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Star-Mongoose-Trioplay Hybrid

Started by Let Me Win, Jan 29, 11:39 AM 2019

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Let Me Win

OK this topic is to discuss and hopefully create a working tracker for ease of play online.

An RX code would be even better.  :xd:

The bet selection makes no difference so I propose that any testing is always done on a running cycle of red black high low odd even red black high low odd even etc etc for infinity regardless of previous results.

The first part is easy we just bet as follows.


Total 5 units.

Each bet is a parly so if you win once you let it ride one time only.

A profit at any point stop and restart.
So for example should we win the first bet no need to parly it we can just restart a new session.

So we stay on this cycle until we lose 5 units. All clear?

Let Me Win

The next stage happens when we eventually have a session where we end up at - 5 as detailed above.

The bet selection stays the same throughout the session always betting a continuous cycle of red black high low odd even regardless of where you are or whatever the previous results were.

So to recap we are now - 5 now what you do is change your betting unit from 1 dollar to 5 dollars so if you were recording your balance on a piece of paper you would write down - 1.

You now start playing the Mongoose progression which is detailed in Craig Greiner's book "The Future Gambler".

You then combine that with the Trioplay money management plan.

Sounds complicated and it is a bit until you get it and then it becomes really easy to understand.

Let Me Win

Once you learn the Mongoose and study it a bit (all of which was already done years ago) you will discover it is better to only bet stages one and three of the Mongoose.

Trust me on this to save time.  This topic and hopefully the eventual working RX code or Excel sheet will concentrate on this tweak.

Only play stages 1 and 3 of the Mongoose.


Interesting LMW, thanks for writing it up. 

Did results of previous testing or hearing about other's experiences lead you to knock out stage 2, or is it just for practicality reasons (speed the session up without any negative consequences)?

Let Me Win

The original Mongoose has a win at stage 1 up 3 units and a win at stage 2 up 4 units.

That gives you the option of doing stage 3 as 1-1-2 or 1-1-3.
If you lose all 3 in a row doing 1-1-3, you are -1 unit.
If you do stage 3 as 1-1-2 and lose all 3, you are at break even.

If there was a casino game that said "Bet $100. If you win, you win $25, if you lose, you lose $125." Nobody would ever play that game...that's what stage 3 at 1-1-3 is.

So, if you play all 3 stages of Mongoose, play stage 3 as 1-1-2. In the worst case, you are back to even money if you lose stage 3.

As for playing just stages 1 & 3, if you win stage 1, you are up 3. Win stage 3 and you're up 4...then start over. If you lose the first unit bet of stage 3, you're still up 2 units. Bet 1 more unit hoping to cancel the first loss, leaving you up 3 again and you can start stage 3 again hoping for a win on bet 1, leaving you up 4 to start over.

If you lose the first and second bet on stage 3, you are up 1 unit. Don't chase your losses anymore, just take your 1 unit profit and start over again at stage 1. At least you aren't down or even, you are up 1 and essentially the house is paying for your first bet on stage 1.

Add this to the trio money management/progression and it's really a beautiful thing.

Let Me Win

With the Mongoose sequence of bets you either lose 1 unit or you win 5 units.
So, each unit in the Full TrioPlay bet method represents 5 units in the Mongoose method.
This means that we have to lose 5 attempts at the Mongoose to equal 1 unit loss in Full TrioPlay vs 1 win in the Mongoose method to represent a 1 unit win in Full TrioPlay.

So in other words when we play Star we use 1 dollar equals 1 chip.

When we play Mongoose we use 5 dollars equals 1 chip.

When we play Trioplay we use 25 dollars equals 1 chip.

Hope this makes sense.

Let Me Win

I assure you should ever an RX code be developed for this you would be able to run it non stop daily for months such are the built in safety features.

The bankroll required would be 100 x $25 = $2,500 which is acceptable.

You must be able to bet amounts between $1 and approximately $500 on the even chances a spread most online casinos appear to easily accommodate these days.

Let Me Win

This is a good explanation of the Mongoose...

The Mongoose is an attack on the casino and is made up of 3 stages.  We try to win 3 units in the 1st stage. We try to win 1 unit in the 2nd stage.  And we try to win 1 unit in the 3rd stage.  For a total of 5 units.  All 3 stages begin with a 1 unit bet.  In the 1st stage we either lose 1 unit or we win 3 units.  In the 2nd stage we either lose the 3 units we won in the 1st stage or we win 1 unit.  If we lose the 3 units won in the 1st stage, we will be even and we start a new attack.  If we win 1 unit in the 2nd stage we will have won 4 units and can go on to the 3rd stage.  In the 3rd stage we either lose 5 units or we win 1 unit.  If we lose 5 units we will be -1 for the attack and must start a new attack.  If we win 1 unit we will be at +5 and can also start a new attack.

Stage 1:  We start by betting 1 unit.  If we lose, that ends that attack and we start a new attack at 1 unit.  But, if we win the 1st bet in the 1st stage of an attack, our 2nd bet is a parlay or a let-it-ride bet.  So, we have won our 1st bet of 1 unit and we now have 2 units on the table.  We bet both units on the 2nd bet.  If we win we will have 4 units.  We pull back our original unit and now we are going to play only with the money won from the casino which in this case is 3 units. 

Stage 1 is a 2 step parlay bet.  We must win both of them to be +3 units.  If we lose either the 1st bet or the 2nd bet, we will have lost our original bet.  Let's say we won both bets and have 3 units profit to play with. 

Stage 2:  The 1st bet of stage 2 is a 1 unit bet.  If we win, we have won our 1 unit for stage 2 and we move on to stage 3.  But, if we lose, we then bet 2 units for our 2nd bet of stage 2.  If we win, we will have won our 1 unit for stage 2 and can move on to stage 3.  But, if we lose this 2nd bet also, we will have lost all 3 units which we won in stage 1 and we must begin a whole new attack.

Stage 3:  Stage 3 is a 1-1-3 bet.  Our 1st bet of stage 3 is 1 unit.  If we win that bet, we will have won a total of 5 units for this attack and we can start a whole new attack.  But what if we lose our 1st 1 unit bet?  In that case we will bet our 2nd 1 unit bet.  If we win our 2nd 1 unit bet, we will be even and can re-bet our 1st 1 unit bet of stage 3.  As long as we win then lose these two 1 unit bets, we will break even and can repeat until we either win the 1st bet or lose both of the 1 unit bets.  Any time we win the 1st 1 unit bet of stage 3 we have won 5 units and can reset to stage 1 of a new attack.  Any time we lose the 1st two 1 unit bets of stage 3 we must make a 3 unit bet.  This is a hail Mary bet.  If we lose this 3 unit bet we will be at -1 for the attack and must start a whole new attack back at state 1 bet 1.  But, if we win this 3 unit bet, we will have won our 1 unit for stage 3 and will be +5 overall for the attack and can either go home or play another attack.  We can risk the 3 unit bet because we will have just lost 2 bets in a row and are hoping losing 3 in a row doesn't happen that often.

We get 5 attempts to win an attack because we either lose 1 unit per attack or we win 5 units per attack.  It is true that if we lose both bets in stage 2 we will have broken even because all we lost was the3 units we won in stage 1.  No win, no loss.

A perfect attack will bet 4 wins in a row.  That will give us +3 in stage 1 by winning both bets, +1 in stage 2 by winning the 1st bet and +1 in stage 3 by winning the 1st bet.  In order to go to stage 2, we must win both bets in stage 1.  In order to go to stage 3 we must win either bet in stage 2.  In order to win in stage 3 we must either win the 1st bet of that stage or the 3rd bet of that stage.

In stage 3 we can have any number of bets placed if we have a loss followed by a win while betting the 1 unit bets.  We can have multiples of this W/L sequence.  To get out of this cycle, we must either win the 1st bet which ends stage 3 or we must lose both 1 units bets which brings us to the 3 unit hail Mary bet.

I only suggest playing stages 1 and 3 though. I also suggest changing stage 3 to 1,1,2 instead of 1,1,3


I've now coded the "mongoose"-progression, as described in the first post.... bet 1-1-1-2 (Then STOP/Restart)... (IF hit at the last step add another last step (2u) one time) Let it ride...yes  O0

(I played a simple "follow Last R/B")

Result looks good

cheers  8)

RX-code "Mongoose"

system "Mongoose"
//(copyright) ignatus 2019

method "main"
while starting a new session
       Set List[1,1,1,2,2] to Record "progression" Data

        Copy List [Red] to Record "R" Layout
        Copy List [Black] to Record "B" Layout

  while on each spin

add 1 on Record "bet count" Data Index

if spin count=1000
stop session
if bankroll>=1000
stop session

if bankroll<=-1000
stop session

If Record "R" Layout List has Lost Each time
            set flag "won" false

            IF Record "progression" Data index >= 5 each
            Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
            Put 1 on Record "bet count" Data Index


   If Record "B" Layout List has Lost Each time
            set flag "won" false

            IF Record "progression" Data index >= 5 each
            Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
            Put 1 on Record "bet count" Data Index

If any outside bet won each

IF Record "progression" Data index >= 6 each
            IF flag "won" false each
            Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
            Put 1 on Record "bet count" Data Index

        IF flag "won" false each
            set flag "won" true


IF Red has hit each

IF Red has hit 5 times in a row each time
put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index

put 100% of Record "progression" Data on Record "R" Layout


IF Black has hit each

IF Black has hit 5 times in a row each
put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index

put 100% of Record "progression" Data on Record "B" Layout

add 1 on Record "progression" Data Index

If Record "progression" Data Index >
  Record "progression" Data Count
     Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
     set flag "won" false

If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve

Let Me Win

Thanks I'm using my cellular at the moment so unable to run the RX code.

It will probably take ages to get this right but it would be almost unbreakable.

Let's go through it very slowly and make sure each step is correct before we add extra lines to the code.

Follow the last red or black is acceptable.

If we lose


We are five units down. Remember these bets are all parley ie win and let it ride.
Apart from the first bet which if it wins makes a profit of +1

I will explain another way until we are absolutely clear 100%

Spin one bet £1 if win we have a profit of £1 and we restart again at spin one.

If we lose spin one we have a running total of - £1 and we now bet £1 again.

If we win spin two we have a running balance of level so we restart at spin one again.

If we lose spin 2 we have a running balance of - £2 and we now bet £1 again.

If we win spin 3 we let it ride and bet £2 on spin 4.  If spin 4 also wins we have an overall balance of +£1 so we restart at spin one again.

If however spin 3 or spin 4 loses we will have a running balance of - £3 and we now would now bet £2.

If the £2 bet wins we let it ride and bet £4 if that wins we will have an overall profit of + £3 so we would restart again at spin one.

If the £2 bet losses either on the first or the second step we are now showing a balance of - £5

All of this stage is called the STAR

As soon as we hit - £5 we no longer play the STAR but we would start playing the Mongoose but with £5 chips.

Before we focus on the Mongoose I think everyone must be 100% clear on the STAR part.


OK, coded now, but, idunno, question Is then -How long should the "STAR"-progression (5u) be played? For one progressionline only? OR play it until reached a new high? hmm
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve

Let Me Win

I think we need to do this with two separate codes.

So big thanks for this and decent donations when it's eventually finished although you won't need them as the RX bot will make you plenty.

OK so let's assume the STAR code is now correct.
I would load it in my bot and keep playing until which time it had a losing session for example it lost the the first four spins it played.

Then I would unload this code dgt file and open the next dgt file which could be coded to play the Mongoose.

I think this would be an easier solution.

It's not important if I miss spins at the wheel whilst restarting the RX bot with the Mongoose dgt file as each spin is an independent event!


Suprised at the results.  :ooh: This looks good also  :thumbsup:

Now played first 1-1-1-2 Then IF hit at the Last bet, another Step, (2u)....IF the Last step is LOST go to the "STAR" progression 5-5-5-10 (same thing) IF hit at the Last bet, another Step (10u)....IF the Last step is LOST go back/Restart with the 1-1-1-2 progressionline...


RX-code "Mongoose2"

system "Mongoose"
//(copyright) ignatus 2019

method "main"
while starting a new session
       Set List[1,1,1,2,2] to Record "progression" Data
       Set List[5,5,5,10,10] to Record "progression2" Data
put 0 to Record "Highest Bankroll" Data

        Copy List [Red] to Record "R" Layout
        Copy List [Black] to Record "B" Layout

  while on each spin

if spin count=1000
stop session
if bankroll>=1000
stop session

if bankroll<=-1000
stop session

If Record "R" Layout List has Lost Each time
            set flag "won" false

            IF Record "progression" Data index >= 5 each
            Set flag "STAR" true
            Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
            Put 1 on Record "bet count" Data Index
            IF Record "progression2" Data index >= 5 each
            Set flag "STAR" false
            Put 1 on Record "progression2" Data Index


   If Record "B" Layout List has Lost Each time
            set flag "won" false

            IF Record "progression" Data index >= 5 each
            Set flag "STAR" true
            Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
            IF Record "progression2" Data index >= 5 each
            Set flag "STAR" false
            Put 1 on Record "progression2" Data Index

If any outside bet won each

if Bankroll > Record "Highest Bankroll" Data

  IF Record "progression" Data index >= 6 each
  clear Record "Highest Bankroll" Data
  put 5000% Bankroll to Record "Highest Bankroll" Data
  put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
  set flag "STAR" false
  IF Record "progression2" Data index >= 6 each
  clear Record "Highest Bankroll" Data
  put 5000% Bankroll to Record "Highest Bankroll" Data
  put 1 on Record "progression2" Data Index
  set flag "STAR" false

IF Record "progression" Data index >= 6 each
            IF flag "won" false each
            Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
            set flag "STAR" false

IF Record "progression2" Data index >= 6 each
            IF flag "won" false each
            Put 1 on Record "progression2" Data Index
            Set flag "STAR" false

        IF flag "won" false each
            set flag "won" true


IF Red has hit each

IF Red has hit 5 times in a row each time
put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
put 1 on Record "progression2" Data Index
set flag "STAR" false

IF flag "STAR" false each
put 100% of Record "progression" Data on Record "R" Layout

IF flag "STAR" true each
put 100% of Record "progression2" Data on Record "R" Layout


IF Black has hit each

IF Black has hit 5 times in a row each
put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
put 1 on Record "progression2" Data Index
set flag "STAR" false

IF flag "STAR" false each
put 100% of Record "progression" Data on Record "B" Layout

IF flag "STAR" true each
put 100% of Record "progression2" Data on Record "B" Layout


IF flag "STAR" true each
add 1 on Record "progression2" Data Index

IF flag "STAR" false each
add 1 on Record "progression" Data Index

If Record "progression" Data Index >
  Record "progression" Data Count
     Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
     set flag "won" false
     set flag "STAR" true

If Record "progression2" Data Index >
  Record "progression2" Data Count
     Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
     set flag "won" false
     set flag "STAR" false

If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve

Let Me Win

So yeah end session as soon as the £2 bet losses. But play forever until that happens.

Let Me Win

It should be if the £2 bet losses go to the Mongoose progression.

If that's possible to code.

The STAR progression part is


Not 11122
