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@ turbo

Started by Steve, Dec 29, 07:00 AM 2016

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Quote from: TurboGenius on Jul 04, 02:46 PM 2018
I took that from "God on trial" (if anyone hasn't seen it, please watch - it's very good)

So the "poll" thread was created by Steve to put what I've said up to "the test"
among forum members. I promise that I won't make a long post about it - besides there are burgers and hotdogs to grill - it's July 4th !!!.

I'm not sure what country Steve is from but I have to admit - what a thread that is !

Make a poll, the only answers are Yes and No when of course there are various definitions. For example, I lose a session - win the next two and leave. That counts as "not losing". -Or- I consider a session complete when a new high balance is reached, time isn't relevant - again "not losing" is the correct description of that kind of play.
But regardless - the poll thread is to put me on trial and see what member think.
Fair enough ?

The "Prosecution" in this case was completely free to post (re-post actually)
everything he's ever said to make his case. There will soon be an entire web page in my honor I'm sure - but the claims that I just want attention kind of makes that...."more attention".. which I would want right ???   lol. never mind.

For the "record" this contained : 2,403 words (or 13,810 characters)
Quite an impressive prosecution of the case to convince anyone interested in
reading all of that. Then it's turned over to the "jury" / forum members - POW.

Then - (which happens in no court ever) he told the Defense - if you have anything to say, post it in the other thread not this one.
Which the analogy would be the Judge (in this case also the Prosecution lawyer) tells anyone who doesn't agree or has something to say - go talk about it in the hallway or another room - don't contaminate MY CASE with your viewpoints. Absurd ? Yes.

Fortunately it's just a poll question and not a trial, I'm confident Steve will never be a attorney lol. "If you don't like it - go post somewhere else, I made my case !!!! This trial is in RECESS !!!!!!! the experts have spoken. Turbo DOES NOT count as an expert - his testimony is stricken from this trial !!!"
Absurdity at it's highest level (almost).

Now to the other point - which he doesn't understand fulfills exactly what I've said all along and he thereby makes my own case for me.
I said the complete "HG" (if you will) ((exhibit A ??  lol)) would never be posted
in the open, because this would be the worst thing anyone could do.
I made it clear that a few would get it (understand) and others wouldn't.
The poll clearly shows that those who get it - they do exist... That is/was my goal as I've said from the start.
(but that won't matter. I said that I was going to lose at Parx on purpose ahead of time and he's continued to twist this into "I lost because my "HG" failed miserably")

If the poll turned out to be 1 for Yes and 200 for No I would be fine with it.
It means 1 person "got it". I'm happy with that, someone was helped.
If Steve thinks it's a "loss" for me of some sort if the No's outnumber the Yes's (yes's ??) then he's wrong (again). I would prefer without any doubt that the poll would show more people replying "No" - which it does. The majority of people are fine with believing what they were told throughout time, that it's impossible - hell some even believe Einstein played the game and said it couldn't be beaten. That's fine. The majority can believe Steve and those other experts throughout history he keeps pointing to as proof.

If I wanted to "win" this poll of absurdity - then I would post everything and then almost everyone would agree (even Steve - who I'm confident along with General are playing Devil's Advocate knowing full well there are ways to win aside from their chosen methods)
But as I said - it's better that some get it, and clearly some do get it. Poll is therefore irrelevant. If 1 person says Yes then I have nothing to prove.
That person would be called names and told they are wrong.

But I'm sure the No's will outnumber the Yes's and that means I'm clearly lying to the judge in this trial lol. So fine, entertain yourself.
It's a court of nonsense and absurdity - but it's not my time to waste, it's his.

Thanks for reading, enjoy your 4th !  How great it is to be in the land of the free - where every voice is heard and you aren't silenced because you stand up for what you believe (right or wrong). And the loudest voices who "authority" try to silence are typically the ones telling the truth. Will it take 400 pages in that thread ? Will it be locked ? Will I be banned from posting or asked to leave ? What does it take ?

Cheers... time to throw some gasoline on the coals, who wants a burger ?
Awesome defence!  :smile:
I Have nothing to say, and i don't tend to do that anymore from now on on this topic. I Have been called names in All kinds of levels, Hell eveny Family has brought into this. I'm tired to defend myself All over again everytime i post something. Yes, i'm a believer in Turbo, so shoot me!
What the Hell are we talking about here anyway ? Treat the man with respect, because in my eyes he deserved it. He has nothing done wrong since he joined the forum other then pointing members in the Right direction. It's the same if someone would ask Turbo where the Coast is, and he would say; if you go Straight ahead and take the First turn Right, you'll get there.
No, you People want that Turbo takes you by the hand and bring you there  :yawn: Wake up People, it ain't gonna happen, Let it rest. Why should he, he has nothing to gain from doin' so.
I'm sure in Time he will be happy to guide us believers further in the Right direction to the Coast, bit not on this Forum he is not.
And by the way, it doesn't matter if he did put it all on a Silver platter, you would still call him all sports of things.
Case closed!


Oops, correction:
Flavius Domition: created the gospel of Mark John, book of revelation and most of the remaining books.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Quote from: TurboGenius on Jul 04, 02:46 PM 2018I'm not sure what country Steve is from
Ironically, seeing as this is a Kangaroo court, take a guess  :thumbsup:


gentlemen the fact is that you want to self-assert yourself and not to defeat the roulette of luck to the Caesar's Cesarean God of God


Quote from: falkor2k15 on Jul 04, 03:37 PM 2018
Oops, correction:
Flavius Domition: created the gospel of Mark John, book of revelation and most of the remaining books.
Yeah...saw that but didnt want to show you up :o


Quote from: Turner on Jul 04, 05:00 PM 2018
Yeah...saw that but didnt want to show you up :o
I haven't paid Steve for editing rights yet, but I think he's pensioned off Turbo... even I want to buy one of his computers now, but first I need to see if my latest ideas lead anywhere. If I do find the HG I want to share it with everyone here because we only have a few years remaining before Martial Law 2023, plague, FEMA camps, and the closure of Roulette/casinos following July 4th 2023 nuclear attack on Washington DC - to be blamed on North Korea - emphasised in the movie Bladerunner 2049 (among others). What's more: Turbo has let us all down.

"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


I'm going to continue this tomorrow...

So far I got 3,192 unit profit over 100K spins for extreme event 1 (without any optimisations added yet to boost the profit).

That means after 1 million spins this first run should make $31,920 profit with a BR of only about $600 before optimisations.

Also interested to see how number repeats (CL20-25) will compare tomorrow.

Have attached WIP so far (need to open in Firefox because IE and Chrome will be too slow to open).

"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Falknor, you make me laugh.  Keep doing what you doing, man.  Hope you find it!

You told me that repeater singles will fail, based on a test you run on dozens...said it's all the same.  Then you say quads are a better bet th han singles.  So, which is it?  Are some bets/strategies better than others?  Or is it they are all bad?  Can't have it both ways


General, can you step in and clear this up?  Way above my intelligence level  :) :)


Quote from: Scarface on Jul 04, 02:19 PM 2018Never losses is a shady way of conducting survey

Its turbos words, not mine. Despite the poll being clear, there are still some really uneducated and gullible people.
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Quote from: falkor2k15 on Jul 04, 05:15 PM 2018What's more: Turbo has let us all down.

Let us down? lol


Quote from: Scarface on Jul 04, 05:50 PM 2018
Falknor, you make me laugh.  Keep doing what you doing, man.  Hope you find it!

You told me that repeater singles will fail, based on a test you run on dozens...said it's all the same.  Then you say quads are a better bet th han singles.  So, which is it?  Are some bets/strategies better than others?  Or is it they are all bad?  Can't have it both ways
As I said: all fail and break even over the long run. The only difference is how you construct your repeats framework - pigeons and pigeonholes - to provide different keyframes/markers. Only through a sophisticated framework such as Quadruplets - more so than Six Dozen Options or standard repeats - can we tap into certain rare events that I am currently in the process of exploring. It's all uncharted territory since I already escaped the broken record of hot numbers and I need to fix everyone's broken dreams caused by the likes of Turbo!  >:(

Don't worry, guys! Count on me... I am going to get you this HG or at least something practical to guarantee some profit and improve your lives.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Quote from: falkor2k15 on Jul 04, 06:04 PM 2018Don't worry, guys! Count on me... I am going to get you this HG or at least something practical to guarantee some profit and improve your lives.



Hey !  Who moved my post ????

Why bury it 3 pages back in "this" thread when it was it's own thread ?
Are we moving things around now like a damn shell game ?


I merged it. You can share your gift of knowledge to the world, but not litter the forum.
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