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Precognition really works

Started by precogmiles, Jan 09, 04:18 PM 2018

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I can actually confirm that. For me these are sectors. You can train that. 30 years ago there were still French boilers in Austria that had an incline of almost 40 degrees. The ball fell almost exactly into the number wheel. The new American boilers are very flat. The ball jumps from number to number.


How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Another update.

I've been doing more research into how all of this works. There are so many factors and ideas to consider.

My understanding now is that seeing and creating are the same thing. Different stages but both interact with the same substance.

We think we see but we don't.
We think we move but we don't.

Giodarno bruno had very interesting ideas.

So much of magic is misunderstood and treated with contempt but there are some interesting ideas in there too.


Interesting ideas, can you share any insight into what has led you to that understanding?


Quote from: Klausy on Dec 08, 02:54 PM 2021
Interesting ideas, can you share any insight into what has led you to that understanding?

Just sent you a pm



Quote from: Klausy on Mar 21, 04:50 AM 2021
For me, rather than manifestation, it's definitely more about getting a glimpse of something meaningful in the very near future. What I mean is, if you think it's going to be a zero but it ends up hitting it's neighbour 26, the main takeaway from that spin is that it nearly hit zero and you see it bounce out of zero, the fact it ended up in 26 is less significant in the memory. So your prediction of zero is that something significant happened with zero, not the result.

As such, I would try and not focus on the wheel, just on the numbers that appear on the previous results bit of the screen, if there is one, so that the meaningful bit is the actual result, not how you nearly hit your number.
If anyone that cares still frequents this board, just to right a wrong, it is actually all manifestation, I was incorrect.
Thanks to those who posted about that and the law of attraction.

ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx

6th if I have too many repeats I have to change the target but I'm struggling with the sector part .
sorry  wrong page :)


Time for another update.

It has been almost 7 years to the day since I start this thread. What a journey it has been. I have learnt so much about this phenomena. It has really opened my eyes to the fabric of ultimate reality. From being a normal guy who viewed certain phenomena with scepticism (but with an open mind) I have now investigated this phenomena thoroughly. I've spent thousands of hours in research and even longer in practice, meditation and experimentation. I have always felt that theory without demonstration is futile but I've also thought that demonstration without theory is stagnation. I managed to get very consistent with a particular method within 3 years but I was not satisfied because I didn't understand the mechanism of this phenomena. I needed an underlying theory to show it was not just variance.

Over the last few years I've shifted from purely a precognition approach to a wider appreciation of the phenomena. Understanding the non-existence of time, made me question how precognition could appear to happen even though there is no future or past and that everything is in the present. I started to look more into the philosophy of religious rites and the early foundations of magic. I have begun to understand that sometimes the terminology can lead you down a wrong and unnecessary path. Many phenomena have different names but ultimately are the same.

Something interesting has happened over the last few months. My method has improved tremendously which emerged during my practice through trail and error. This method has now been confirmed by two separate experts in this field. What is more amazing is that they have also found it independently of each other. Both of them seem to have the method but I believe their theories about how it works are slightly flawed, since they rely too heavily on modern science.
I finally have a confirmed method and the beginnings of a theory. By fleshing out the theory I should be able to refine the method even more.


Good to hear from you! Willing to share any of your methods/learning here on the forum? Great you have come so far and made an amazing progress but it would be nice to know how you did it so we can learn from your mistakes.

Would love to have more insight. I did not continue my journey but i had decent results though, then live happend.


Hello RayManz, good to see you are alive and well.

Sure this is the general idea behind the method.

1. Enter an altered state of consciousness
2. Let your intent take a form(visual, emotional, sensory, etc..) and hold that form for a long time.
3. Disassociation: remove the intent from your mind.
4. Certainty: know your intent has already happened and you are experiencing it.

For example here is a simple process if I wanted the number 26 to appear I would do the following.

1. Calm my mind down, stop all internal chatter until the landscape of the inner mental experience are no longer relatable with anything in waking consciousness. Remember you can not force this state. Just like trying to sleep. You can not force yourself to sleep, it just happens.
2. Since I want 26 to appear I visualize the ball in the 26 pocket. Pick something that will be the state of the intent if it was to happen. I hold this visual form in my minds eye for as long as I can. 
3. I look away, and focus on something else. I distract myself. Watch YouTube, look around the room, chat with others, until the intent has completely vanished from my mind.
4. I turn back to the roulette wheel and look at the pocket and focus on it. I visualize the image of my intent and superimpose it on reality as if it has happened and I believe it has. There is no stress at this stage since it has already happened.

After a few spins 26 should appear if all was done correctly. You may notice that if you stop and give up and select another number that the original number (26 in this case) will appear almost instantly. This shows that you did not do the disassociation properly. 

On the surface of it these points individually are nothing new. You can find this all over the internet. My research has found many cases where these points are only partially given and sometimes arranged in the wrong order. Sometimes the emphasis is only put on one of the points and other times extra unnecessary points are added.

From my research I have found that each point is incredibly complex. For example there are multiple ways of entering into an altered state of consciousness (ASoC), some methods do not require you to close your eyes in meditation and some of these states are more powerful than others. Beginners, may not even know when they have entered an ASoC, or they may not understand the different methods used to induce disassociation, or create the right correct intent form. I have tested and experimented with many different combinations and levels of depths of these points, so while it appears simple, you need to be aware that practice is needed.

So that in a nutshell is the general idea of the method. I hope it helps yourself and anyone else interested. There is still much work to be done before I get a full grasp of the underlying structure which allows for this to work.


Excellent stuff precogmiles, really good to hear that things are going well. As per our previous conversations, it's reassuring that we have got to virtually the same point after taking different routes.
One thing I will add is that when I'm completely "in the zone", I don't need to do much visualisation, it's more like a quick internal command that a certain number will appear. For me, being "in the zone" requires being in a good positive mood, alert, ideally after having achieved  something (like completing a good task well).
Conversely, when I am tired, ill or had a bad day, not only can I not get any success predicting numbers, its more that I actually manifest the opposite and numbers actively avoid appearing, well beyond chance.
As such, discipline is needed where if I can't get in a good place then I don't play and accept that I shouldn't play for maybe a few days.


One other thing to mention, as you say disassociation is key but is sometimes difficult to achieve as it is easy to start willing a number.
I sometimes mix it up by concentrating on an amount to achieve in a session, ie I would think ok I have 20 minutes to spare, what is an amount I want to reach. I choose a stretch target but not too much as too high and your subconscious will think it's not achievable. I then look at the current balance figure and in my minds eye replace that number with the target number and let it form on the screen. I hold it there so I'm actually seeing the target number.
By doing this, I find it takes the pressure off trying to hit certain numbers and I often find that I pick a number and get no hits but then will get a flurry of hits on other numbers on the way to reaching the target.


Hello Klausy. Great to see you again. I hope everything is well.

Quote from: Klausy on Jan 13, 06:30 PM 2025One thing I will add is that when I'm completely "in the zone", I don't need to do much visualisation, it's more like a quick internal command that a certain number will appear. For me, being "in the zone" requires being in a good positive mood, alert, ideally after having achieved  something (like completing a good task well).
Conversely, when I am tired, ill or had a bad day, not only can I not get any success predicting numbers, its more that I actually manifest the opposite and numbers actively avoid appearing, well beyond chance.
As such, discipline is needed where if I can't get in a good place then I don't play and accept that I shouldn't play for maybe a few days.

I used to suffer from this issue too. Being in a positive mode is very important. Do you do any meditation before you start? I've noticed that getting into an altered state of consciousness first, evens out the impact of mood. The intent form can be of any type so it makes sense that you sometimes don't need to do a visualization.

Quote from: Klausy on Jan 13, 06:42 PM 2025One other thing to mention, as you say disassociation is key but is sometimes difficult to achieve as it is easy to start willing a number.
I sometimes mix it up by concentrating on an amount to achieve in a session, ie I would think ok I have 20 minutes to spare, what is an amount I want to reach. I choose a stretch target but not too much as too high and your subconscious will think it's not achievable. I then look at the current balance figure and in my minds eye replace that number with the target number and let it form on the screen. I hold it there so I'm actually seeing the target number.
By doing this, I find it takes the pressure off trying to hit certain numbers and I often find that I pick a number and get no hits but then will get a flurry of hits on other numbers on the way to reaching the target.

Great insight and method. I agree the less abstract the intent form is the better. On Rsim for example I focus on the green total number.


No I don't meditate at all, probably should do really. I can often go 1-2 weeks and not get in the right frame of mind so will try your method, thank you.

I would suggest to any casual reader of this thread to check out the numerous subreddits on manifestation. It is a fantastic resource.
