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Snowball (EC bets)

Started by Thanatos, Jul 10, 09:23 AM 2017

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Just a bit of simple mindjuggling into EC bets and progressions combinations. Probably nothing new as its the basic idea behind most of the +1/-1 on loss/win strategies i guess.

Idea: using progressions like Marty does work but sooner or later you loose the progression. So since we know we are going to loose what can we do to ensure as small a loss as possible (aka make it profitable)? Start off by betting high unit progression and then lower it onwards. Like first we play 5 10 20 (3 step progression) and then 4 8 16 and so on.

Take the basic Marty here:
5 10 20 = 35 units total spend.
4 8 16 = 28 units total spend.
3 6 12 = 21 units total spend.
2 4 8 = 14 units total spend.
1 2 4 = 7 units total spend.

So if you continually plays 5 10 20 progression then you face loosing 35 sooner or later .. but if you step down to a smaller progression you loss will be quite smaller especially if the loss happens "later". Of cause the danger is still there if the loss happens right away. But the fairly "large" drop in total units lost, just by stepping down a single unit made me think there is some potential here.

Consider these 5 types of progressions:

Goal: to "win units every spin" aka if you dont win your first bet, then cover that bet and add 5 units (10+5 =15). If the second bet fails then cover that bet and add 5 (30+5) etc.
5 15 35
4 12 28
3 9 21
2 6 14
1 3 7

Goal: like "Aggressor" but we bet add less & less. Aka lost first bet then cover and add 3 units (10+3), loose that and cover & add 2 (26+2) etc.
5 13 28
4 10 21
3 8 18
2 6 13
1 3 6

Goal: normal Martinegale, just win the initial unit bet.
5 10 20
4 8 16
3 6 12
2 4 8
1 2 4

Goal: just recovering the previous with a small win.
5 7 13
4 6 11
3 5 9
2 4 7
1 2 5

Goal: the just win on your first bet or else break even.
5 5 10
4 4 8
3 3 6
2 2 4
1 1 2

How to combine the progressions for best "value" while still stepping down in units? Clearly some of the progressions are either to dangerous or perhaps to weak to play for long or at all. Also progression length could be considered a factor. Still considering this but here is a couple of combinations:

(note: sometimes it says "spins" instead of "wins").

a "hit and run" bet:
- first 10 spins of 5 15 35 75 (aggressor)
- then 10 spins of 4 10 21 (procentage)
- then 15 wins of 3 6 12 (marty)
- then 10 wins of 2 4 7 (minimal)
- then 5 wins of 1 1 2 (simple)

a more "realistic" bet:
- first 10 spins of 5 13 28 (procentage)
- then 10 wins of 4 8 16 (marty)
- then 5 wins of 3 6 12 (marty)
- then 10 wins of 2 4 8 (marty)
- then 10 wins of 1 2 5 (minimal)

How to play these? Brand new idea so still considering. Original idea was to play towards the first (hopefully late) loss and then reset, but if it happens early on i guess you can continue down the bet as it keeps decending so a profit should be reachable. Did pop into my mind that using 5/4 long progression is less risky than the listed 4/3 ones but that also boosts the size of the loss. What EC strategy should you use? In theory any of them should work equally well.

Oh and i havent tested any of these bets yet, so do keep that in mind.
I am Thunder Pants


 I like what you wrote very much.

For example:

5 10 20
3 6 12
1 2 4

+8 Operate with casino money

So after two winning bets you are operating with casino money. The question is what to do after that!
I been looking into Regression Up & Pull. 21223456789

One thing i been looking at is to build progression based upon winnings.
For example staking 112 and after +1 you staking 113 and after another +1 you staking 123 and after another +1 you staking 124.

Here is one example where you could continue after winning two bets and win more with out risking more then half your profit.

5 10 20 +5
3 6 12 +8
1 2 4 +9 If you lose you still +1 unit in profit
1 1 2 +10 If you lose you still +5 unit in profit
1 1 3 +11 If you lose you still +6 unit in profit
1 2 3 +12 If you lose you still +7 unit in profit
1 2 4 +13 If you lose you still +8 unit in profit
2 2 4 +15
2 2 6 +17
2 4 6 +19
2 4 8 +21
3 3 6 +24
3 3 9 +27
3 6 9 +30
3 6 12 +33
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


Thanks Ego.

Your "operate with casino money & spend half of the winning " idea after the first couple of winnings does look quite sound.

Played quite a bit of paroli EC and even some double dozen paroli. Even though the double dozen is a real grind and the eternal question quickly becomes: should you stop at the 3rd bet (aka 2x10 units, 2x 15 and finally 2x 22 for a 3x bet win) or do the 4th tempting bet of 2x33 for a "wopping" 99 unit 5x bet win. Aka the importent part of paroli is to know when to stop and reset the bet back to the initial bet.

Now the reason i mention this is that i think your progression perhaps could benefit from a similar "stop and reset" point .. however only in the "rare" fortunate case that that you have a long winning streak so that even "half the winnings" get so big its safer to stop the progression & reset back to the initial 4 units (aka 1 1 2). This just in case you dont loose a large "half" when suddenly hitting a late loss. Sadly this wpuld alsp slow down the winning process. Like "reset after x units won" or "once a new half has been won .. play with half of that". Not that i know if its actually needed (have try it first) but if it does, then it seem safest  ;)
I am Thunder Pants


Thanatos we have similar thinking process.
My goal is to walk out the casino with profit - maybe 10 units first day and 10 to 20 units second day and 50 to 80 units the third day (with the help of casinos money without risking my own money) ...

You might say is not realistic, but using casinos own money you can bet higher limits and risk more without losing.
That is why i still try to rap my mind around Regression Up & Pull (because you only need to win once to operate with casino money)

I have a system that i want to change and develop using our ideas - but i don't want to share the system at public forum.
PM me you email and i send you a copy about a concept based upon does ideas we talk about - i am pretty sure you will like the method.

Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.
