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Human Behaviour on one A4 sheet of paper

Started by falkor2k15, Feb 05, 11:38 AM 2017

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Doc have you had problems with GLC progressions?
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Quote from: nottophammer on Feb 05, 02:59 PM 2017
Doc have you had problems with GLC progressions?

Yes, I have had problems with GLC's progressions.

In 2014-2015, over a nine month period, I tested about two dozens of GLC's proposed progressions using my own set of real wheel number sets.

Everyone of them tanked
repeatedly. I think they are highly destructive to your bankroll.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Anyway, let's stay on topic please. We can discuss roulette stuff on other threads.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Thanks Doc, just as well it was only fun >:D
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Quote from: nottophammer on Feb 05, 03:16 PM 2017
Thanks Doc, just as well it was only fun >:D

Trust me, it is not fun when your bankroll gets butchered consistently and repeatedly.

I want to thank the OP again for posting his theory.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Doc, I think Freud was mostly right, but I have noticed that mainstream psychologists seem to not really be aware of the true extent of psychopathy and how it's based on childhood. Since the world is run by psychopaths I think there has been some deliberate attempt by the establishment to play down the Freudian claims by talking about the warrior gene, etc. I know for a fact that they maintain an anthropology department that enables them to control humans and carry out conspiracies and false flag operations. Unfortunately, the flat earth, invention of Christianity and 911 is simply beyond what most psychologists can even fathom since it requires other disciplines such as logic and the ability to properly evaluate evidence unbiased. Psychopaths are the best at understanding other psychopaths, so there will always be some cognitive dissonance that stops people knowing the complete truth. So the reason it cannot be based on genes is due to how similar all humans are across the globe and how easily they can be programmed at an emotional level; whatever influence their genes have is heavily outweighed by this weakness. Culture is a creation of the elite, but without going into detail about all that, it's worth mentioning that I never met a single person who never had a unhappy childhood unless they were lying and I found out from a friend or relative that they were in fact victims of childhood abuse (in one way or another).

Next I will talk about solutions, as I think it's possible to exorcise the demons, but it would need a miracle from them rather than Jesus Christ.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:



Demons are based on emotional wounds where emotions have previously been blocked out through abuse (takes many forms) and the resulting suffering. This was caused - in the majority of cases - by an unhappy childhood. The Church of Scientology has a technique to help people with demons: they bring up old emotions attached to old memories only to block them out again, so the person becomes damaged further instead of healed. By then the "church" has a personal record of their patient and extorted lot's of their cash, so by then it becomes very difficult for the victim to escape the clutches of their scammers in the fear of being exposed or worse; I've met people who have had to move country to escape the church.

1) The first step to curing demons is to admit you have a problem. Those in denial will never get healed. So a self-aware psychopath or at least those happy to talk about it is better than one who isn't self-aware. Incidentally, most people think that money or becoming rich will cure their demons and lead to a happier life; unfortunately, money only provides temporary relief like everything else that isn't tackling the demons at the core.
2) Discuss unhappy memories from childhood with a friend or partner. Those old negative emotions that were previously blocked out need to be brought back up again. But instead of blocking them out again, I would advise something like Schema Therapy where you imagine you are talking to the abuser and let them know how you feel inside and what you would want to tell them face to face if you had the opportunity.
3) Do good when tempted to do evil. As painful as it may seem to do good when tempted with an opportunity to plant a banana skin that is going to temporarily relieve your demons - and trip up the other person in the process - force yourself to do the opposite. Practising this will make you become a good person - eventually genuine happiness will kick in and make this happen automatically.
4) Be open-minded, embrace evidence, the truth, and face cognitive dissonance. Those who have done it say they are much more happier having crossed that line than when they look back to how they were before, cowarding behind their ego. Research world culture, food and heritage. Try to travel to many countries and build up a wide picture of how the world really works, by learning a little bit of everything - even if the subjects seem boring.
5) Try a magic mushroom? I heard it can cure demons by forcing one to accept a new reality - memories that are not forgotten after the drug wears off and transmitted to normal consciousness - helps bridge the gap towards happiness. I may give it a try myself during retirement!

So that's the cure for the demoniac, folks! Next I will discuss solutions for the victim on the receiving end of the demons/abuse...
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Next comes the final two most difficult aspects of human behaviour (may need to come back to this a few times; won't be possible to cover all in a few posts): identifying the traits and how to deal with selfish abusers "possessed with an unclean spirit" - as the Romans would say!  :-*

If somebody continues to exhibit abusive trait(s) towards you that is unacceptable despite you pointing out their behaviour then there are 3 approaches:
1) Avoid them at all costs and end the relationship! Just tell them "No" and move on. On moral grounds, this approach is not acceptable if somebody hasn't abused you and can be considered abuse in it's own right, but if it's for self-defense then it unfortunately needs to be enforced. You cannot be expected to put up with it.
2) Expose them for who they are: describe their behaviour and let them know they have an ego problem at whatever stage towards psychopathy. Identify all their traits, mind games, and back it up with references. The abuser will be so concerned about their public reputation and others finding out what level they are really operating on that they will be discouraged from targeting you again. However, if not done tactfully it could spark the abuser to go into a "rage" and want to get revenge.
3) If you have no choice and are forced to live or work with someone who is constantly dishing out abuse, and you have no way of avoiding them, then you are left with the third option.

It's worth mentioning here about effective communication in relationships:
1) Identify the person's feelings "you seem tired today" or "you seem like something is on your mind".
2) Listen to what they have to say, try to understand, and acknowledge them.
3) Give feedback: repeat back to them what the person says to you: "oh, so you didn't really sleep much and had to unexpectedly deal with the boiler man in the morning?"
4) Offer empathy: "You must feel like you cannot function properly after being awoken so suddenly without appropriate sleep and having to deal with all that stress?"
5) Relate to your own experiences: "I once had the same problem, but it was with the gas man instead"

Whatever you do don't give advice unless they ask you for it. That's the basics before we go deeper into the third option.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Quote from: falkor2k15 on Feb 05, 03:37 PM 2017

I know for a fact that they maintain an anthropology department that enables them to control humans and carry out conspiracies and false flag operations.

Can you please elaborate on the above specific statement?
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Feb 05, 05:52 PM 2017

Can you please elaborate on the above specific statement?
It's too deep - can wait for now. It's less about human behavior and more about the history of the oligarchs - but I'll post some articles at the end on more about how human behaviour relates to our society. The parents who create the unhappy environment for their children are enforcing the oligarchs' agenda unbeknownst to them - who have injected brainwashing via the media at each iteration of the vicious cycle. That's why the family home is comparable to a prison and a mental hospital. And everyone is conditioned through authority figures to police each other and act as agents of conformity. People that say the system works, work for the system. It all goes back to the Frankpledge system in Saxon times. There was no police force, but every 10th villager had to watch over the other 9, known as the "Chief-Tithing man". It was like North Korea is now! So if you are caught tuning into South Korean radio then you and your family will be sent to a prison camp.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


F**kin 'el

Life isnt that complex lol

well mine isnt anyhow


Let's begin identifying the traits as that will help determine how you deal with each kind of abuse, but realise that they all have the same cause - demons - even though they appear vastly different to each other; they are all part and parcel. So rather than say "why did that person deceive me?" and "why is that other person pretending to not understand me?" - identify the pattern and realise they are both exhibiting a behavioural trait based on their underlying demons regardless of their different personalities. You can be on the receiving end of abuse from people you wouldn't even expect it from, so don't be surprised if somebody close to you starts behaving in a strange way that doesn't make sense: most likely you have become their victim. Do not try to ignore or justify abuse with an innocent explanation "oh, that person has got issues and having a bad day" or "they will change after I make them a cup of tea". Unfortunately, bullies know when they are bullying and they will not change for anyone, so do not try to change them and don't expect them to change. As they say: you can only change yourself. Being nice to them will not help. Once somebody has demons then they generally do not care about anyone but themselves, may lose their male/female identity, and see other people merely as objects or statues with value based only on their potential to serve them in some way. They become like predators who need to feed of people's souls in order to keep them going in life. And most people report that they would have preferred physical abuse over mental abuse - given the choice.


Selfishness - everything is based around the self/ego in on-going attempts at keeping the demons at bay, i.e. parents made you feel low all the time - now you want to try to feel good about yourself and fight those underlying (chronic) feelings of boredom and emptiness that won't go away.

Lack of Empathy - focus is now on themselves and away from other people and how they might feel. Skills and abilities to relate to other people are never given a chance to develop. Demoniacs become numb and cannot feel the same emotions that others have developed through a normal up-bringing, so they have no idea what it feels like to suffer from a cancer or a disability since they aren't the ones suffering in that way, as they will tell you. A famous graph published showed that with an increase in self-importance there was an equally proportionate decrease in empathy.

Delusions/Delusions of Grandeur - sometimes magical thinking or they are the best at their job. They are going to become rich and own a chain of restaurants... anything to feel good about themselves - often in an unrealistic way. I am going to have 8 kids, 4 cars (yeah - but you are in debt at the moment- dream on!)

Sense of entitlement - I should have a company iphone, ipad and macbook pro, 3 monitors, privacy screen, ergonomic mouse, foot rest because I am special and entitled to everything under the sun!!! (yeah but the last company you worked at you lost all their money, silly!)

Cool, exhibiting no emotion - calm when being held at gun point or skydiving

Blocked communication/interrupting/refusing to listen

Silent treatment - ignoring others for no good reason.

Power/money/control orientated

Lack of consideration/taking responsiblity


Deceiving - more than just lying! Includes a sinister element.

Attention seeking

Never accountable/never says sorry/no feelings of guilt/remorse

Mind Games - such as Gaslighting, which are elaborate forms of deception as part of game that is planned - short term or long term - designed to mess with people's heads. It's not you who is paranoid - people are really that sick to carry out these traits. Besides Gaslighting, a lot of these games have names now, like Kings & Queens. Learn to tell when a game is being played!

Emotional Blackmail

Playing dumb

Deliberately vague

Deliberate confusion

Circular conversations


Devaluing others/condescending/splitting hairs/name calling/smear campaigns

Giving unsolicited advice



Humiliation attempts/shaming/embarrassing

Going into a rage and shouting


Physical violence

Playing the victim




"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


I'll give you an example of a mind game: I told my friend via telephone that I had just watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre and enjoyed the dark comedy. The next day I went round his house and there was a saw in the middle of his dining room table whilst we were eating and talking around it - true story!

Now imagine a psychopath with absolute power and the worst demons imaginable, you then end up with this:
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


I'll give you 2 examples of subtle manipulation attempts:
"Hey can you hold my mouse and click on that hyperlink for me?"

A "I'm heading to the high street to get some lunch at that Chinese restaurant; wanna come?"
B "Nice, you are going to that restaurant. Could you get me that dish I had with some rice?"
A "You are coming with me, right?"
B "No I'll stay here because it's too cold outside"
C "That's her demons!"
A "Well, I'm not your delivery boy am I? I asked because I was inviting you to come with me for lunch."

Those are also true stories!! And it wasn't me who said "that's her demons!"
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Quote from: falkor2k15 on Feb 05, 07:07 PM 2017
I'll give you an example of a mind game: I told my friend via telephone that I had just watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre and enjoyed the dark comedy. The next day I went round his house and there was a saw in the middle of his dining room table whilst we were eating and talking around it - true story!

Now imagine a psychopath with absolute power and the worst demons imaginable, you then end up with this:
BTW, can you see the hanging is at Blackfriars bridge, London @ 2:37? The elite are letting you know by that and the all-seeing eye that they are Vatican-based:
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:
