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37 back to basics

Started by 6th-sense, Jun 09, 02:29 PM 2018

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Sorry, Money, but I'm not sure those questions will be helpful to anyone.


Quote from: Blueprint on Apr 29, 12:21 PM 2023Sorry, Money, but I'm not sure those questions will be helpful to anyone.

Now we see the beauty! That's exactly what separates anyone.

On one side you have everyone searching and trying to find the info.  You have those that claim they searched but just leech off others findings. You have those still stuck on understanding what they see.  You have those that gave up.  You have those that just don't believe in anything. You even have those making fun of ppl still searching.

Then on the other side you have those that asked themselves questions and found answers. Those that tried to prove something isn't possible and actually proved the opposite.
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


With each post and each question we are further away from the truth.


I remember the days when I struggled to find a solution, but in fact I was always very close, so you should never give up and the answers will come by themselves.


You guys are slowly donating to the casinos :(


Nah, I don't even play roulette.


Well, I'm up to a few more experiments before I decide to buy a roulette computer  ;)
Does anyone have a stream tracker (main+derived) for a number groups and would be kind enough to share it? RO RE BO BE or RL RH BL BH, shouldn't really matter.
Thanks in advance.


Quote from: duchobor on May 01, 04:13 AM 2023Well, I'm up to a few more experiments before I decide to buy a roulette computer  ;)
Does anyone have a stream tracker (main+derived) for a number groups and would be kind enough to share it? RO RE BO BE or RL RH BL BH, shouldn't really matter.
Thanks in advance.

here you go...extract it,,,it has most of what you want on it


Wow, exactly what I needed, and some more. Your arsenal of tools is endless, isn't it? Thanks again. Back to work. Regards.


Endless. You got that right.  It's been how many years now of people being sent in circles? 


Link to tracker not working


Quote from: praline on Mar 24, 03:18 PM 2023Or that's not an EWD to look at :xd:

Just found out the meaning of the acronym: EWD



copy the address bar...this is ewd...won,t let me post the link


Thanks 6-th for your inputs,

EWD1094 gives a deja-vu, but also the "trap", named by the modern times verb "overthinking".

Find out direction 1 but dont't think too deep.
Find out direction 2 but dont't think too deep.

Find out direction n but dont't think too deep.
Find out direction (n+1) but dont't think too deep.

"Don't Think Twice, It's All Right"  Bob Dylan

ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx

Quote from: Drazen on Apr 01, 11:09 AM 2023While these gurus are arguing among themselves about which one will help more without actually helping at all, and if anything, doing the opposite, there are a few questions on my mind. Unfortunately, they won't provide anything valuable other than philosophical word vomit:

How much help do we need?

Who measures and defines the actual help? Is it the person who is giving it or the person who is receiving it?

Are they really that altruistic?

Are they trying to teach a fish to climb a tree?

Even if they have the key, how smart is it from their point of view to make things easier for any random forum member who could figure it out and share it again with their family and friends for almost no cost and destroy the game as we know it?

If there is a simple solution, and they have figured it out, as they claim, are they way smarter than the rest of us, or have they put that much more time and effort into it to cross the line?

If the person hasn't succeeded with the given help, what does that say about the helpers intentions, if anything?

If I got it one way or another, would I be smart, trustworthy, careful enough to keep the secret?

Cheers and stay well confused

