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Four Corners

Started by Kattila, Dec 01, 11:44 AM 2010

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All the info is  in the excel files.
Thanks to F_LAT_INO (Iboba) for open our eyes(16 numbers touching all doz. and col.)
This system bet 4 corners touching  all  doz. and col.
Until now i use only 3 progression steps.



If someone find even  better triggers  , welcome   :love:



Looks really good, Kattila. Did really well in my virtual sessions which is where I simply freespin in real money mode! Never goes past the 4th step in my progression so far but I will test it with my actual money tomorrow. Let's hope the results are good! :)


Tried a few spins doing good will post more results later. How long have you tested this Kattila?


Quote from: weddings on Dec 02, 12:30 AM 2010
Tried a few spins doing good will post more results later. How long have you tested this Kattila?

Only  a few test Weddings, this is the reason i posted here not in Full systems.
I had  a bad session (using 3 steeps and LL trigger), so maybe i will try to
swich from trigger LL  to trigger W( and also from W to LL) after  L1L2L3.



In my test trigger W produces a higher profit. Let's test more and see how it goes.


Quote from: weddings on Dec 02, 03:36 AM 2010
In my test trigger W produces a higher profit. Let's test more and see how it goes.

Yes maybe you right,  from now i will test  swich method (LL and W ) after 3 LLLs,
and  also trigger W alone.


Now this  is a lost session if play trigger LL(only 3 prog. steeps).
But if i play swich  method after 3 Ls  results change   :thumbsup:


Same  numbers (from test 2) but trigger  W.   ;)


Another test swich mode LL  and W after 3 Ls
Max up  +203
Max down  -50
End at   +83

I will try this session only trigger W (another day)


Same session 4 , but the trigger is  only W.
I think i stay with trigger W because until now
gives the best results.



Well , until now  this looks good, will see next days if still  works  good.
Another session with trigger W.



First  lost session at stop lose   -120 .


Another test with trigger W .


Results after  four tests ( T4W,T5W,T6W,T7W) played virtual  with strict rules:

Spins aprox . 500 
Lost 1 session
Win  3 sessions
Total  + 665

To  good to be true, I will keep testing when I  have time,
let s see what s  next  ..... :(    or   :)

