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Started by andreib1986, May 25, 01:54 PM 2019

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Quote from: andreib1986 on May 26, 04:28 AM 2019
Anyway, 4000 spins atack would take at least 5 days of play, and meanwhile table will reset.
Analysed 2,000 bets each, the edge was at at 6.7% (inclusive house edge) coincidentally. By this rate, I'll still advise "hit and run". The earning is just too slow for a single player.


Zhone so once 18 drawn .single or repeats u bet those 18 for the duration of the 37 spins or just one bet and re track
Boom boom sir


Quote from: Anastasius on May 26, 08:44 AM 2019
Zhone so once 18 drawn .single or repeats u bet those 18 for the duration of the 37 spins or just one bet and re track
Just one bet. I've simulated with different progressions, mild, aggressive, positive, negative, etc, and all ran into -ve eventually.


You mean, wait untill you have 18 numbers, bet repeaters 1 bet (18 numberbs), and then regardless the result wait another 18 numbers to qualify and bet again 1 bet? or you wait for 37 spin cycle to end end then start again counting 18 numbers?


I think it would be easyer if we would group numbers like 32 15 19 // 4 21 2 and we would have 12 numbers formed by 3 pockets each and try to exploit repeats this way. lower deviations maybe....


Try this *idea*  Random Vs  Order ( in groups of numbers) :

14 unique numbers in this order/ patterns / groups, 12341234123412
when new number hit  add to the group (same group order ....3412341234....)
Bet the groups in the last 3 positions(keep update ), the enemy are the
new numbers and the numbers in positions 4,8,12,16......

No  /   group ( patt.)

13         1
9           2
16         3
31         4
5           1
9           2
17         3
6           4
29         1
26         2
3           3
32         4
0           1
18         2   bet 214
17         3           L1, bet 321
20         4 new    L2, bet 432
24         1 new    L3, bet 143
36         2 new    L4, bet 214
14         3 new    L5, bet 321
8           4 new    L6, bet 432
3           3           W

Also can use 10 diff .  splits , this way involved hit and unhit numbers

Spl /    patt

4           1
9           2
7           3
11         4
14         1
6           2
2           3
17         4
1           1
13         2      bet 214
8           3 new   L1, bet 321
11         4          L2, bet  432
5           1 new   L3, bet 143
15         2 new   L4, bet 214
7           3          L5, bet 321
13         2          W

The *idea* is based on the fact that random is exactly  just random
and can t stay to much in Order , groups of numbers will change
position ( for example can t stay to much in same positions 4,8,12,16....,
the other positions will hit...positions    1,2,3,5,6,7,9 ,10,11,13,14......). 

And no need for the blah...blah...about the past spins ....each spin is
independent....so on,   are not independent anymore because the numbers
belong to a group of numbers  and an order .


Quote from: Kattila on May 26, 11:08 AM 2019
Try this *idea*  Random Vs  Order ( in groups of numbers)

Interesting idea, but where to reset in order not to loose at the house edge? After first win hit & run, if in loss wait untill it recovers?


If we take as example the splits way, reset at first W or at L4 ( or L5) stop take the lose.
Incrase bets only after W session , and after L session down bets , so positive progression.
And i never sayd this will win long run


Quote from: Kattila on May 26, 04:06 PM 2019
If we take as example the splits way, reset at first W or at L4 ( or L5) stop take the lose.
Incrase bets only after W session , and after L session down bets , so positive progression.
And i never sayd this will win long run

Yeah, realized that.


Quote from: andreib1986 on May 26, 06:03 AM 2019Please don't be to harsh on this Steve,

How else am i supposed to say "it doesnt work"?

I'll explain the problem with each part. Take or leave it.

Quote from: andreib1986 on May 26, 06:03 AM 2019My method idea would be: Bet High numbers 18 units
                                                 Bet Numbers 0,3,5,8,10,15,16 1 unit Total 25 units, On win 11 units.

WHY would those numbers have any better than random chance of winning? They wouldnt, without a cause.

Quote from: andreib1986 on May 26, 06:03 AM 2019Bet selection: Follow sets of 3 spins.

What makes sets of 3 special? Why would the wheel care what you prefer?

Quote from: andreib1986 on May 26, 06:03 AM 2019ALWAYS bet when table is reseted to 0.

If the accuracy is no different to random (as we know from the above points), all progression does is give you different random bets of different sizes.

Quote from: andreib1986 on May 26, 06:03 AM 2019Ex: Spin 1, win. 2 Spins spins left, mathematical 1 should be a loss. Don't bet on spin 2. If virtual loss, bet on spin 3. If spin 2 win don't bet on spin 3. If all 3 spins are wins wait untill next reset. So now we expect 2 losses in a set. If we get in the next set a loss, we might bet on spin number 2 and use a progression for spin number 3 if we loose as we consider that the reverse will not come immediatly.

None of that will make any difference because the "triggers" are random, so your accuracy is random. The system might follow logic, but the prediction accuracy is still random. That means you changed nothing.
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Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: Kattila on May 26, 11:08 AM 2019The *idea* is based on the fact that random is exactly  just random
and can t stay to much in Order

You arent understanding random. Random is all over the place. Sometimes it looks disorderly, ie 34,2,19,12,33,7

Sometimes it looks like there are pattern, like: 33,1,33,1,19,1

And you're forgetting the above two sequences will happen the same amount of times over the long term.

Your idea is shortsighted. You dont know if random is going to look like patterns you expect, patterns someone else expects, or do something completely different. It's random. And you're still stuck with random accuracy.

Quote from: Kattila on May 26, 11:08 AM 2019And no need for the blah...blah...about the past spins ....each spin is
independent....so on,   are not independent anymore because the numbers
belong to a group of numbers  and an order .

Blah blah. Of course they're independent. You can put them in whatever groups you want, but it's a fairytale. The wheel doesnt give a crap what groups you put numbers in.

Yes its blah blah to you and others. Because you don't understand it. If these kinds of approaches worked, there would be consistent winners everywhere. So blah blah until your accounts deplete. It's not my money.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


One of the definitions of random numbers is that it is impossible to predict future results based on past or present ones. So you're all chasing your tails trying to do so except in very specific circumstances where a lot of data is collected and some connection made to physical aspects or idiosyncrasies of the wheel.

That sort of exercise involves 100's and 1000's of spins and integration with spin directions and wheel speeds.

Predictions based on numerology or the last 12 numbers on the marquee have zero chance of gaining a prediction advantage.


Yeah, but it's fun to win even if knowing it is luck and odds are against the player.  One feels lucky then feels happy.
Life is hard, and then you die.
Mes pensées sont le dernier retranchement de ma liberté.


If people are happy with luck, that's their choice.

The game is rigged though. To me it makes no sense to bend over to billionaire casino owners. Wouldn't you rather do the ..

Well not literally, but you get my point.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


How much are roulette tracker computers from the link for people from here  like 500 or something
Boom boom sir
