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Random 4 streaks with stop loss Martingale

Started by huskerdu, Apr 22, 05:44 AM 2020

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i have been testing the bellow system:
Write down those streaks of :

Start betting with 1-2-4-8 Martingale
Every time you win a streak you bet the next streak
e.g. first streak BBRR:
Bet 1 to B: L
Bet 2 to B: L
bet 4 to R: W
We start now with the next streak BRBR
With this kind of bet selection we don't allow for the roulette to come up with exactly the opposite streak of 4, and additionally  we change continuously the type of the streak, in order to minimize the chances of catcing us with the same streak.
In case of win , we win 1 unit, in case of lose we lose 16 units.
theoritically we have 1 lose in every 16 spins, but in reallity it will be either on favor of player or of roulette, e.g. 20 wins -  lose - 14 wins - lose - 32 wins - lose - 6 wins - lose....
So the problem is how can we recover every lose
My suggestion is to manage our bet in order to have 8 wins:
So, After first lose we rise the bet to 2-4-8-16, so we need 8 wins to recover and continue. If we recover we come back to 1-2-4-8.
But let' says  we face another lose before those 8 wins, for example:
lose 16 units
Start 2-4-8-16 for the next 8 spins
After 4 spins you lose again
So after those 4 win spins, we have win 8 units but in the 5th spin we lose 32 units.
So, we had lost 16 units on the first lose, 32 units on the second lose and win 8 units: total: 40 units.
We want 8 wins to recover, so we bet 5-10-20-40
Let's say we lose at the 6th spin
We have win 5X5=25 spins on the 5 spins and lost 80 units on the 6th spin, so total 55 units
So to recover in the next 8 winning spins we have to raise the betting to 7-14-28-56
And so on...
Can somebody suggest any good money management ?


A martingale?

i am just curious have search on the forum for martingale systems?


Quote from: precogmiles on Apr 22, 08:51 AM 2020A martingale?

i am just curious have search on the forum for martingale systems?

Martingale was the first system I used as a newbie many years ago (as many other begginer players)  without knowing that randomness can create extreme streaks.
So I gave up this system after my first wash up of my entire bankroll.
Nowdays I am testing  Martingale with a stop loss after 2 -3 or 4 spins maximum.


Quote from: huskerdu on Apr 22, 09:05 AM 2020

Martingale was the first system I used as a newbie many years ago (as many other begginer players)  without knowing that randomness can create extreme streaks.
So I gave up this system after my first wash up of my entire bankroll.
Nowdays I am testing  Martingale with a stop loss after 2 -3 or 4 spins maximum.

Will this system have streaks from hell it can't handle?


Quote from: precogmiles on Apr 22, 09:14 AM 2020Will this system have streaks from hell it can't handle?
That's why I use random streaks which change after every win, in order to minimize the chances of appearing streaks from hell.
In any other case, where most of people say "wait for this and bet for that..." it won't happen usually as they are expecting to see.
Random selections even if it's EC or dozens, have given me so far a slight better reslults and i have avoid to strangle to deside what to bet.
Of course it doesn't mean that losing treaks will not appear often, but when you play random against random you avoid too many losing streaks, you avoid gambler's fallacy , because you don't play with logic, and  roulette is continuslly forced to create outcomes exactly the oposite of betting, without any logic.

Richard Meisel

A Bellow system without a single R or B in the group of 4. RBBB, BRBB, BBRB, BBBR, BRRR, RBRR, RRBR, RRRB.  Too risky. How about the same System using 1-2, 1-3, 2-3, on the Dozens or the Columns?


Quote from: huskerdu on Apr 22, 09:42 AM 2020
That's why I use random streaks which change after every win, in order to minimize the chances of appearing streaks from hell.
In any other case, where most of people say "wait for this and bet for that..." it won't happen usually as they are expecting to see.
Random selections even if it's EC or dozens, have given me so far a slight better reslults and i have avoid to strangle to deside what to bet.
Of course it doesn't mean that losing treaks will not appear often, but when you play random against random you avoid too many losing streaks, you avoid gambler's fallacy
I truly agreed, with you.
Our true intention with "random vs random", is to have result WITHIN MATH EXPECTATION, vis a vis your "progression vulnerable limit"...
and losing streak is not really unavoidable, but with "stop bet" strategy, we try to minimise
Extreme Variance.
Everything I post here, already STALE since roulette invented, I just keen to discuss...


Quote from: Richard Meisel on Apr 22, 09:31 PM 2020How about the same System using 1-2, 1-3, 2-3, on the Dozens or the Columns?

I have tried this system. I have also a post about it. "Random diozens with laBouchere". The positive with betting on two random dozens is that we have less loses than EC (colors), because we bet 2 dozens against 1 dozen. But the problem is that when we lose a bet on two dozens, we lose the double than we bet in ebery dozen. So the recovery is very dificult. Thats why I din't use martingale but Labouhere with dozens.


Quote from: huskerdu on Apr 23, 02:53 AM 2020
I have tried this system. I have also a post about it. "Random diozens with laBouchere". The positive with betting on two random dozens is that we have less loses than EC (colors), because we bet 2 dozens against 1 dozen. But the problem is that when we lose a bet on two dozens, we lose the double than we bet in ebery dozen. So the recovery is very dificult. Thats why I din't use martingale but Labouhere with dozens.

I love your idea using random bets vs roulette......i am also using random bet systems and they are much better and stable than systems with some logic..but dont forget that MM also need to be random...MM with one strict logic roulette will kill fast...


1. Random Vs  Random

2. Random Vs  Order

Invented order of course, but we all use few past spins , righ ?
(with exceptions)
That is human  mind , to see/invent patterns even if no pattern there    ::)

I choose  2.,
I know random will hit sometimes the same ordered pattern (trigger), but most of the times
will be a change.

Random R/B   Vs    ordered  Pattern

Track also  positions(pos) between same group of numbers ( Ex. RR pos 1,  RBR  pos 2,   BRRB pos  3....)
Just example track, not a way to play :

No     R/B pos               Pattern  pos

13       B                          1     
34       R                          1           1
12       R     1                   2
16       R     1,2                2           1
33       B     4                   1           3,4
4         B     1,5                1           1,3,4
31       B     1,2                2           3,4
5         R     4,5                2           1,3,4
33       B     2,3,4             1           3,4
4         B     1,3,4,5          1           1,3,4
12       R     3                   2           3,4
25       R     1,4                2           1,3,4
.....so on....

There will be CHANGE in both situations  , now WHICH  is little more predictable?
I know i will bet for position 2  ,  and you ?     Both can win , also both can lose .
Also I could use higher groups of no (splits, streets....until close to EC bet) to create the pattern .
Ex. 8 diff. streets  in pattern 11221122 each group have for the moment 4 streets....


Richard Meisel

Quote from: huskerdu on Apr 23, 02:53 AM 2020
I have tried this system. I have also a post about it. "Random diozens with laBouchere". The positive with betting on two random dozens is that we have less loses than EC (colors), because we bet 2 dozens against 1 dozen. But the problem is that when we lose a bet on two dozens, we lose the double than we bet in ebery dozen. So the recovery is very dificult. Thats why I din't use martingale but Labouhere with dozens.

Richard Meisel

On all the Dozens and Columns how about Betting a Win after 2 consecutive Wins. And if that Wins continue Betting Wins until a Loss. After a Loss look at the other 5 Patterns and Bet again on 2 consecutive Wins.


Quote from: Richard Meisel on Apr 23, 02:42 PM 2020
On all the Dozens and Columns how about Betting a Win after 2 consecutive Wins. And if that Wins continue Betting Wins until a Loss. After a Loss look at the other 5 Patterns and Bet again on 2 consecutive Wins.

Can you please  explain this with an example ?

Richard Meisel

Hi Husker, please look at my example on the thread Meisel Method and please comment. I like your answers.


RICHARD MEIZEL, i think you are talking about this:

Dozens & Columns.
We have 6 ( A-F) Sections:
(A) 1st & 2nd Dozen,
(B) 1st & 3rd Dozen,
(C) 2nd & 3rd Dozen,
( D) Bottom & Middle Column,
( E) Bottom & High Column, and
( F) Middle & High Column. 
When we see 2 consecutive Wins in a Section we Bet. If we Win we continue to Bet the SAME amount until we lose. When we Lose, we look at the other Sections for 2 consecutive Wins and we Bet the same at first. We should tend to have more Wins than Losses in each Sections (24 to 14 on an American wheel.
We can use a Martingale but not necessarily so. I have my own progression. So looking for Trends and Singles and Doubles and Triples and Swarms and Clusters are all ok, but it still comes down to a guess, even if it's an educated guess, it's still a guess.  A 24/38 guess.

I have used a variation of  this system, betting on the 2 last dozens and 2 last columns.
Both are classic methods with pros and cons.
