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@ turbo

Started by Steve, Dec 29, 07:00 AM 2016

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Quote from: Steve on Jul 04, 06:50 AM 2018Geez i was hoping youd say "im full stack with focus on c, c#. c++ and .NET. and can easily port to iOS.". I have a lot of programmers and good ones

Quotethe programmer started work on it and replicating freezes.
QuoteIts the test file while the programmer is still working on it.
QuoteI'll get the programmer to have a look.
QuoteIf the programmer cant replicate it, he cant fix it
QuoteI need details to report to programmer.
QuoteIt takes a programmer at least a week just to understand existing code. ......
QuoteI need to hire another programmer
Quoteafter that many programmers change theit mind about the job
Quotecheating was possible because the programmer didn't follow my design instructions
Quotea bug that needs fixing anyway, so I notified the programmer. It rarely happens
Quotethe programmer was busy with other things.
Quoteproblems with some browsers so I'll notify the programmer

You should hire Joe - or any other programmer from any of the various roulette
game sites where bugs are virtually non-existent and the game is fair - there's lots.
Yours however is constantly breaking and has more bugs than a hotel in Camden, NJ
,,, but I digress - if you want to prove that something works, it's MPR or nothing !!!!
What a laugh.



Quote from: Andre Chass on Jul 04, 01:52 PM 2018
It seems that many people here in the forum have already realized that something is wrong with his claim about HG. The voting thread  "Does Turbo have the HG and NEVER LOSES?" is showing that.

Loaded question, so I don't vote.  I have no reason to not believe that Turbo is a long term winner....like many others here!  Just dont like the wording "never loses". If Turbo steps away from the wheel, while down, to grab a drink at the bar is that a loss?  Is a loss not profiting in 36 spins?  100?

Andre I flatbetted a 00 wheel for 8 hours, nearly 400 spins.  Turned $100 to $1000.  00 wheels have a 5.5% edge, so why did I win? 

Now imagine an AP player found a defective wheel that gave him a 6% edge.  Even with a definite edge, it may take 500, 700, or even 1000 spins before the AP players profits.  This many spins cannot be reasonably played in a couple hours....it make take 3 days of going in the casino to get that profit.  Does that mean the first 2 days the AP player was a loser?  Even if overall end result was positive? 

Never losses is a shady way of conducting survey


Quote from: Scarface on Jul 04, 01:51 PM 2018

When I do the next number cycles test (comparing to the quads) you'll then be on more familiar ground and able to better understand the difference and why playing quads is better than playing numbers. Whatever learning comes out of this will enable us to eventually scrap quads go back to Six Dozen Options and apply the winning concepts to that ala Priyanka's Journey videos. Six options is easier to play than Ten.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Quote from: Scarface on Jul 04, 02:19 PM 2018Now imagine an AP player found a defective wheel that gave him a 6% edge.  Even with a definite edge, it may take 500, 700, or even 1000 spins before the AP players profits.  This many spins cannot be reasonably played in a couple hours....it make take 3 days of going into the casino to get that profit.  Does that mean the first 2 days the AP player was a loser?
With 6% edge lost in 1000 spins are almost not possible. Micronic chance.... Only if that edge on 1 or 2 numbers....
Not try to beat the game, much easier to beat the wheel...
Some peoples very not like, when I say how to win, or why they can't win.


Sorry Falkor
I dont communicate in popes and pidgeons
Just looks like the inside of John Ford Pope Jnr's shed in the woods to me :o


I took that from "God on trial" (if anyone hasn't seen it, please watch - it's very good)

So the "poll" thread was created by Steve to put what I've said up to "the test"
among forum members. I promise that I won't make a long post about it - besides there are burgers and hotdogs to grill - it's July 4th !!!.

I'm not sure what country Steve is from but I have to admit - what a thread that is !

Make a poll, the only answers are Yes and No when of course there are various definitions. For example, I lose a session - win the next two and leave. That counts as "not losing". -Or- I consider a session complete when a new high balance is reached, time isn't relevant - again "not losing" is the correct description of that kind of play.
But regardless - the poll thread is to put me on trial and see what member think.
Fair enough ?

The "Prosecution" in this case was completely free to post (re-post actually)
everything he's ever said to make his case. There will soon be an entire web page in my honor I'm sure - but the claims that I just want attention kind of makes that...."more attention".. which I would want right ???   lol. never mind.

For the "record" this contained : 2,403 words (or 13,810 characters)
Quite an impressive prosecution of the case to convince anyone interested in
reading all of that. Then it's turned over to the "jury" / forum members - POW.

Then - (which happens in no court ever) he told the Defense - if you have anything to say, post it in the other thread not this one.
Which the analogy would be the Judge (in this case also the Prosecution lawyer) tells anyone who doesn't agree or has something to say - go talk about it in the hallway or another room - don't contaminate MY CASE with your viewpoints. Absurd ? Yes.

Fortunately it's just a poll question and not a trial, I'm confident Steve will never be a attorney lol. "If you don't like it - go post somewhere else, I made my case !!!! This trial is in RECESS !!!!!!! the experts have spoken. Turbo DOES NOT count as an expert - his testimony is stricken from this trial !!!"
Absurdity at it's highest level (almost).

Now to the other point - which he doesn't understand fulfills exactly what I've said all along and he thereby makes my own case for me.
I said the complete "HG" (if you will) ((exhibit A ??  lol)) would never be posted
in the open, because this would be the worst thing anyone could do.
I made it clear that a few would get it (understand) and others wouldn't.
The poll clearly shows that those who get it - they do exist... That is/was my goal as I've said from the start.
(but that won't matter. I said that I was going to lose at Parx on purpose ahead of time and he's continued to twist this into "I lost because my "HG" failed miserably")

If the poll turned out to be 1 for Yes and 200 for No I would be fine with it.
It means 1 person "got it". I'm happy with that, someone was helped.
If Steve thinks it's a "loss" for me of some sort if the No's outnumber the Yes's (yes's ??) then he's wrong (again). I would prefer without any doubt that the poll would show more people replying "No" - which it does. The majority of people are fine with believing what they were told throughout time, that it's impossible - hell some even believe Einstein played the game and said it couldn't be beaten. That's fine. The majority can believe Steve and those other experts throughout history he keeps pointing to as proof.

If I wanted to "win" this poll of absurdity - then I would post everything and then almost everyone would agree (even Steve - who I'm confident along with General are playing Devil's Advocate knowing full well there are ways to win aside from their chosen methods)
But as I said - it's better that some get it, and clearly some do get it. Poll is therefore irrelevant. If 1 person says Yes then I have nothing to prove.
That person would be called names and told they are wrong.

But I'm sure the No's will outnumber the Yes's and that means I'm clearly lying to the judge in this trial lol. So fine, entertain yourself.
It's a court of nonsense and absurdity - but it's not my time to waste, it's his.

Thanks for reading, enjoy your 4th !  How great it is to be in the land of the free - where every voice is heard and you aren't silenced because you stand up for what you believe (right or wrong). And the loudest voices who "authority" try to silence are typically the ones telling the truth. Will it take 400 pages in that thread ? Will it be locked ? Will I be banned from posting or asked to leave ? What does it take ?

Cheers... time to throw some gasoline on the coals, who wants a burger ?


Quote from: Turner on Jul 04, 02:40 PM 2018
Sorry Falkor
I dont communicate in popes and pidgeons
Just looks like the inside of John Ford Pope Jnr's shed in the woods to me :o
"What have we done to the world
Look what we've done"
"I used to dream
I used to glance beyond the stars
Now I don't know where we are"
Which song is that, Turner?
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Quote from: The General on Jul 03, 07:07 PM 2018Secretly probably one of the more intelligent members on this forum.
Ghost, Notto, and Turbo could all learn from him.

Quote from: falkor2k15 on Jul 04, 02:20 PM 2018go back to Six Dozen Options and apply the winning concepts to that ala Priyanka's Journey videos.

Thanks General - now people know who to listen to.
The last "Savior" Priyanka who cheated on MPR to place first and led around people to the holy land that never existed. I might add was never properly ran out town for cheating and lying to everyone, but regardless... thanks.

So to be clear General - listen to Falkor, who's pretending to be smart, or pretending not to be smart, who follows the teachings of a cheater who won on MPR and was caught doing it - instead of listening to me, who you obviously rate below Falkor.

WOW - you're out of the fan club and off the team. You can't even bring me water now.


Quote from: Andre Chass on Jul 04, 01:52 PM 2018It seems that many people here in the forum have already realized that something is wrong with his claim about HG. The voting thread  "Does Turbo have the HG and NEVER LOSES?" is showing that.

I'm glad it does.
If you have a brain larger than a pickle you'll understand why I truly hope the majority of people don't believe it. If I wanted everyone to win I would have done that. I'd say the poll results so far are absolutely perfect.


I couldn't see any logic to how Priyanka was making decisions with Six Dozen Options, so I doubt she had a winning system. I just borrowed the concept of making the six new pigeons with different characteristics so that we can target new extreme events that have never been encountered before (not the way Priyanka was using them).
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Turbo and falkor are focusing, they are seeing the unseen
A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Quote from: falkor2k15 on Jul 04, 02:47 PM 2018"What have we done to the world
Look what we've done"
"I used to dream
I used to glance beyond the stars
Now I don't know where we are
very appropriate
Wako loony Jacko


Quote from: TurboGenius on Jul 04, 02:56 PM 2018
I'm glad it does.
If you have a brain larger than a pickle you'll understand why I truly hope the majority of people don't believe it. If I wanted everyone to win I would have done that. I'd say the poll results so far are absolutely perfect.
This thread once started out as a new look at how roulette is best to be played and profit from it.
After more then 200 pages, the only thing that remains, is YES or NO.
There will Always be believers and non believers. It is best to keep it that way.
Same goes for believing in the Bible, Koran etc. It doesn't matter if you are a believer or not, it is All about respect to one and another. And keep that respect.


If you believe in turbo's method, go test you're self. And test and test and test.
Maybe you will find the method, maybe you Will find something on you're own.
If you don't believe in the method, then don't test and stay of topic and play you're own thing.
You guys Have to remember that Turbo is giving free information to everyone, free of charge. What you do with that information is up to each of it's own.


Quote from: jekhb76 on Jul 04, 03:13 PM 2018
This thread once started out as a new look at how roulette is best to be played and profit from it.
After more then 200 pages, the only thing that remains, is YES or NO.
There will Always be believers and non believers. It is best to keep it that way.
Same goes for believing in the Bible, Koran etc. It doesn't matter if you are a believer or not, it is All about respect to one and another. And keep that respect.
The New Testament and the Quran were both created by the Catholic Church and Flavian Caesars (later known as Bishops of Rome or Pope):

Flavius Titus and his father Flavius Vespasian: created the 3 synoptic gospels
Flavius Domition: created the gospel of Mark, book of revelation and most of the remaining books.
Flavia Domitilla: opened the Christian catacombs in Rome, where Christianity was headquartered from.
Flavius Clement: first pope who ran the Catholic church
Flavius Constantine: made Christianity a state religion and introduced feudalism
Flavius Heraclius: invented Islam.

The Catholic and Muslims (under Otto III) added 300 years to the calendar that never existed after the Arabs suddenly terminated civilization (including Byzantium) in the 7th century that was thriving throughout Europe, north Africa and the near east (except Saxon England) up until that time, began a slave trade with the help of the vikings, carrying out pirate raids across the entire Mediterranean (lasted till 18th century - even under the Ottomans) giving way to feudalism and hill-top castle building - human slaves were the most prized commodity (males were castrated to become Eunuchs under the Caliph). Venice was one of the main slave trading ports. 10th century was a continuation of the 7th - since 300 years were later added to the calendar. All inventions attributed to Islam during a golden age that never existed turned out to be Chinese or Indian inventions, literature was preserved in monasteries instead, and there's only a handful of examples of early Islamic architecture throughout their conquered territories. Wheeled vehicles were then virtually unknown, right up until modern times, throughout the Muslim lands. This was all the more strange given the fact that the wheel was invented in the Middle East (in Babylonia) and had been commonly used in the earlier ages.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:
