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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Started by Mortagon, Mar 11, 03:46 AM 2020

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I bet my balls they're eventually going to somehow use some kind of digital id or tracking linked to vaccinations or covid immunity. And if we don't have it for whatever reason, life will be more difficult.

This has been in planning for a long time. It won't be a coincidence.
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Quote from: superbet on Apr 11, 06:20 PM 2020
THE INTERVIEW YOU SHOULD NOT SEE FROM YOUTUBE - DAVID ICKE watch out, see what awaits us  : link:s://jensen.nl/het-interview-dat-je-niet-mag-zien-van-youtube

Hopefully you wake up

Happy Easter

This video has unfortunately been removed and is now available at   link:s://lbry.tv/@TheCryptoManiac:1a/the-coronavirus-conspiracy-london-real-david-icke:8


Its also at link:s://banned.video/ along with other banned videos.
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Quote from: Steve on Apr 12, 01:33 AM 2020
It appears it does exist.

However, gaps in the official narrative are opening wide up. For example, the death rate is being greatly exaggerated. Deliberately. Why?

This virus appears not much worse than the typical flu.

Based on what evidence/factors makes you think that it does actually exist?

David flat out called it a hoax, so I am very curious.


There is not the slightest shred of evidence that 5G causes the virus.


Logic. It's always in the way.


Joe, you know nothing about the energy field of the body, and neither do most people. And there's evidence contrary to your understanding. Im working on providing details, not specifically for you who's so far behind, but anyone not so programmed. There's a real war going on, and i dont have time to waste on you.

Winforus, i think its real because credible people have identified it as real.

There's evidence phone radiation adversely affects the immune system. You can find details but I'll write more soon. This war is much bigger than a virus.
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Quote from: Steve on Apr 12, 02:41 AM 2020This has been in planning for a long time. It won't be a coincidence.

Spoken like a true conspiracy theorist. Nothing is ever coincidence - 'they' are always to blame.  ;D

Quote from: Steve on Apr 12, 06:24 AM 2020And there's evidence contrary to your understanding. Im working on providing details,

I hope it's better than the youtube vid with the popcorn, lol. Sorry Steve, I just can't take seriously anything you say anymore, at least not regarding this.
Logic. It's always in the way.


Joe, you challenged me to prove my "theories".  I started with something simple: banking.

My proof was the actual law, and documents written by the federal reserve. "Theory", right? You back peddled, quickly googled pages, and further revealed your poor understanding. You put your foot in it again. I corrected you, which embarrassed you.

You made a fool of yourself. Don't blame me.

Now you're making it personal, trolling and attacking me. You arent adding anything to the conversation here.

You've truly got no idea what you're talking about and like i said, youre wasting my time.

The majority of people have enough intelligence and awareness to know something isn't right. And we're discussing it.  You're still fast asleep. You'll find out soon enough. So pretty please, stop trolling.

Again you making it personal ultimately harms you, because you reject reality to protect your ego. Youre even using strawman arguments. If i make a mistake then sure, prove it and ill gladly correct myself. But dont misquote me or take my words out of context to try winning points.
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For the record joe, radiation doesnt need to be ionizing to affect health. Any energy, even sound waves, do affect health. The effects are often subtle, but significant. I understand you learn from CNN and censored youtube so you don't know better.

You merely believe what others say, without experience. I've been living and studying this nearly all my life. You dont know better.

And read what i wrote about the education of typical biologists.

I'm preparing some information to assist others. You might learn from it too. But considering you had trouble with the federal reserve documents, im not sure you'll understand more complex matters.
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Quote from: Steve on Apr 12, 07:33 AM 2020You made a fool of yourself. Don't blame me.

No Steve, it's not me that's making a fool of myself. Just to remind you of your 'proof' that mobile phones are harmful :

Do you really expect anyone to take this seriously? It's ironic that all the things you accuse me of are what you are actually doing, like back-pedaling when you get caught out. And accusing me of being ego-driven, when it's you who claim to be the expert when you didn't even finish your physics degree, and merely assert that the scientific community has it all wrong. Do you realize how arrogant that is?
Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: Steve on Apr 12, 08:05 AM 2020I understand you learn from CNN and censored youtube so you don't know better.

That's BS. I post links to reputable news sources and scientific sites (and CNN is a reliable source - don't bring politics into this). How you have the nerve to accuse me of this when you post youtube vids like the above just beggars belief.  You are the troll, not me.
Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: Steve on Apr 12, 08:05 AM 2020For the record joe, radiation doesnt need to be ionizing to affect health. Any energy, even sound waves, do affect health.

This is a typical example of your back-pedaling and bait and switch tactics. First you said that mobile phones cause cancer, but now it's 'radiation doesn't need to be ionizing to affect health'. I wasn't denying that radiation affects health, but that radiation from mobile phones causes cancer.

Where is the evidence that radiation from mobile phones causes cancer?
Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: Steve on Apr 12, 06:24 AM 2020

Winforus, i think its real because credible people have identified it as real.

There's evidence phone radiation adversely affects the immune system. You can find details but I'll write more soon. This war is much bigger than a virus.

By real, do you mean real as the actual virus, that is contagious and that spread person to person? 

I am certainly very interested in the details and information that you will be posting and providing. I will be following very closely.


Joe, ill provide details of testing that proves mobile phone radiation causes cancer. It's not hard to find, read what I already wrote. I'll give direct links soon. Again Im preparing information for everyone.

Before i provided the document from the federal reserve, was i backpeddling? How about aftet i provided the document? Joe, you can use such words, but anyone can read back in the thread.

You're a good example of ignorance and narrow vision. Before you criticize people that believe the lizard people exist, maybe criticize people who believe some ancient reptillian god seeks to manipulate mankind. That would include.... the pope, and billions of people who believe in Christ. Christmas and Easter is based on these beliefs. Even your government's leaders swear on the book that speaks of this reptillian.

So these reptilian conspiracy theorists aren't such a minority after all... are they?  :thumbsup:
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Joe, enough is enough. At this point it is becoming spam. I don't think you will be able to understand Steve and your arguments do not add any value to this thread.

Just agree to disagree, and if in the future you do become interested in Steve's POV, then you can rejoin the discussion from a different place. (not trying to prove/disprove, but instead with curiosity to learn)
