns out to be 17 (we  win) then we bet 19,4,21,2,25,17,34,6,27,13,36 etc.

Idea & History: played enough "repeat the same" dozen, line, sector strategy's .. only to have it go cold and at the same time see some other area repeat like 5 times in a row. Logic told me it really shouldnt matter & odds should be the same betting on a moving target or a stationary one. At least we would catch those uncommon moments where a number repeats.
Started off betting low areas like 3 (the number & both numbers next to it), 5 (number & both 2 number next to it) but ended up on 11 number bet. Mostly as i dont believe in longwinded progressions.

Analyzing your board: quite importent this one i found. Testing random roulette videos on youtube and nearly fell off my chair when the first sample of 14 spins had 8 repeats. Of cause in general most wheels do show behavior closer to expected aka 1 repeat every 3 to 4 spins. Longest set of spins ive seen without a repeat was 14 times, but ive only seen it once. 11-12 spins without a repeat happens but is rare. In general a repeat usually happens in at least 7-8 spins & you should always expect it to happen at least twice a hour or so. Also saw a what i would call "abnormal" wheel that for a whole hour only gave a repeat every 7+ spins .. of cause the guy in the video was winning big as he was betting repeatedly on the same area, and when the ball was bouncing that much around it had to hit his area often. On the other hand ive seen crazy stuff (mainy RNG) like 5 losses in a row followed by 5 wins as the ball kept hitting the same one area. So if there is one thing ive learned its importent to check your board before betting.

Progression & bankroll: Current progression i use is 11, 11, 22, 22, 33 aka 1 unit on 11 number, then 1 unit on 11 numbers, 2 units on 11 numbers etc. If the progression fails and i loose 5 times i stop betting completely untill a repeat happen again (to avoid those long uncommon/rare streaks of ever changing sectors.
When i first tested the strategy i used a very carefull progression where id wait for the spin to not repeat 3 times and then bet 11,11,22,22. It works well however you dont win much as you skip out on a lot of repeats and when you do run into a progression fail then you are back to square one. However you dont loose you bankroll either.
So i ended up with the 11,11,22,22,33 that is more risky & you should expect more failed progressions, but also higher wins when you win. But its then also importent to keep an eye on the stats so you pull out when the wheel repeats less.
Anyways, progression is still a work in progress, perhaps like 1,3,11,11,22,22,33 is better i donno.
Bankroll i suggest 400-600 units but less is possible.
