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Started by nottophammer, Jan 02, 06:19 AM 2017

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You can see 10/10 is pretty dominant, the repeat of 1 in 10 not happening in either way. Br not good.

Now look at that countback, 9,+4, look how fast the 0x's and where should be if a balanced game, but then this is RNG.
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Fast game for 0x's, 1 more in next 10 and its 15 in 30 spins, so should not more repeats happen as so many non-hits have come and getting less pockets to find

As for the repeat of 1 in10 spins, i had said i'll have 100 spins and see how this goes on rng, by the look of it a disaster
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Now that line less pockets to find well don't worry i've seen this on air ball many times, so one should not assume anything in roulette

Got the yellow cell yet? I'll let you know it got me out of trouble on the next spin,
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This is how it should be.
I shouldhave done this yesterday when it was fresh on what i'd done. Because we're getting a lot of 10 /10, but 9/10 is comman, as its won on #17, i stopped and see out the spins, but how i was pissed as if i'd stuck to the previous bets and would have won on the #17 again. As you see now i'm in the blocks of 10 spins and its, yes 10/10, and you see its -427 units, somewhere i'd bet an extra 13 units, but the funny part is i only had £6 left to cover the 7#'s, so spin 21 is the last bet, if lose,Br gone.But it wins as Zero comes, so Br is £21.60
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now i'm on track, lose another 92 units, so its goodbye to the1 in 10 repeat idea, just back to watch the trot, with the BR so small and to getback to level BR is going to be a grind.

So the Zero saved  a wipeout, but still lost in spins 21-30,so as said gave it up, now its just watch and as so many non-hit have come, cant make a decision, so by spin 40, its 28,+5 but what about the yellow cell, whats been happening( some might say its a pattern) well the 10/10's have repeated in next 10 spins, so thats it will bet in spins 41-50 that those previous 10 repeat, nice against my better judgement its cover with £1 units, win +26 Br is looking better.

Now thoughts are to spin 60 whats the usuall outcome 30.5 non-hit, whats the avg spin for 29th non-hit, 4 spins, i've won with the repeat of #28, next spin is repeat, so i'm going to really play with fire here, its possible it might come, so again dont like using £1 units as this will get to max bet of £100 to quickly, there it is, win +27 Br on the up.
So its wait again see whats happening. As you see 30,31 crazy small amount of pockets to find but this alg says these are how the wheel could play
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Now i'm as bored doing this as you are reading it. So what happens is run out of time, but get BR back to within £12.60,so better to just watch.

Here spins 11-20 get  BR looking good, still giving 10/10
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told ya 11-20 get the br lookin good

Now KTF tells me after 5 non-hits came to stop, but looking above its 9,+4 so against what i like i carry on as we can +1/-1, but even on the repeat i changed my  mind and just rebet.
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How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Now we've seen how one go on FOBT went, admittedly its only the 1st go. But here is J247 airball for today.
I've done no work on these yet, but the 1st 4 spins, be a great start for 1 repeat in 10 spins using 7#'s
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Thats the easy bit done. KTF spin 38,+75, Ktf 1st profit spin 33,+2. Flatbet remaing 8, +12 spin 59

The usual, a repeat in 1st 10, 7/10
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Well 10/10 there but nothing like on the FOBT
I just love how 60 spins has that avg of 30.5
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


See sent this on the day.

Quote from: nottophammer on June 16, 2017, 12:44:28 PM

    Top man :thumbsup:

    I've been on the fobt this morning, betting 1 to 7 numbers and then bet if not in with 2,2 and on 10th spin 3, well its nothing like MPR, or live wheel spins posted.
    played with £100 at .20p chips, Now i'm laughing here as it's last £6 and it covers the 7#'s, shit or bust time, well it wins £21.60 of the £100, only on meter. So i leave that alone and watch still getting 10/10, but here is the knowledge part, we've spoke of, will the 10/10 repeat in 11-20, looking at the sheet they hit 1st or second spin on previous blocks of 10/10, so now this group of 10/10 has cost so i just bet them 10#'s at £1 unit straight in, profit, carried on betting the non-hit and oh yeah at some point put another £20 in, but the non-hits came good got back to £107.40, had to come out as mrs hair do done, but a good lesson all the same.

    Keep at it, will all come good

But the replies 27-37, done the next day and not fresh and from a scruffy sheet, but its the £6 i like
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


The sheet from opening reply.

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


From where you get this spins?


Quote from: MumboJumbo on Aug 12, 04:10 AM 2017
From where you get this spins?
Airball, on jackpot247 aired on sky channel 178, been recording since 23/12/15, never missed a show.
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision
