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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Started by Mortagon, Mar 11, 03:46 AM 2020

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I’ve been saying for awhile now that this was a lab mistake

Studying coronaviruses in bats in China at labs? Too coincidental

Just like the pandemic mistake of 1977
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Is there anyone who thinks this was all 100% from Bat Wonton Soup, and what we're being told is the truth?

The CCP tells everyone the truth, so they say. Our governments also tell us the truth, so they say.
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Hello everyone,

Hope you all staying safe.  I haven't read all 25 pages. However, not sure if the movie CONTAGION has been mentioned.

If it hasn't please go watch it and find the resemblance to what we going through.

I hate and I hope I am wrong, this is a war against an enemy who is not visible.

Good Luck all and stay safe.
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Who else thinks the World Health Organization is either run by retarded people, or isn't telling us everything?

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Azim, good to see you posting. Stay safe and may we all  enjoy our little corner of hell


We can at least put to bed the theory that there is a link between covid-19 and 5G.

Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: Joe on Apr 12, 08:09 AM 2020And accusing me of being ego-driven

Yes, because you've made it really personal, especially after showing how little you knew.

Quote from: Joe on Apr 12, 08:09 AM 2020when it's you who claim to be the expert when you didn't even finish your physics degree, and merely assert that the scientific community has it all wrong

I quit my course because it was slow, and I could learn faster by myself.

As I said before: I'm not saying I know everything. But I know more than most people with a master's degree in physics. That's because they all learned from the same books I've read. What they miss is extended research, which you don't find in college text books. The physics and anomalies that invalidate some long-held theories from text books.

More specifically, a biologist will study living cells etc. A mathematician studies equations. A physicist studies practical applications of math and theory. What I do is work on models that account for all science. That includes biological, sound, physics, metaphysical, solar, gravity, mathematical and more - everything together. And that's what modern scientists should do, but they dont. They only look at their own narrow teachings. It's like how string theory accounts for everything. It's close, but not quite correct as I see it. Those strings are just vibrations everywhere. All "physical form" comes from harmonic vibrations.

Quote from: Joe on Apr 12, 08:13 AM 2020I post links to reputable news sources and scientific sites (and CNN is a reliable source - don't bring politics into this)

Again, CNN just report the official narrative. It's not independent. It's part of the same group of corporations. Do you really expect any company to report news against their interests?

Quote from: Joe on Apr 12, 11:16 AM 2020'Where did I say that people believe 5G directly causes the virus'.

Right here:

Quote from: Joe on Apr 12, 06:10 AM 2020
There is not the slightest shred of evidence that 5G causes the virus.

You're referring to theories that some people have, which is that "5G causes the virus".

And sure, some people believe that. I don't personally believe it. But I do believe various wireless radiation adversely affects health, including the immune system.

Quote from: Joe on Apr 12, 08:18 AM 2020This is a typical example of your back-pedaling and bait and switch tactics. First you said that mobile phones cause cancer, but now it's 'radiation doesn't need to be ionizing to affect health'.

No, you just havent understood it. Both mobile phone radiation causes cancer, AND it adversely affects health.

Quote from: Joe on Apr 12, 08:18 AM 2020Where is the evidence that radiation from mobile phones causes cancer?

There's lots. Start here:

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) concluded there is clear evidence that male rats exposed to high levels of radio frequency radiation (RFR) like that used in 2G and 3G cell phones developed cancerous heart tumors, according to final reports released today.

Oh but wait, the radiation is "non ionizing".... so it can't cause cancer. Isn't that what you said?

Like I said before, there's no question on whether or not mobile phone radiation causes cancer. The question is more the levels of radiation.

In the testing referred to above, the exposure was high. So we know for a fact high exposure causes cancer. This was clear to me back when my ex girlfriend developed cancer in her ear (she was addicted to her mobile phone).

As was also highlighted in this thread, the mobile phones have warnings in the instructions to hold the phone a few centermeters away from your ear when talking. This is to comply with the safety standards. I wonder how many people understand that holding the phone to their ear greatly increases their chance of cancer. The warnings are fine print, not bold warnings on the packaging.

Now that you're more up to speed on the fact mobile phone radiation causes cancer, you need to understand prolonged exposure even at low doses will at the very least adversely affect your health. There are more things that can happen, not just cancer.

Whether or not you get cancer depends on many variables, including your genetics, radiation exposure, and countless other variables.

Tell me Joe, do you know how many times the "authorities" have proclaimed something is safe, only for us to find it certainly wasn't safe? Start by looking into things like drug recalls from the FDA. Things they initially approved, but later recalled because they caused heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and so on.

Do you know who does the testing to get FDA approval on new drugs? The company that made the drug.

With billions at stake, what's stopping a pharmaceutical company from conducting a bunch of trials, and presenting the more favorable results? My point is the testing is BIASED. It is a broken system.

There are holes all over the place. And its no different to most testing to determine the safety of particularly profitable technologies, like 5G.

Quote from: Joe on Apr 12, 11:16 AM 2020There's nothing wrong with art, mathematics and spirituality in itself, but it's a problem when it poses as science and claims to have solutions when there is no proof.

Joe, your understanding is so limited you didn't understand I wasn't talking about spirituality. 

I was referring to the most pure science there is. It's everything. It is mathematics, physics, biology and more. Start with these topics:

- Tesla, 369 and what he said about frequency and vibration
- Sound harmonics and patterns in sand, and how matter is formed

There's so much more. I've been studying this all my life, Joe. It begins with mathematics and science, but becomes related to spirituality because it is all part of the same thing - who and what we are. What everything is. I'm not talking about a mysterious god in the clouds.

Again Joe I really dont have time to explain it all to you. Do your own research.

Somewhere back in your posts, you suggested I use a "fake news" detector. Again Joe, that's relying on what a central source says.

Stop basing your knowledge on what you're told. Do your own research, from a variety of sources (not centralized sources), including your own experience.

I'm sorry to say again you're clueless about what's really going on, and you're a waste of my time.

As for the 5G correlation to COVID-19, I'm undecided. As I said before, at the very least I believe it will weaken the immune system. Any incoherent radiation would. I'll look at what you just posted, but so far it doesn't appear to be considering if 5G was weaponized, it could be targeted to specific regions. To draw a proper correlation between 5G and coronavirus, we'd need to look at:

1. The correlation between how widely used 5G is in specific regions (not just rollout) - this opens a whole new can of worms because how can you determine this, and many other such factors?

2. The relevance of false positives (80% inaccurate).

3. The false reporting of covid-19 causing deaths.

4. How a weakened immune system causes real disease, and how the real disease spreads.

There's much more to consider than maps. So again I'm undecided on this, but I'll have a look at what you posted.

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It's so nice to see a steady decrease of active cases in Austria, and also in Switzerland. Hopefully it will happen in other countries very soon.


Yeah but check out Australia. We totally rock.

But everyone is totally screwed regardless. Coming up soon is the whole vaccination, cashless and surveillance mess.  This is far from over.

In any case, keep asking questions, keep looking for the truth. Don't believe everything you see or read. Expect groups to try and push their agendas. Its inevitable and already happening.

It's like a 1% mortality rate (almost all are old people), and the vast majority of cases aren't even reported as the symptoms are mild, AND so many tests are false positives. Hmmm. I'm thinking high tax rates cause more deaths.

Nevermind, let's mess up the whole country, and world.
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Joe, the video you posted was disappointingly brief. But it's the kind of thing we still need to be looking at.

The most significant part was no 5G in Iran. But this is discounting the possibility that 4G or any kind of radiation can be weaponized.

But this weaponry uses similar frequencies to 5G:


If it can be used to mess with water, which is what we're mostly made of, then do you really want to be surrounded by this radiation?

That's one issue with 5G. Whether or not it's related to coronavirus is another matter. We do need mobile phone networks, but there's a harmful side to it. It needs to be done in a safer way.

I believe Tesla had the right approach. His Magnifying Transmitter used the ground as a medium to conduct signals. I believe what he had was the beginning of the technology we'll use for mobile phone networks eventually.
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There is 5G available in the city where I live, I will let you know when I'm dying.  ;)


The World Health Organisation is a pack of backflipping mealy-mouthed dog-whistling FRAUDSTERS!


They're awesome. But the original favour is best.
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Quote from: ati on Apr 14, 04:05 AM 2020
There is 5G available in the city where I live, I will let you know when I'm dying.  ;)

ATI - the minute we are born - we are all dying!  :twisted: :xd: ....our tangible form anyway

-Nice diligent posts Steve-
-there is no off switch for the genius button -

“envy is ignorance, imitation is suicide”


Steve, I've tried to post a reply but I'm getting the follow error message :

QuoteThe following error or errors occurred while posting this message:
You are using forbidden words, please improve your language

There are no swear words in my post, so could you give me a list of what the 'forbidden' words are?
Logic. It's always in the way.
