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Precognition - PROOF! results from MPR - the real holy grail

Started by precogmiles, Jun 25, 04:16 PM 2018

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Yes absolutely, it's different from person to person.
Good point re. completing all tasks. I read something a long while ago that a productive day where you complete all your tasks induces a certain brain state (I don't remember if it was alpha, beta or theta) that heightens psychic abilities.


Winforus yes I do both but my objective is beyond roulette. I want to understand what the underlying mechanism of this phenomenon is.

This video is still very relevant

Higher mind could be seen as what Greeks referred to as diamons and Romans as genius.

Everywhere throught the ancient literature you find the referencing this phenomena/force. Something outside of logic and rationale.

Materialists do not have a deep understanding of causation. They take it on faith that inductive reasoning should be the basis of understanding reality and empiricism leads to facts about reality.

If anyone thinks deeply about causation they will understand how much of our experience with reality is an illusion.

My opinion is that the physical reality we experience is nothing more than one manifestation of reality.

In my view dual aspect monism seems the more sensible paradigm of reality.


I'm still trying to nail down the perfect method and develop a set of principles that others can use to improve their methods.

Pain and physical stress should be relieved or eliminated.

You must make an intention or request.
You send that intension or request to the higher mind.

While making the request it is best to be in trance or eliminate all thought.

If you can not calm your inner chatter down you can over come it by distraction.

This is to counter act doubt.

The logical mind creates doubt in its nature. Being in trance or hypnosis can overcome doubt.

Doubt interferes with the intension.
Your aim is to send your intention clearly for the higher mind so your request can materialise by way of resonance.

The only thought allowed is without words. This is the kind of thinking that happens when you are in the flow state.

You will know whn you have the right answer or result by a feeling in the gut, just like the way you know 1+1=2.

Here is a simple experiment. Start by focusing on your toes, study them with your minds eye. Focus on their shape, texture, skin, nails. Concentrate and examine them as if you are about to write an essay about them. Spend 2 mins doing this. NOW suddenly while you are engrossed in that task I want you to focus on your ears and begin to do the same with your ears. Examine and concentrate on your ears while simultaneously still focusing on your toes.

While you attempt this, imagine I asked you to tell me which number you know for CERTAIN will come next. This is the frame of mind I aim to have.


The last video is to just explain the type of certainty needed. You can ignore all the ramtha school BS.

Another interesting video


Here is a simple experiment. Start by focusing on your toes, study them with your minds eye. Focus on their shape, texture, skin, nails. Concentrate and examine them as if you are about to write an essay about them. Spend 2 mins doing this. NOW suddenly while you are engrossed in that task I want you to focus on your ears and begin to do the same with your ears. Examine and concentrate on your ears while simultaneously still focusing on your toes.

While you attempt this, imagine I asked you to tell me which number you know for CERTAIN will come next. This is the frame of mind I aim to have.

I like this. I've also been experimenting with ways of instructing the subconscious mind and detaching, allowing it to bring the intention to fruition. As you say, doubt interferes with this. With traditional manifestation, where the timeframe can be weeks or months before it realises, it's easier to forget about what you want and so there is less interference. With roulette, the timeframe is seconds so it's not easy to detach so you have to distract the conscious mind to stop it thinking/worrying about the outcome.
On a simple level, you can set the intention (16 WILL be the next number, it's already decided) and then basically don't care if it comes to pass. To do this, there would need to be no stress if the number doesn't come up (small bet relative the remaining bankroll) and have the conscious mind occupied with something else (watching the tv at the same time).


Hi Precogmiles,

I know it's a bit off topic, but I'm interested that you mention "diamons".

Just wondered where you get this reference of diamons being a Greek higher mind.
Is this the same as the diamons meaning   spirit or higher being? Tried to Google but there is little information..


Klausy, that is a great technique and it's good to see us arriving at more or less the same conclusions. So few people have been practicing this for years that cross referencing our findings is hard. Gotpsi/psiresearch should of had a forum, then we could have made real progress sharing ideas.

Research John Palmers work on disassociation and motor automation.

Very interesting that ingo swann invented the use of ideograms in CRV because he noticed that himself and others would do an initial almost intuitive squiggle before attempting to guess.

These ideograms to me prepresent a way of thinking without words. Once words and logic enter your mind you break the resonance you had with the higher mind.

Allaboutheaven.org has good material on the subject. Her model is very useful in understanding what techniques to try.

She suggested either using overload or suppression.

It seems ultimately logic, thinking and words seem to be the biggest barrier.

My theory is resonance is the key. Just like a favourable wind, when your aims align with the underlying force of reality, you transcend what is seen as normal or normal probability. You enter the realm of the anomalous. Where the improbable becomes reality.

Causation no longer exists and you are one with ultimate reality.

The higher mind seems to be somewhat of a greater extention then a single person.

The best analogy I can think of is the monkey trap,we as humans are stuck on logic and reasoning even when letting go would be the smart thing to do.


Hi Daveylibra,

Diamons/daimons or daemons are what I mean. Yes spirts if you will. But it seems to me rather strange that many cultures have the same concepts.

The oldest book found in Europe is the derveni papyrus, which contains parts about daimones. The idea from my understanding is borrowed from ancient Egyptian ideas.

It is my belief that much of ancient Egyptian religion is centered around an understanding of hidden forces, they symbolised them with numerous gods. The same for ancient taoist philosophy.

The ancient Egyptians had God's with different animal heads. Each one a symbol or tool to achieve their goal. If one God did not work they would use another. They would also use different techniques to call upon these spirits to do their bidding.

In magic you have the concept of binding, which is nothing more than resonance. If you take out all of the historical baggage words like spirit and deamon have you are left with something very simple.

All throughout history we see humanity engage with hidden forces they usually attribute to an intelligent entity i.e spirits. We today can approach these phenomena with a fresh pair of eyes.

We can study which practices have persisted throughout the millennia. For example, sacrifice, offerings, prayer, sympathetic rituals, chants, etc...

The question I am trying to solve is simple. Imagine two people are randomly selected from the streets they are allowed 1 bet each on roulette. One person picks number 4 and another picks 23. The wheel spins and the ball lands on 23. The question is, sure the "probability" is 1/36, but why did it that person guess right?

I believe regression to the mean is a force of nature and as such can be manipulated and in some cases overcome. As long as you have the right tools.


Thanks as ever for the new avenues to explore. I have seen references to the sort of thing that Bentov is referring to, it is a fascinating topic. He refers to meditation to speed things up, are there any particular meditations that you use? I tend to just try to quieten the mind wile in the present and I've not come across a mediation which really takes me any deeper than that.


Also, yes you are right that there seems to be so few people doing this and really encouraging that we are generally going in the same direction. I'll be forever thankful to Steve for creating this site as it's a fantastic resource.
On psi research, I have not been on there for a while but when I used to play regularly there was one user who got ridiculous scores all the time, would have loved there to have been a forum to ask questions to them on their techniques.


Yes meditation is important to learn to quieten your mind.

Guided meditation can sometimes get you there faster.

This is a good one

And this



@Precogmiles Good to see that you are still learning and are so persistent with this. I find your theory quite interesting, but for myself now it's all about trying to get the mind quiet and concentrated. If I can do this, I know I will have success.

@Klausy I also found that most of the time when the number hits, I usually don't think about the result/outcome. This is why I now avoid watching the the ball spin and roulette - as I found when I watch it and want it to hit too badly, it almost always misses. So once I set the number (usually up to 6 spins on a single number), I just watch the result after the has already dropped. Being totally free from the end result is really the key.


Hi winforus.
Yes I agree, emotional attachment to the result can cause it to not happen, good idea to just await the results.
In fact I read sometime ago (maybe on this forum) someone saying that they would frequently focus on one number, try and get it over a series of spins, not get it, then change to another number and the original number drops first spin. It sounds like if this happens often enough then there is an attachment issue that is released when focus moves to another number.
In RSim, I would just often focus on the win/loss result immediately after spinning (where it shows a loss in red or profit in green). By just clicking spin and focusing on this result, ie just naturally expecting green digits, it does help disassociate with the number being spun.


Klausy, very interesting insight and something I have never thought about. It happened to me very often in the past and still happens sometimes - when I change the number and the number that I originally bet on hits immediately right after.

Nowun's explanation was that you are just out of sync and when you are out of sync it happens. But your theory that this is an attachment issue makes a lot of sense actually.

When I play online, I play with live roulette table as I don't fully trust RNG and don't want to use it as an excuse in case something goes wrong. So for me, what works best is to pick a number, and just bet on it, while distracting myself with some other activity like reading something or watching a video.

And the most times that I had the success, is when I was distracted and almost totally forgot about the roulette, while automatically repeating the bet. And vice versa, when I want the number to hit too badly it almost never comes :)
