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@ Steve

Started by TurboGenius, Apr 08, 10:31 AM 2018

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Quote from: jekhb76 on Apr 15, 04:07 AM 2018
Yes it was, and i was Living in a Circle. It took me years to find out, but i'm done with it now.
Good that you put a full stop to this chase down the rabbit hole. Some never do.


Quote from: jekhb76 on Apr 15, 02:41 AM 2018our best bet is the play the Max 4 hottest numbers
The 4 #'s is best.
If you look at Morts #'s most days supplied the spins 11-40 gets 15 non-hit so theres 15 repeats. So if theres 15 coming try to find a way to catch them

Today mort got 14 repeats, 9+15=24; we see 25 non-hit came so 16 came in those 30 spins. Work with that 15 /15
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


If anyone is interested, the main assumption in TG's model is the distribution is leptokurtic.


With a reset after the KFC; the common 9/10
But we want 24 non-hit by spin 40 and we got 23, so here 16 repeats happened

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Unless Turbo provides real MATH to underbuild his System and he gives us a real explenation to what he is doin'. I'm out of the Turbo Camp for good.
Give us a real session and explaining what you are doin' only that way we can find out for ourselfs if it is a Good method or not.
If you continue this Fox hunt with All of us, there won't be a single person on this Forum in the End Who will take you serious anymore. Just a hint.
Nothing personal.


Look how turbo is losing his game here


A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Quote from: jekhb76 on Apr 15, 07:14 AM 2018. I'm out of the Turbo Camp for good.
Just remember...Ed's a nice guy with a cool sense of humour. Hes been a great help to me both directly and indirectly. I owe him big time.

That said...I can see why he is getting so much stick. Im not getting involved in that though....doesnt feel right
Hes a big boy. Sure he can muddle through it


Quote from: Turner on Apr 15, 08:46 AM 2018
Just remember...Ed's a nice guy with a cool sense of humour. Hes been a great help to me both directly and indirectly. I owe him big time.

That said...I can see why he is getting so much stick. Im not getting involved in that though....doesnt feel right
Hes a big boy. Sure he can muddle through it
That's why i said that it is nothing personal. But I'm just tired of the same old chasing rabits all the time, in a rabits hole without a end, and i'm sure there are lots of members here who are feeling the same way. But if Ed's a nice guy or not, i can't judge, because i don't know him personaly. I'm just spanking him  >:D, for what he is doin' on this and other forums, that's all.


Like I said....I can see why he is getting all this stick


What with all the Albert Einstein quotes....Here are 3 pertinent ones!

1) It's not that I am so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.

2) If I had an hour to solve a problem, I would spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.

3) Logic will get you from point A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.

I like number 2 the best. Perhaps anyone not really getting any of this should focus more on the 'WHY' it's not working for them. What causes the whole thing to break down.

Betting too many numbers.
Too many spins between winners.

Then when you have all that written down, let number 3 (imagination) take over.
"You can lead a human to intelligence, but you can't make him think''


Betting too many numbers.

12, 8, 4 numbers.

Try ONE number.

If you can win with one number you got it !


Quote from: Turner on Apr 15, 08:46 AM 2018Sure he can muddle through it

It's no problem to muddle :)
I don't take anything personal.
I give out enough details to put people on the right path.

Analogy time.. (damn I love those)
Someone finds a treasure map - everyone scrambles to read it and understand it,
a few people manage to follow it and end up in a field with trees surrounding it.
The big X is next to a tree on the map - but which one ???
Some people will start digging by every tree.. I'm not sure why.
Some people will grab a metal detector and start looking, more efficient.
Some people will dig a few holes and then leave with their hands up saying
that the map wasn't specific enough as to exactly which tree to look under,
that it's all a waste of time - there's no treasure ! They'll say the map should have
specifically said exactly which tree to look under - the fact that there's billions of
trees in the world and the map gives the right location to narrow it down to 1
field with a few trees wasn't good enough. Whoever drew the map was a real
asshole I guess, why did he make a map to help people looking for the treasure
and then not put the exact tree to look under ???? they storm off frustrated.
I'm completely ok with all of that.
The "horse race" analogy was to show that random can be predictable, it had
nothing to do with a specific system or way to play (although there are some that
can formed around this info).
If that makes me the bad guy then I can live with that.
But contrary to what Steve thinks, it's not misleading. It's leading.
If the level of proof required to demonstrate something completely exposes
and gives away how it's done - that's a bit silly in this case. It exists but isn't
going to be posted. If I posted the "map" and not the exact tree to look under -
that's not on me either. Supposedly as proof I'm supposed to take everyone to
the exact tree, dig it up my self and hold the buried box in the air. I'll still be a
asshole trust me, it won't change lol.
The naysayers will say "It's probably empty, there's nothing of value in there, he
probably put it there this morning... make him open it and show everyone !!"
"That money isn't real, those jewels are probably fake, it's all a sham"
"Make him take the box and treasure to be appraised !!"
"The appraiser is working with him, it's a scam - he switched what was in
the box !"

If anyone thinks it's frustrating - try being me to 10 seconds and then explain
to me why I even bother to post at all.
If anyone thinks it's a waste of time, by all means stop and walk away from it.
These forums are all optional when it comes to participation, opinions
and facts seem to range from one end of the scale to the other.
And none of us are here to perform for everyone else, you either have interest
and read - work it out or you can pick up the shovel and walk away.


Quote from: TurboGenius on Apr 15, 10:42 AM 2018I give out enough details to put people on the right path.

First sign of insanity - quoting yourself.
But anyway -
Please ask Steve to post every detail of how his computers work, diagrams and a step by step instruction manual to build one - OR ELSE it's FAKE.
Please ask the General to post every detail of how he spots bias wheels, every detail - what to look for - how many spins to track, how to use that information properly in order to hit the casino and win - OR ELSE it's FAKE.
It's nonsense - both of those ways work and everyone knows that but you won't find specific details posted in the open that give away every detail of how they do what they do.
No one holds them to the same level of proof of course - it's "AP" and top secret.
If a system player can win using math and random, we all know the payout doesn't
equal the odds of any position showing for one spin, so it's FAKE, misleading......
It's fine with me. Hold me to a level that you don't hold them to, I'm ok with that too -
but don't expect me to comply with posting every detail in the open.
It's not going to happen.


Quote from: wiggy on Apr 15, 09:56 AM 2018
should focus more on the 'WHY' it's not working for them. What causes the whole thing to break down.

Betting too many numbers.
Too many spins between winners.

Very good advice  :thumbsup:
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Why would we bet on 'spins'? 
