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Pigeonhole Revisited/Out of the box reference

Started by iar000, Nov 08, 10:54 AM 2017

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Somebody understand this strategy. ....

And can you explain



Ofc for a hefty fee, all things are made crystal clear with the right eye glasses.  NP :twisted:

Andre Chass

"keep in mind this is not a gift for you to share!"

"I have nothing more to say about this topic. "


Why does not he explain in plain language with clear roulette examples that everyone can understand? Nothing cryptic...
I think we had enough of that nonsense...
How arrogant!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...

Andre Chass

Quote from: iar000 on Nov 08, 10:54 AM 2017
Somebody understand this strategy. ....

And can you explain


Nope! It's his little secret ...

He feels good to make people foolish.

I think his keyboard is broken...
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


Quote from: Andre Chass on Nov 08, 12:10 PM 2017Nope! It's his little secret ..
What would you do?
You need to earn the solution, to recognize the real value of it.
I don't have TheHolyGrail.

Andre Chass

Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


MoneyT has given the answer in his thread. Read it carefully.  The solution is simple, right in front of your nose. :thumbsup:


Quote from: Andre Chass on Nov 08, 11:50 AM 2017
"keep in mind this is not a gift for you to share!"

"I have nothing more to say about this topic. "


Why does not he explain in plain language with clear roulette examples that everyone can understand? Nothing cryptic...
I think we had enough of that nonsense...
How arrogant!

Hahaha far from arrogant!  I took the time to explain in the thread I created!

Maybe because it took months to understand what I and many others were working on.

You don't get it but they understand what I'm saying.  And that is perfectly fine with me.  They put in the work and hours.  Where were you? Playing martingale! 

Why don't you understand my language?

What does birthday paradox prove?

What does defined by dozen 2 mean?

Which cycle loses the most mathematically?  Can you win playing that way? Why not?

What's the problem with vdw, erdos szekeres, friends and strangers?

Where are 99% of the repeats falling?

Is pigeonhole theory really about pigeons and holes?  How else can it be used?

What problem is everyone in the forum having trouble with that I mentioned?

I was putting over 10 hrs daily into reading and testing and trying to understand.  For months and working on it for years....So why should you enjoy the fruits of my labor without putting in the time and work?

Because it's a forum and we should share ideas.  Guess what?!

I shared more then an idea! I shared how to play.  Is it perfect nope!  Does it win flatbet yes! 
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


Quote from: MoneyT101 on Nov 08, 02:00 PM 2017
I shared more then an idea! I shared how to play.  Is it perfect nope!  Does it win flatbet yes!
The play can be perfected when it's merged with other solid ideas!  :thumbsup:

It didn't take me years though, a few hours.  ;D

This is my purpose joining this forum in May. 6months to understand repeaters, AP play and now PhP. My goals is achieved.


Money, you should submit the method for peer review.
[Math+1] beats a Math game

Andre Chass

You can't explain it in plain language with clear roulette examples because you don't have it.

Simple like that!

Everybody is asking for your help and you keep playing games. If you do not want to give a clear example of your method, then keep it to yourself.

And I will say it again: You don't have a solid example how to use the method and I challenge you.

Well said!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...

Andre Chass

And I do not need it! I have my own strategy. I just want to help everybody who is asking for your help on how to use your system.
But it seems you don't give a dam...
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


Andre, don't get offended, but it seems you and some others are now the new generation of members who demand the HG on a silver plate, and not willing to do much work. Come on man, just think before you post. Why would anyone share a system that always wins? So that any random person in the world could search "how to win at roulette" in google then half an hour later they could just start making thousands and quit their jobs? As it has been said before, that would be "killing the golden goose", because it wouldn't last for long. Online casinos would quickly realize that they are losing tens of millions, and they would quickly adapt. It may sound insane, but I have not doubt that this would be the case.
I haven't find the solution to win yet, but I strongly believe that it is possible, and I'm very happy that some members claim that they were able to do it. That gives me hope and motivation.
It's funny how almost everyone on the forum thinks that all these VDW, cycles, non random, parallel play, etc. is useless bullshit, yet almost every other discussion have dried up, and people have mostly been posting in these topics. I'm very grateful to the contributors, I wish I could add something to the discussions, but unfortunately I don't have much free time these days, so I'm quite behind processing all the info.

Andre Chass

Quote from: ati on Nov 08, 04:13 PM 2017
Andre, don't get offended, but it seems you and some others are now the new generation of members who demand the HG on a silver plate, and not willing to do much work. Come on man, just think before you post. Why would anyone share a system that always wins? So that any random person in the world could search "how to win at roulette" in google then half an hour later they could just start making thousands and quit their jobs? As it has been said before, that would be "killing the golden goose", because it wouldn't last for long. Online casinos would quickly realize that they are losing tens of millions, and they would quickly adapt. It may sound insane, but I have not doubt that this would be the case.
I haven't find the solution to win yet, but I strongly believe that it is possible, and I'm very happy that some members claim that they were able to do it. That gives me hope and motivation.
It's funny how almost everyone on the forum thinks that all these VDW, cycles, non random, parallel play, etc. is useless bullshit, yet almost every other discussion have dried up, and people have mostly been posting in these topics. I'm very grateful to the contributors, I wish I could add something to the discussions, but unfortunately I don't have much free time these days, so I'm quite behind processing all the info.

Ok I think you're right!
Forget it. I give it up!
Thanks for the post!
All the best!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


Quote from: ati on Nov 08, 04:13 PM 2017
Andre, don't get offended, but it seems you and some others are now the new generation of members who demand the HG on a silver plate, and not willing to do much work. Come on man, just think before you post. Why would anyone share a system that always wins? So that any random person in the world could search "how to win at roulette" in google then half an hour later they could just start making thousands and quit their jobs? As it has been said before, that would be "killing the golden goose", because it wouldn't last for long. Online casinos would quickly realize that they are losing tens of millions, and they would quickly adapt. It may sound insane, but I have not doubt that this would be the case.
I haven't find the solution to win yet, but I strongly believe that it is possible, and I'm very happy that some members claim that they were able to do it. That gives me hope and motivation.
It's funny how almost everyone on the forum thinks that all these VDW, cycles, non random, parallel play, etc. is useless bullshit, yet almost every other discussion have dried up, and people have mostly been posting in these topics. I'm very grateful to the contributors, I wish I could add something to the discussions, but unfortunately I don't have much free time these days, so I'm quite behind processing all the info.

you remind me of one person  ... after 30 years of research he found the system that can win, but unfortunately the day he wanted to use the system and start making money died suddenly and took the system with him ...
A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned
