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Pigeonhole Revisited/Out of the box reference

Started by iar000, Nov 08, 10:54 AM 2017

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Quote from: watchblue on Nov 08, 07:06 PM 2017
This is my understanding of money strategy:

To give you an idea, Let's say I'm betting 10 numbers
2 might have +3
3 might have +2
5 might have +1

So he play 10 numbers straight with different betting on them.
Also he said that he would like to have a "parallel stream" and in total "covering 28 numbers"

So imagine that you apply the above betting on 10 red numbers (17 units bet), then you you place also 17 units on black, in this way you cover 18 black numbers and 10 red numbers, you have covered 28 numbers and lose only with 9.
I don't like absolutely this system because you really win only with few numbers and you lose completely the entire amount with 9 numbers not covered, but this is how money strategy work from his shared details.
The profit that he has mentioned need to be verified with a proper test, not sure can be so high on a flat betting.

Two seperate systems I mentioned

My original method was 28 wins vs 9 losses that's correct.  But Pri shared some info about dyksexlic word rng game and that made me change my method.

My method wasn't bad but in 100 spins it would profit about 22-40 units flatbet 28 vs 9

After Pri comment I changed my view and created something different.  Same idea just applied to a different area

So now it's more like  200 units every 100 spins.
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


If you guys want to play roulette to win serious money, learn AP. That's what casinos fear the most. All of the tech advances that casinos invest millions into upgrading their wheels is for this single purpose that is to thwart the PA players whom they call as cheats, throw them behind bars, ban and blacklist them under the griffin book. It takes a lot of time, brains and effort, and besides that learn about casino operations specific on security surveillance.

Unless you rise to this status of play to threaten the casino operators that they take action against you, all other claims is wishfull thinking. Get real.


I don't have TheHolyGrail.


Since repeaters and PhP is class under systems play I have no problem to share the complete system together with the excel sheet as an when it's perfected.

For starters, here's a few pointers to digest on -

1. PhP generally means 2pigeons and 1hole to give you a definite repeat. The one thing to add to this basic idea is that the cycles expand as the spin results come in. It's dynamic and not static morphing it into 3pigeons 2holes, 4pigeons 3holes, 5pigeons 4holes, 7pigeons 6holes and so on......

2. By itself PhP can't give you an edge. The edge comes from statistics. The 2 applicable statistics is binomial distribution and birthday paradox.

3. Birthday paradox is a stats formula that calculates the probability of two elements that match in a given sample. The main takeaway is the high probabilty of match from even a small sample which surprises people. RRBB cleverly comes up with his thread to create a parallel sample stream of positions to come up with his 99+% of match happening in the low claim. It's actually birthday paradox probability repackaged.

4. Winkel posted the binomial distribution I found on Colbster's thread about repeaters. Colbster himself expounded about how repeats come in. I tested it earlier that there's clear proof that if bets were placed in the critical mass locations for repeaters this binomial distribution stats naturally kicks in to give winners. That's why I posted the prof Higgins video to falkor as a direct hint where and when to bet in his thread.

Throw in AP to filter the chaos off the wheel and ball, you get the result that I posted in RRBB's thread.

Without AP, I have a system model that I'm working on right now that I will post here if and when I get it perfected.

To me casino games is for the fun, entertainment and intellectual challenge that I enjoy. Don't get too serious with gambling, it'll eat you alive if you're not careful. You might even get into some serious trouble. That's my advice.


I don't have TheHolyGrail.


Quote from: cht on Nov 08, 08:30 PM 2017By itself PhP can't give you an edge. The edge comes from statistics.
Something, like:
You are tracking php on all but bet only the "predefined by statistics" events?
I don't have TheHolyGrail.


Quote from: praline on Nov 08, 08:40 PM 2017
Something, like:
You are tracking php on all but bet only the "predefined by statistics" events?

Andre Chass

Nothing ventured, nothing gained...

Andre Chass

Quote from: cht on Nov 08, 08:30 PM 2017
Since repeaters and PhP is class under systems play I have no problem to share the complete system together with the excel sheet as an when it's perfected.

For starters, here's a few pointers to digest on -

1. PhP generally means 2pigeons and 1hole to give you a definite repeat. The one thing to add to this basic idea is that the cycles expand as the spin results come in. It's dynamic and not static morphing it into 3pigeons 2holes, 4pigeons 3holes, 5pigeons 4holes, 7pigeons 6holes and so on......

2. By itself PhP can't give you an edge. The edge comes from statistics. The 2 applicable statistics is binomial distribution and birthday paradox.

3. Birthday paradox is a stats formula that calculates the probability of two elements that match in a given sample. The main takeaway is the high probabilty of match from even a small sample which surprises people. RRBB cleverly comes up with his thread to create a parallel sample stream of positions to come up with his 99+% of match happening in the low claim. It's actually birthday paradox probability repackaged.

4. Winkel posted the binomial distribution I found on Colbster's thread about repeaters. Colbster himself expounded about how repeats come in. I tested it earlier that there's clear proof that if bets were placed in the critical mass locations for repeaters this binomial distribution stats naturally kicks in to give winners. That's why I posted the prof Higgins video to falkor as a direct hint where and when to bet in his thread.

Throw in AP to filter the chaos off the wheel and ball, you get the result that I posted in RRBB's thread.

Without AP, I have a system model that I'm working on right now that I will post here if and when I get it perfected.

To me casino games is for the fun, entertainment and intellectual challenge that I enjoy. Don't get too serious with gambling, it'll eat you alive if you're not careful. You might even get into some serious trouble. That's my advice.

Thanks for the explanation!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


I don't have TheHolyGrail.


Quote from: cht on Nov 08, 08:30 PM 2017
.... 3pigeons 2holes, 4pigeons 3holes, 5pigeons 4holes, 7pigeons 6holes and so on......

Wrong Forum mate, birds and bees is the next one on the right  :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol:



This is what I got out of the socks conversation

Six socks-looking for pairs=Even Chances

Example:  12,19,31,7,3,34 (Six Outcomes)
                   L   H   H  L L  H

What hasn't hit: L13-18 (Low), L25-30 (High)

So the Next six Even Chance
bets would bet: Low (L13-18), High (L25-30)

(according to RRBB notes)

then the corresponding hit outcomes starting from left:
Low (L7-12), High (L19-24), High (L31-36), Low (L7-12)...

To my surprise good hit rate flat-betting for Even Chances


What I wrote yesterday can be misunderstood. Keeping certain things to yourself is not necessarily greed or selfishness. I'm a very giving person, making money easily would bore me, but I always have that image in my mind that one day I become wealthy and I will be able to help random strangers who struggle financially, visiting the country side, doing charity works, giving donations, etc. That would give me satisfaction. :)
Do you think the stock exchange sharks and successful business owners should all share their ideas and knowledge on public forums? What's the first thing you do when you invent something that can earn you money? You get a patent, so no one can copy it, otherwise it could become worthless.


pretty pointless thread ...just trying to goad MoneyT101...who by the way has tried to help in his own way in his thread...explained what he can....if you have no understanding of his explanation.. thats not his fault..i questioned dyslexic at the time with a few examples of what i thought he was doing then he promptly deleted the thread...was i close? who knows..well done Moneyt101 i admire you for sharing what you have found in the best way you could ..you didn,t even have to do that...


If you believe there´s a Holy Grail then you believe in anything. And you´re all a gullible bunch if you ask me.
That dislexic guy posted a lot of nonsense and you all believed he had a grail, maybe even two :D haha. He left in shame after realizing it was all crap and you think it was to avoid giving any more clues?
That red dwarf guy knows about maths and knows math alone can´t beat a math game, despite what some may think. Same as Prianka. Did both ever claim to have found a holy grail? Yet you believe otherwise "because the truth must only be told to those who deserve it".
All because they used jargons like PhP, vdW, BP which are useless in roulette anyway, but made you look like sitting donkeys staring at a palace.

How many systems passed the 10000 spins only to go into a downward spiral ad infinitum? How many thought they had found "it", then acted all c***y. In the end, time and money have always told the truth.

Wake up people.
[Math+1] beats a Math game
