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Flat Earth theory questions

Started by Steve, Feb 19, 06:56 PM 2017

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Quote from: Priyanka on Feb 25, 04:04 PM 2017
Yeah. He might as he thinks earth is flat. For all others it is more or less spherical hence no edge. :)

Not cunning at all

Earth is a sphere
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the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



When I took astronomy class we would view the ISS

Conspiracy theorists says it's fake

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The latest talking point of flat earthers is this: Antarctica is actually an ice wall that surrounds the earth. Holds the oceans in

Seriously they believe this

I can prove it false immediately

Cruise ships sails around the world

Come to the same starting point

Freight ships also

If the ships went in any direction eventually they'd hit the ice wall they would not come to same starting point

Ridiculous theory debunked
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The big question is this

Why are "they" spending (and have done for 2000 years) so much time to stop us finding out the earth is flat?

Thats been going on since Pythagoras? Him and Plato, Aristotle, Potolemy and that longitude and latitude idiot, Hipparchus.

Magellan, Newton, Einstein and Nasa.

Millions of them, all in on the great scam....keeping us from the truth.


Falkor erroneously believes the earth can't be moving at 1000 mph because if that were the case we would feel it and wouldn't get pictures of space

This is the lengths flat earthers go to convince themselves

I told falkor bullshit because in a plane moving 500 mph u can snap photos of the outside perfectly. You'd never know it was moving

The earth is 24000 miles in circumference. So one day is 24 hours

24000 divided by 1000

Think about riding in a car or flying in a plane. As long as the ride is going smoothly, you can almost convince yourself you’re not moving. A jumbo jet flies at about 500 miles per hour (about 800 km per hour), or about half as fast as the Earth spins at its equator. But, while you’re riding on that jet, if you close your eyes, you don’t feel like you’re moving at all. And when the flight attendant comes by and pours coffee into your cup, the coffee doesn’t fly to the back of the plane. That’s because the coffee, the cup and you are all moving at the same rate as the plane.


This is the simple science flat earthers deny

So falkor next time you are in an airplane, preferably from Australia to South America ;) pour coffee and let me know if it is smooth
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Quote from: RouletteGhost on Feb 26, 03:03 PM 2017Falkor erroneously believes the earth can't be moving at 1000 mph because if that were the case we would feel it
You would if it suddenly stopped lol


Quote from: Turner on Feb 26, 03:44 PM 2017
You would if it suddenly stopped lol

Earth rotation is slowing down and the moon is distancing from earth 4cm a year

I wonder what will happen in the future
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people have built models


the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Feb 26, 04:04 PM 2017

I wonder what will happen in the future

In about 4.5 to 5 billion years, the sun will swell into a red giant, and then it will be sayonara to all the inner planets and planet earth (for the inner planets, it will be even earlier than that).

Of course, it will be sayonara to human beings much earlier than that (some people believe it will happen in the next 1000 years).
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yes people are confused about this

they think we have billions of years

well before we are swallowed by the sun, it will be large enough to fry the planet....
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Just watched a laser experiment

As the boat got further away the laser beam was going up higher on the boat

FYI you are not a scientist. YouTube videos doesn't make you a pro. Sitting at home watching YouTube videos means nothing.

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Again I dont think anyone KNOWS anything, except for what they think they know. And most people just repeat what they read or heard without investigating for themselves. Realistically we dont all have the time, resources and expertise to do all testing ourselves.

Like any logical person, my opinions are based on a combination of my observations, and any available information (videos, experiments from trusted people etc), AND basic reasoning to put everything together. Obviously not every bit of information is the truth, so you need to reject parts that dont fit with more credible information.

And the more I look into this flat Earth thing, the more it seems like either a stupid hoax, or a deliberate disinformation campaign to discredit legitimate and accurate information about conspiracies. Even celebrities, who are known to be in the elite group, are speaking to debunk the flat earth theories. Sure it could be that the theories are so widespread that naturally more people talk about it. Who knows. But certainly deliberate disinformation to make conspiracy theories look ridiculous is not a new approach.

Like I said earlier, what's the point of a flat Earth? Who cares if it really was flat. It's a big waste of time and keeps people looking the wrong way. Maybe that's the real point.
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Yup Steve


Joe rogan touched on it in his podcast

He said "there's stuff to research then there's this"

So right

All it is, is a group of people sharing YouTube videos and their "evidence". So he is being told it's flat

Same as we are told it is round

But being round has photo evidence especially daily live feed from ISS. He says the video feed is fake

Flat earth- giving real conspiracies a bad name
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