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Daily Trades

Started by ego, Jul 09, 10:32 AM 2019

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Daily Trades

I am done with casino games.
Now I day trade with sports as my second part-time job.

Todays Picks with strategy 1

Korean K Leauge 1
Gyeongnam vs. Ulsan
Livebetting Betfair
Time 12:30 Europe

Finland Ladies
Livebetting Betfair
Time 17:30 Europe

Iceland Ladies
Breidablik vs. Fylkir
Livebetting Betfair
Time 21.20 Europe

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

+0............Total Profit
250...........Average Stake
00,00%.....Average Stake Matched
0/0...........Wins / Losses
00.00%.....Strikerate %
00,00%.....ROI %
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


Quote from: ego on Jul 09, 10:32 AM 2019I am done with casino games.
Now I day trade with sports as my second part-time job.

well? if you want to make money fast, (still kind of a "gambling") IS "binary options", i´ve been doin some testings, and it´s very easy, very profitable (also higher chance to "win" that ordinary gambling, anyway.) If you just follow trend and use a simple MACD indicator , i think it´s hard to fail? ofc you "lose" (guess wrong) maybe 2-3 times max,...anyway, i don´t have the founds at the moment but i will try it later on... It´s just you should "guess" if the chart should go up or down during a 2 min period)...
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


Wo: no!

Binary options are way too high edged against the gambler!  Most returns are 70, 80 or 90%.  Along with rigged price tags when going for one or 2 minutes.

This is real gambling!
Life is hard, and then you die.
Mes pensées sont le dernier retranchement de ma liberté.


Quote from: Bigbroben on Jul 09, 11:27 AM 2019e

yes? but it´s not "worse" than any other gambling, as i said, from my testings i get 2-3 losses (in worst cases, i use a simple fibonacci progression +1 step for each loss, -1 step for each win. and Restart at 2 wins in a row.... really it´s not that bad as you think.
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


Binary options are banned in EU and Canada, and probably elsewhere in the world.  There must be a reason...
Life is hard, and then you die.
Mes pensées sont le dernier retranchement de ma liberté.


Most binary apps cheats (when you trade with real money) , yet to find genuine one.
If you think you can, You can. If you think you can't, you are right.

Let Me Win

Yes it really is as bad as we think....

Ignatus, you are the last person anyone should listen to concerning gambling advice.


Quote from: Let Me Win on Jul 09, 02:40 PM 2019
Yes it really is as bad as we think....

Ignatus, you are the last person anyone should listen to concerning gambling advice.

Well? who are you to judge? I have seen 0 "gambling advices" or "roulette systems" from you? Now, this is a roulette forum, we share ideas/test ideas. ofc? some are worse than others... so what? still we try, im not gonna quit because of you having a bad attitude. That´s your problem. not mine. When it comes to "Binary options", i made 300$ is ½ an hour, then 100$ is less than 10 min etc,... the effort was minimal. and it was NOT a "high risk" as you claim, IF you just follow trend (as i said) with the proper indicators etc, you WILL win MOST of the time, that would be like 70%-80% of the time, ...so whatevr you say...
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


How long have you been winning for?
Life is hard, and then you die.
Mes pensées sont le dernier retranchement de ma liberté.


Quote from: Bigbroben on Jul 09, 04:29 PM 2019
How long have you been winning for?

so far, im demotrading, but i want to try for real..
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


no wonder you are winning.  It's a trap, Ignatus, a trap!  They want your good, and' they'll have it!
Life is hard, and then you die.
Mes pensées sont le dernier retranchement de ma liberté.


I have to say that this is the best purchase I have done with gambling related material.
In the past, I buy visual ballistic material for several thousand.
And it takes a lot of practice and many hours in the casino to achieve an edge.
Also if you want to make living you have to considering traveling.

WIth sports trading on the exchange market, you don't have to worry about being banned or limited.
And you can analyze your games and look at statistics for each match with the comfort of your home.
No need for a big bankroll.

When I compare both visual ballistics courses with sports trading I have to say the last one is superior.
After just a couple of days after studing the material, I start to profit.
Could not say the same about visual ballistics that is much harder.

Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.



Quote from: ignatus on Jul 09, 04:34 PM 2019
so far, im demotrading, but i want to try for real..
I have to agree with the other posters. You cannot compare demo trading with real account trading.
These demo setups let you win to draw you in. You would be amazed how much your real life trading profits will differ from your demo trading results.
If you really want to keep up with binary option trading, you must first find an honest broker and start out with small but real money. That's the only way to proceed.
You won't believe, with what tricks some of the binary brokers come up with, in order to bleed you dry.


Quote from: ego on Jul 22, 10:33 AM 2019Could not say the same about visual ballistics that is much harder.
Here you 100% - right. But are also another end of the stick. In tradings, you never have such an advantage which you can have in VB...
Not try to beat the game, much easier to beat the wheel...
Some peoples very not like, when I say how to win, or why they can't win.
