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Four Corners

Started by Kattila, Dec 01, 11:44 AM 2010

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nice. i tried every spin too, but if you get 2-3 times in s4ession till 6-7th progression and not enough bankroll, then you burn out. i think that one must have 500 units for this to play and determined goal to achieve


play 4 corners and play 2 dozens that showed in last 3 spins (1,2,1 - play dozen 1 and 2).
[/url]link:://rouletteforum.cc/full-systems/figures-for-d-c/[/url] - check it for statistics and ideas-good info
with this idea we are getting more profit and covering both stable(corners) betting and betting the differences. This the way where we are playing both for trends and for surprises.
when losing in corners, still covering losses with dozens or columns, and there is realistic chance to make double hits/wins in one spin or doublee lost too  ?

I know very well that system (figures for DC) because I made some tests and it is
a good system for two dozens, but how could this work  together with this four corners
system ( two Doz + one corner group A ,or B or C ) ? Too much numbers to bet, maybe
flat bet.... ???

Katilla: how did you picked those 4 corners in each group? I think that bet selection is important
jointu: maybe tweaking corners selection with number distribution on wheel so we could make better wheel coverage?!?!  **

The bet selection is based only on the table layout, and each group touch every Doz.
and Col.
And yes we could choose the  3 groups  based on the wheel layout and make better
covarage,  i will think about that....



Yes, that was the problem.

Need high bankroll.

However- we could play with units of 0.1

With 20 deposit and let us say another 20 (100% first deposit bonus) and playing with 0.1 units we have a BR of 400.

If we get a very good session- let us say in 2 hours play we could double our deposit money and in the same time meet an important part of wagering requirement.

Nice system.

I will continue testing bot on live wheel form dublinbet and also on RNG  to see how much it can go down.

This goes well when a group sleeps because the ball goes between 2 groups and it is unlikely not to hit consecutively twice same group.


Yes, you play 4 corners regular way, so just one group and not every spin, and the system with dozens you play as described. Point is that you are cutting bad streaks with not playing every spin and because system have different fundamental rules you are cutting surprises and sleepers.

that is the way I feel it.
In average you would play corners every second spin and for dozens you have breaks now and then for few spins, and sometimes streaks of few spins betting. So the corners are doing stable betting and dozens are chasing changes and alterations.

2 dozens plus one of the corner groups, it is not too much numbers, corners are easy to remember it is kind of automatic bet, you just have to watch for dozens system, that is it.
I was thinking more of a progression, then the flat bet. It is playing two systems simultaneously and if possible with separate bankroll, but don't think that makes a big change just so you could track profit/loss easily


Hi mate,

What do you think about this approach which relates dozen bet with our corners system.
Here is the image of corners for each group if we see the dozen from which it belongs.

Group                  Dozens

A   1   2   3   3
B      1   1   2   3
C      1   2   2   3

So basically, I would still play last hit but like this:

If A hits, than I will bet on dozen 1 and 2 bets which I would have put on corners related to this dozens and for Dozen 3 I will play actual corners.

If hits dozen 3 but not our corners we lose but this would have happened also with the straight corners bet.
If hits dozen 1 or 2 we will be at a loss of -1 regarding which group hits ( this is more as an improve since previously this area was covered poorly but with higher return.)
And if it hits corners from dozen 3 we win as previous approach.

Same idea with B and C groups.

And also, use + 1 on loss and -1 on win.


Again, this could be a fail if our group hits each time in the dozens on which we do not bet on corners- we would have won more playing the initial idea :)

But also, any fluctuations will be less aggressive compared with previous idea.


need some time to put it on paper jointu, but it looks interesting.
katilla: i will make the corners groups on the wheel selection and post it here.
give me time till Sunday guys, it is Friday and i go out  :P,
we can make something out of it, i strongly believe it

why this isn't under the full systems group?


Katt can request it to be moved if he wants it so  :)
Its Set In Stone =)


He should because it's a winnnig system.

Needs only an improve to get the right trigger.


I tested this method in a long time about 3000 times at casino's house 
I use this method strigger LLL
The first time is very good, but at last I was lost.   pool lost 14 consecutive times. 
The creation of the group should change here?

Top not hit (LLL.  .  ) :
Group A: 17 times
Group B: 11 times
Group C: 13 times


If you play after trigger LLL  better not use more than 3 progression steps,
and if lose that 3 steps, wait new trigger LLL and bet again only 3 steps.
I tested this method only with trigger W and 3(or 5) progression steps.
I advice you do not bet the sleeper, bet the hot (after trigger W).

   Progression     lose     win

1.   4  x  2                    -8    10
2.   4  x  4                    -24   12
3.   4  x  7                    -54   9              stop-loss at -54
4.   4  x  13                    -106   11
5.   4  x  25                    -206   19

                                    w        L

1.   4  x 1               -4      +5
2.   4  x  2              -12    +6
3.   4  x  3              -24    +3
4.   4  x  6              -48    +6
5.   4  x  12            -96    +12

Also can use this ( 2 Levells or 3 Levells)
After trigger W bet

Level 1
1.   0,30 x 4           -1,2       +1,5
2.   0,50 x 4           -3,2       +1,3
3.        1 x 4           -7,2       +1,8

if lost  this first 3 steps ( 3 Ls), wait new trigger W
and bet

Level  2
1.       2  x  4           -15,2      +2,8
2.  3,50  x  4           -29,2      +2,3
3.       7  x  4           -57,2      +5,8         stop-loss at -57

if lost this second level (total lost -57,2), wait new trigger W
and  stay on level 3 until  in plus(or break even) or lost all levels.

Level 3
1.      2  x  4             -8          +10
2.      4  x  4             -24        +12
3.      7  x  4             -54        +9

so  54+57,2 =    -111,2   stop-loss



Method Trigger W
I see some number of 2 group so if them hit
How did you choise to bet A or B or C
When 14 hit ,why did you bet to C and did'nt bet to A

2   W   trigg. A   W      L   
26   W   w  +10   W   trigg. B   L   
10   L      L   L1   W   
5   W   trigg. A   W   w  +12   L   
23   L   L1   W      W   
7   L   L2   L      W   
26   W   w  +9   W   trigg. B   L   
15   W      L   L1   L   
32   W      L   L2   W   
9   L      W   w  +9   L   
14   W      L      W   trigg. C
21   L      L      W   w  +10
27   L      W   trigg. B   L   
11   L      W   w  +10   W   trigg. C
4   W      L      L   L1
26   W      W      L   L2
21   L      L      W   w  +9
31   L      L      W   trigg. C
34   L      L      W   w  +10

When 14 hit ,why did you bet to C and did'nt bet to A
Thank you very much


When you have that situation(two triggers W) you have to choose one , no strict rules
for that (use your intuition, luck...),  or wait one or more spins until remain only one trigger W
and bet that group.



Been using this for about 8 sessions now, total playing time about 16hrs using triggeR LLL instead of LL, same time playing 8splits trigger again LLL  splits are 3/6 8/11 12/15  17/20 16/19  26/29  25/28  32/35. . . . . . .
william hill live wheel  starting BR  200 units. . . . . . up to today 28/1/11    BR 1010 units, early days but doing well  ;D


Tj5566, I am happy for you man    :)

For sure you have  catched  some Ls,
L trigger
L3  ?

Do you use only the first 3 prog. steps, if lose wait again trigger and bet again
3 progr. steps, right ?
And  if you add that 8 splits group to the others 3 corners groups,   you can choose
now from  4 groups   :thumbsup:  

This can be applied  to streets, and make your own 4 or 6 groups(5 streets groups
touching all doz./col) find  good triggers(W or LLL...) and bet only a few progr. steps.



To be honest i've been taking the progression to five steps instead of three, using only small chips this really is not a problem for me,  i use my 8 splits as a completly different system just run it along side the four corners at the same time and up to now seem to be working really well together, got another idea in mind which i'm going to test out before posting, thx for advice, be lucky.   :)
