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What would you vote? Poll even for non-US citizens

Started by BellagioOwner, Oct 28, 04:12 PM 2016

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What would you vote on 8th of November? Poll applies even for non-US citizens. What would you choose if you could vote?

I'm from US and I think I will vote Hillary Clinton
3 (8.6%)
I'm from US and I think I will vote Donald Trump
6 (17.1%)
I'm from US but I haven't yet decided what to vote/ or I don't care whoever will be President
2 (5.7%)
I'm not from US but I would have voted Hillary Clinton
9 (25.7%)
I'm not from US but I would have voted Donald Trump
10 (28.6%)
I'm not from US and I don't care whoever will be President
5 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Voting closed: Nov 09, 03:12 PM 2016


Since Presidential Elections are dead ahead I thought I could make a poll for fun. Even the non-US citizens (like me :P ) can answer. So feel free anyone that wants to vote.

I'm curious for any non US citizens opinion as well. Would be interesting to see what the rest of the world besides US has to say on the topic  :thumbsup:
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As a US citizen I am very displeased that my two choices are a woman under investigation by the FBI and Donald Trump.

We deserve better then these 2 clowns

Americans are dumbasses, so don't expect votes for the libertarian party. My country is stuck in the right left paradigm and has no idea about 3rd parties
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so you probably are more inclined to this vote... / or I don't care whoever will be President  :xd: :xd:
You can edit a bad page but you can't edit a blank page. Try things out! Don't procrastinate or wait perfect timing! Just start what you wish to do finally!


It dont matter who's in charge of the monkey house, they are only interested in looking after their own. Like in UK they want a 3rd runway at heathrow, need to put a tunnel over the M25, so the planes can take off, well fine but let the share holders fund it, not the tax payer. Who has shares in heathrow, the elite so let those f*****s pay for it, its like the railways when they went private, god knows how long ago, they say the past governments had not kept the infrastructure up to date, so up goes the prices, still delays and more packed trains, but they still make a profit, by charging more, to pay the share holders, who have all the money anyway.

Power to the people, Heh Turner. >:D
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Quote from: RouletteGhost on Oct 28, 04:26 PM 2016
As a US citizen I am very displeased that my two choices are a woman under investigation by the FBI and Donald Trump.

We deserve better then these 2 clowns

No, you totally deserve these 2 clowns. The rest of the world does not, however.

Quote from: RouletteGhost on Oct 28, 04:26 PM 2016

Americans are dumbasses, so don't expect votes for the libertarian party. My country is stuck in the right left paradigm and has no idea about 3rd parties

..and that's 2 reasons why you deserve these 2 clowns.


It's all SO stupid I say move aside Clinton & Trump,

MrJ for president!


I think id prefer ken to clinton. But ken would launch nuclear weapons if someone posted he's an idiot on forums. Very unstable guy. It's hard to decide. Trump is best but still not great.
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Quote from: RouletteGhost on Oct 28, 04:26 PM 2016Americans are dumbasses

I think most democratic countries have a majority of dumasses, not just USA.  Australia voted back in (by a very small margin) the LNP.  The only ones that benefit from the LNP are the elite and wealthy.  Our NBN is going to be total crap because of them.  Sometimes it sucks being in the minority that have a clue.
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Quote from: nowun on Oct 29, 11:03 AM 2016I think most democratic countries have a majority of dumasses, not just USA
Quote from: nowun on Oct 29, 11:03 AM 2016Sometimes it sucks being in the minority that have a clue

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”

― Winston S. Churchill
You can edit a bad page but you can't edit a blank page. Try things out! Don't procrastinate or wait perfect timing! Just start what you wish to do finally!


Yes, a pithy but very meaningful quote that is very relevant to an analysis and understanding of what happened on a global scale in the 20th century.

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I usually chose the less worse, but here, they are equal in the worst i have seen  :question:
nOrMy2o0o  ‹(•¿•)›
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."  Albert Einstein


Donald for me, but he can't win.  Hillary Clinton will win, just as Bush Jnr did.  The whole process is rigged .
