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37 back to basics

Started by 6th-sense, Jun 09, 02:29 PM 2018

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Quote from: jono1167 on Sep 13, 07:44 AM 2019Cheers

Thank you,

I've got a notion to actually do the talking here. I like the idea of those that have been discussing it have all come from here and all those that are idiots, more on that later, originated there. I call them idiots because at one time in the world most of us were idiots. The world was flat until it was not. I'm doing this this way because only a small number of people will have it first. To me that just makes sense.
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/


carry on on my thread gizmo...seems like you are earning it


Not so foggy; more than 7 net wins.

Oh yeah curve fitting
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Quote from: 6th-sense on Sep 13, 02:51 PM 2019
carry on on my thread gizmo...seems like you are earning it

I meant at this gambling forum. But thanks for the kind offer. I suppose a thread needs to be started. All the how is at the other forum. But this is a good place to discuss any learning issues are any help questions. I really doubt it though. Those trying it out are just killing it. I suppose I should go deeper into character recognition.
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/


Quote from: boyd30 on Mar 10, 10:20 AM 2019
It seems logical to focus on repeaters and their pairs. As Vaddi said it's so easy even a child can play it. If it pairs on the table on the wheel I don't know. Does It matter? Through I prefer the table pairs.
You are on the right track when thinking how to play based on the concepts raised by 6thSense which is also similar to what VADDI described.

Now which layout to follow - Carpet or wheel? That all depends on what patterns you are seeing in the 37 spin cycle. If a wheel is not influenced by external factors other than the dealer then I prefer the wheel layout as there are physical reasons why numbers on the wheel clump together or in fact repeat above average. But introduce a wheel that is using RRS technology or even RNG and you are better off using the carpet as the results will be less influenced by the dealer and more by the random rotation of the wheel or RNG generator. Numbers will tend to be distributed randomly on the wheel but given the nature of the number distribution to create a random result you will get just as much clumping on the table layout as on the wheel layout.

Either way you will need to be able to read the flow of the spin cycle and take advantage of the patterns that get created. You can get pairs that tend to expand in order of spins or form larger sequences of consecutive numbers from smaller groupings. As expected you also start seeing repeats of numbers. So how best to approach any given cycle. My advise is to be prepared for any outcome and be prepared to act accordingly with your money management to gain a consistent profit before resetting the cycle and starting over.

More to come in the new year



Thanks Ricky..be nice to start this thread back up in the new year for any interested party’s..

Ricky will put an rx dgt file based on the concept to play in rx when he has time..

Would like anyone interested in it to discuss it in a reasonable manner as it will be a base for you to improve upon..
meanwhile happy new year


The best thread on any roulette forum. Thank you 6th and Ricky for all of your valuable insight. Happy New Year.


Life is hard, and then you die.
Mes pensées sont le dernier retranchement de ma liberté.


Ok so back to basics then.

Ran 6378 cycles of 37 spins and gathered basic infos, see attached.

40% of cycles will have 23 or 24 nrs landed.
Almost 50% of cycles will see 9 or 10 nrs repeating at least once;
More than 50% of cycles will see 3 or 4 nrs hitting 3 times;
40% will have a 4-hitter.

Let's say we are thinking of ''long bets'', i.e betting for a 37-spin frame to see 23-24 nrs out, or betting for a cycle to see 9 or 10 nrs repeating.  The latter almost has 50% chance of success.
How would you play this?  Would it be a mix of playing unhits, then hits, skipping bets, else?  How to ''short'' a trend?  Positive or negative prog, if any?  Parlaying?

Now, let's assume you can't be in positive territory at least once in every cycle ( even if others claimed so), let alone end in green.  Is that bad? I think not.
Is there a way to make enough profit in a won ''bet'' of 9-10 repeaters in 37 spins, enough to overcome losses of failed ''bets''?
What if there was no progression within a 'cycle-bet'', but one from cycle to cycle?  Could be Alembert, Martingale, Tiers et Tout, Labouchere, any progression really, pos or negative.  Which makes me ask: is playing for a cycle to have a caracteristic that statistically happens 50% of time or so, is it equivalent to an EC bet?  Is the variance greater or smaller than EC bets?

I think I'll concentrate then on the distribution of those winning-losing cycles, in regards of the variance, and see what comes out from those runs.

I know, this is a lot of Q's and ideas...

More later.
Life is hard, and then you die.
Mes pensées sont le dernier retranchement de ma liberté.


HI BigBro ben,  can you add, repeaters in 12 numbers and 24 numbers also in this sample.


you mean repeaters in 12 spins and 24 spins?
Life is hard, and then you die.
Mes pensées sont le dernier retranchement de ma liberté.


Quote from: jono1167 on Jul 10, 09:53 PM 2019

I have spent the last week re-reading 6th's '37 Back to Basics' thread. Plenty of ideas, many of which have already been tried and tested.

I thought I would post a few tables which were created using Ayk's fantastic tracker. Hopefully they might spark some inspiration....

I have been running some basic tests. Looking at the attached tables, I see clusters of numbers and gaps. Early on, the gaps are wide, but they start closing.... Pretty obvious. When is the most efficient time to bet on the gaps closing? Can this be exploited sufficiently? 

Look at the pics above. At the end of each cycle, the number of groups, hits, islands whatever you want to call them are the same the number the unhits.

So you have 8 groups of hits and 8 groups of non hits. Now how do we make this profitable? I am not sure. Most of us has been fixated on betting each number and their pair number 8 times and whatever way. We have all tested it. But if you you look at say the original first 8-9 numbers out.....what happens? Hits always happens around the the first numbers out. They flock together.

So is it possible the first 8-9 numbers out is the foundation along with their pair number? I use the wheel personally. So you would just bet those 16 numbers and go from there. Maybe you only add any future numbers out to your bet selection if they have a connection to one of the foundation numbers? I don’t know. I am just throwing out an idea. But all you have to do is look at the charts. The groupings happen around the original first 8 numbers for the most part. The groupings expand.

Also after you have 8 spins. The 13 unhit numbers have been laid out. And you also know you will have 12 doubles and numbers go together. This is also why I am starting to think you just stick with the original numbers and their pair until you have a new high the rest to last 8 spins. Again just ideas.

I hope this makes some sense.


Quote from: Bigbroben on Dec 29, 10:08 PM 2019
you mean repeaters in 12 spins and 24 spins?

Yes right


Just to get the ideas thinking in the right direction let me just say from the outset we should not be thinking in terms of one solution and discard any approach that does not deliver the perfect bet that wins in all circumstances, the so called Holy Grail. We may need to look at some sort of progression or recovery bet if we want to aim for a guaranteed profit in all cycles. But we can also accept the odd loss if we know we will win in most cycles with our method.
It’s like 4 steps forward and 1 step back. The aim is to win at a higher percentage relative to our losses.

Some ground rules that should make the best roulette system:

1. A well defined method that we know MUST  happen in a cycle
2. Predominantly a flat bet strategy with a fixed spin cycle that does not increase bets on a loss within the cycle.
3. Play inside bets including Line, Quad, Street, Split and Straight. May be used as a progression and/or parachute approach as we progress through the cycle

As you can see the best bet involves more that just the method. As expected money management and chip distribution play a key part in finding the correct solution. And the beauty is there is no one correct solution. All reasonable ideas that don’t rely on luck alone are valid.

Finally, something that cannot be explained in mere rules that are blindly followed is the player’s intuition on how the flow of the game is evolving from spin to spin. Unfortunately the player must gain this intuition from experience and his own risk profile. Just like trading the stock market, roulette has intrinsic risks that at any moment the spin from hell, the 37 uniques in 37 spins, the 37 reds in a row, any other freak event that threatens to destroy our bankroll. So managing risk is something the player must take control over. If you are looking for the perfect solution in this thread without putting in the hard work and expecting it to be handed to you on a platter then maybe best to look elsewhere. But if you are prepared to learn how to become proficient in managing risk and using ideas shared here to your benefit then continue reading and contributing to the foundation of 37 back to Basics

My next post will be in the new year once i have completed the RX for public release. Note this RX has coded certain ideas raised in this thread but does not cover some privately developed approaches which are currently being tested with real bankroll to test all aspects mentioned above. In time these methods may be released in some form depending on their long term success.




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