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Started by Andre Chass, Aug 12, 04:50 PM 2017

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if i'm as lucky as the hammers i'll lose
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


had these on LOL, MPR, not done the workings yet, apart from 1st 10, at 39/40 could see 25 non-hit

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


old Priy tester is good

good old non-hits, so Andre study non-hits they start the larger group
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Look the 22nd non-hit, its to fast it got to balance

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


what about hotties
well if you go with spin 1, think you've spent 120, so -84
Now drop the 1x and just bet R1's at 2 units, think it 62 out 72 in so -74
now just bet R2's at 3 units, think spent 99 and no R3 yet, so hole getting bigger

So the game slowed repeats happened end +1 more non-hit than the avg 15 in spin 11-40 :thumbsup:
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


dont think it came quick enough

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


still waiting for hottie R4, i'll just stick to watching the trot of the non-hit.

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Now till we have the rules, all i've done is drop the #'s when we get the win, then bet the hot one with 1 extra unit, when hit drop and increase this new hot one, is it right way or wrong.
But we can see this way is in a hole, imagine if we had gone 5, then 25, know its only 60 spins but its in a hole.

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Lets look at betting from spin 1 and then bet every spin till 37 have been done. You'll need 703 units. The #'s =666, plus we need to bet 37 on last bet, so 703.
On this game we hit with #27, so as no new # we in crease to 2 units, if go to 5 we'll be betting more than the 703 at 1 units, is that right.
Now if we just use 1,2,3 we'd still use 703 units, so we need 20 wins of 1 win value 35-1 or 36 which ever way you like, to get 720 units.

Would this  work
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


what d'ya say Mr Green taotie
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision

Andre Chass

Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Aug 12, 11:02 PM 2017
I am sorry to hear of your financial predicament. I will make a couple of suggestions.

First, discard this notion that you are going to make money from roulette to pay for your surgery. Roulette is an intellectually fascinating game (because of the diversity of bets that you can make), but it is a brutal game in terms of actually making money from it.

There are a couple of casino games where you have a better chance of making money -- poker and baccarat.

Poker is fundamentally a game of skill. It requires skill in terms of making probability-based judgments based on what cards are visible (already dealt out) and what cards are still in the shoe (still to be dealt out). You also need to be talented at reading people's faces and facial mannerisms. You may be innately talented enough to be good at poker, so you can give it a try.

Amongst the pure gambling games, baccarat offers you the best chance of making some money. It is a very simple game and at the same time a very boring game (compared to, say, craps and roulette). However, it is as close to a 50-50 game (banker versus player)  that you will get in a casino and at the same time it is also a very heavily trend-based game that offers good opportunities to exploit these trends.

So I would strongly suggest to you that you discard this notion (or illusion) of making money from roulette. Instead, take a serious look at both poker and baccarat (especially, the latter) and see how you feel about these games. Getting up to speed with poker will take a lot of time, so baccarat is probably the best option for you at this moment in terms of making money in a gambling game.

I don't know which country you live in but, hopefully, baccarat is available either online or at a local gambling establishment near where you live.

Thank you! I will give a try
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...

Andre Chass


I did not understand how to play your system. Could you explain me, please?
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...

Andre Chass

Quote from: ego on Aug 13, 12:14 PM 2017
I could tell you about a selection method that would trippel your money with high probability.
But my morals say i don't want to be part of your hazard game for operating your leg, feels wrong and don't want to be part of it.

What i would suggest is to get two jobs for a short period of time earning two salary.
Keep your day job and take a extra job during early night.


Hello ego

I need your help! I,m a teacher and I already work full time night and day.

I'm interested to know about your bet selection and give it a try.

I pay you  teach me your system if you want...
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


Quote from: Andre Chass on Aug 13, 04:54 PM 2017

I did not understand how to play your system. Could you explain me, please?
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision

Andre Chass

Quote from: Taotie on Aug 13, 06:10 AM 2017
Andre, if you are truly prepared to risk all you have in one single wager to realise the cost of your surgery, then you are probably right to consider putting it all on one bet, either red or black or equivalent.
After that realisation, there is really no possible way for any individual to help you increase your chance of success, as your result will be indisputably (f*ck the zero) 50/50.
So no one can really help you out of your predicament.

If it was me, and I was convinced that one single bet was the only way to resolve my situation, then I would track all the EC’s until at least two of them had four hits in the last five spins. Then I would continue to track all the EC’s until only one EC had four hits in the last five spins then bet the lot on that EC.

I'll do it!
I have 10.000,00 and I need at least double it..
I'm already prepared  to risky 4.000,00 in a single bet.
The other 6.000,00 I will make bets using combinations of systems and strategies. I need to triple this amount in a month ...
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...
