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Flat Earth theory questions

Started by Steve, Feb 19, 06:56 PM 2017

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You know about that global warming thing that we keep hearing about ...... does it pose any danger to that ice wall that you say is at the edge of this flat earth?

Put it simply, will global warming melt this ice wall of yours?
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Quote from: wiggy on Mar 01, 12:04 PM 2017
That's a good point Turner and one that's an obvious question to ask but I have never seen it before.

Where are the 'fake' pics of the flat earth?

Thanks.....I think its a show stopper. Put up or shut up!

Falkor...I have put up.

1) Here is my rocket that can go into space and take a photo or movie. A similar rocket that helped build the ISS.
     I am sure we dont disagree that space rockets exist. Even lunatic Lunar landing conspirators agree that Apollo went into orbit.

2) My second video is a fixed camera on the aforementioned ISS. Its live.

Now its time for you to put up.

Where are your space photos of the flat earth?


Screenshot from the real feed:
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all jokes aside i like the cool conspiracies.

like the ISS feed being abruptly cut because a ufo comes in to view....or whistleblowers saying theres buildings on the moon.....or astronauts saying roswell was real...
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Quote from: Steve on Mar 01, 06:42 PM 2017
Screenshot from the real feed:

They look so real it has to be true....


Yes there are real conspiracies. there always will be, but it's difficult to know which are real.

Will there always be super wealthy who want to keep their power and dont mind crapping on people to do it? Of course.

Are there "aliens"? I think it's more unreasonable to expect we're all alone. Would it be covered up? Of course some groups wouldn't want it to be known. For many reasons. Their existence is really no more "out there" than religion. In fact I'd say religion is more "out there" in most cases.

I've seen a ufo for myself. It was absolutely real. But I cant say if it was alien or man-made. 3 orange lights - they were in perfect formation and moving together so it was if they were all joined. I initially thought it was a spotlight. Out at sea about 10km and moving so fast it must have been several times speed of sound. Then I looked closer. Dead silent. I dont think it was some natural phenomena because it headed north for a few seconds along the coast, then sharply turned about NE and headed further out to sea.
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we cant even travel to the stars in our own galaxy

our galaxy is so large we couldnt fathom traveling end to end

and there are billions of these galaxies with billions of planets

if we were alone that would be a tremendous waste of space
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Quote from: RouletteGhost on Mar 01, 06:51 PM 2017all jokes aside i like the cool conspiracies.
I watch all of them. I dont form a one sided opinion.

I dont know if "twatting" carries over to the US, but my best find up to now from watching moon landing conspiracies was seeing Buzz Aldrin twatting that dickhead reporter

My life changed after seeing that


buzz aldrin is awesome

so is edgar mitchell

these 2 astronauts have publically stated they saw UFOs while in space, that roswell was real, and that we are being visited.

they arent nuts, they are astronauts
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My brain hurts


Round earthers are not welcomed, I recognize you as round earther I won't continue reading your comment, and I hope the moderator will comply and delete your messages.

The earth is flat, it expanding horizontally to infinite and right now it expanding in amazing velocity we can't imagine.
above us endless number of other flat planes that expand, below us endless number of other flat planes that expand infinitely, the firmament is our ceiling and the floor of the upper flat plane.

The moon is a hologram, an hoax from the start of this plane and living creatures(including humanity) something like 400 years ago.

The sun circle us, the sun is like lava,but has boundaries and push by the water in the sky.
the firmament is a glass and that the sand above create in the beginning, the sun has four paths, the summer,the autumn,the winter,the spring.

when it summer the sun has to go long way so there is more day light.

the stars are combination of water and sand and other things I have to recall(maybe that's it).

you can't reach the sun in this plane because the sun is inside the upper plane,it's a disc, that circle inside the glass.

the official map of flat earth society is wrong and deceptive. the north pole is the end of our solar system and the beginning of other solar system.
Antarctica is another.
new Zealand affect by two suns, and also part of usa and Hawaii.

The midnight sun in north pole and south pole is due to uncoordinated suns, but in other times they are very coordinated and partly-coordinated.

Antarctica is a continent, not an ice rim, it possibly as big as it in Mercator projection, but it not encompass the world.

This map is wrong but is much more accurate than the flat earth society map:


this map is distorted like hell, but give much more accurate orientation.

cheers, and please open your mind, don't be cultist like eric dubay.
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Quote from: falkor2k15 on Mar 02, 03:44 PM 2017

This isnt a space photo or movie of flat earth.

Where is your video. I put mine out there.

Where is yours


Disclaimer. I don't believe this. Reporting what I have found. Entering the psych of these people

The day night explanation. They've yet to explain why we can't see he sun at night if it is a flat plane and rotating above us. See this graphic. If it were true we'd see the sun in the distance at night. Also if it were true we wouldn't see moon in daylight which we sometimes do. So it's bullshit.

Turner flat earthers believe that space is an illusion I believe

There's a glass firmament surrounding earth

They also believe gravity doesn't exist. They believe earth is traveling upwards and the forces keeps us on the ground

They believe we are not a planet but we are a flat plane. I asked someone in a flat earth Facebook group why other planets are round and he said we aren't a planet we are a flat plane

Flat earthers believe earth is a flat plane that it infinitely expanding

Flat earthers believe Antarctica is fake and an ice wall surrounds earth

Here's the rub for you all:


A theory full of tremendous bullshit

These Facebook groups have a ton of believers. It's scary. Men and women of all creeds

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This is a huge thing

Athletes and some famous people are on board, thousands of people in Facebook groups

This isn't going away

They are already saying space tourism through Elon musk will be played out by actors and he videos will be fake
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I wish Concorde still existed

I'd book a flight just to take the pictures.

And prove all you flat earth suckas wrong
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