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Guaranteed 5 wins in 7 spins

Started by bleep24, Jan 26, 05:27 AM 2017

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Hi Madi,
Personally I do not know whether this system, method, idea; call it what you will is any better statisically than just rolling a dice each time.  If it is an odd number bet black: and even one bet red.

Yes if you get RRRRBBB  (next 3 to bet are RRR) it could be a loser but it all depends on if you are counting 5th spin (R comes). as a no bet (virtual) and that is a loser.  Do not know if you have read original post on Roulette30 but in this circumstance you reverse the 2 remaining projected outcomes which now makes them to bet R and a winner on first spin of 2.

If you were playing (real) all 3 then it would be a loss. Retrack and find next 3 to bet.  I have gone to second series a few times but have always won. You have had 6 opportunities to get it right.  If I had not won by then I would probably stop but it would depend on what progression I was using. For example if I was using 11111  22222  33333 I would keep going.

Good luck,



RRRR R virtual bet then reverse BB.
Now if the sequence come like
RRRRRRR. I read the post . Every spin is independent. Nothing to do with last 4 . Anyway make money if it works for you.


 Hi Madi,
Yes that could (and will happen) but not too often and you just move on to next series.  Loss on first series has happened to me several times but has won on second set of numbers (so 6 chances to be correct) Was using 11111 etc. so no great shakes.  I  might start using +1/-1 and see how that goes (my favourite prog!!)

Use whatever prog. you like best.  There have been some good applicable ones posted in Money Management on this forum.  I quite like ladder type.

Good luck
Brian             (you will just have to suck  it and see!!!) Use past Dublinbet spin results posted on here to get a handle on this.


Hi all,
Update from to-nights 30 spin session.  Won 20 units.  Using advised next 3 bets.  Never got out of first level.  (Winning from those 3 advised)
Sound as a pound!!   (especially after our independence vote.  June 23rd should be made a public holiday and called Trafalgar day)

All those in favour say aye.



Flatbet or progression? Rng or manual wheel?


Hi Madi, 

Only ever `live` wheels.  +1/-1            Just played a few more spins and it went to 2nd level once, . first bet and won. (So bet number 4 - retracked after 3rd lost)



What  is +1 -1 . ?? Add 1 on a lose and minus 1 on a win? Do u play all 3 or stop on a win?


Hi Madi,

Yes it is +1 on a loss and -1 on a win.  I stop at a winner, whether that is first second or third spin.  Yes I am playing (betting) straight after the 4 trigger, so up to 3 spins.  If lost retrack and carry on where you were.  It does not go to what I call 2nd level all the time but when it has I have always won in those next 3 opportunities.   

Using 11111 22222 etc. prog. will be even safer but it can be a bit of a slog to get back in front.
In my experience it wins on AVERAGE on second/third spin.
Good luck,


Hi Madi,

Yes it is +1 on a loss and -1 on a win.  I stop at a winner, whether that is first second or third spin.  Yes I am playing (betting) straight after the 4 trigger, so up to 3 spins.  If lost retrack and carry on where you were.  It does not go to what I call 2nd level all the time but when it has I have always won in those next 3 opportunities.   

Using 11111 22222 etc. prog. will be even safer but it can be a bit of a slog to get back in front.
In my experience it wins on AVERAGE on second/third spin.
Good luck,


did a 30 game test betting every spin. Reset after a win. 1-2-4 progression. 29 games won, 1 lost. plus 21 at the end. 3 zeros appeared and were just ignored,
went to 3rd stage 6 times. loss was when a zero came in.


This definitely has some merit.  Must be many progressions that will work with this.    This is the best way of playing that I have come across for many awhile.  Also easy to follow and should not be any big DD. 

I am continuing playing it.



Ok. I understand you play vertically

So when you match up the past 4 to the chart do you bet against the next 4 or same as
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Hi RG,
I am following chart (to give me discipline)    eg:   BRBR     -    RBB to bet.


As you can see all wins came within first 3 spins after trigger but even if it went beyond first 3 on past experience it will win within next 3 (after re-track)

After a previous session I felt confident enough to do Marty on this one as it happens, but I think my preferred option will be +1/-1 just in case.



I do not think that the charts for this method have any Harry Potter magical properties but it stops you trying to guess what is coming out next. In.  the past I have guessed and it has all gone Pete Tong, so I am and suggest others stick with the charts.  (Unless you are Harry Potter or Merlin)

Sticking with the charts has certainly worked magic for me so enough said.

Good luck all,


so this
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

