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Are you going to get a coronavirus vaccine? Why?

Started by pepper, Jul 18, 01:25 PM 2020

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Are you going to get a coronavirus vaccine? Why?



I will not be getting one due to the potential of serious, severe side effects. I have been burned by the medical community before due to extreme side effects of a medication, and I won't let it happen again. I know vaccines may not be a "medication", but I have heard that at least one child was paralyzed due to a vaccine. I think there are numerous cases like this.


I will get it becasue it will be around for more than 100 years.  We are still dealing with the original Spanish Flu every year.
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Quote from: gizmotron2 on Jul 18, 02:12 PM 2020I will get it becasue it will be around for more than 100 years.  We are still dealing with the original Spanish Flu every year.
Are you going to get it every year/every time the medical experts recommend?


These are my theories on coronavirus/flu vaccines:

By the time the vaccine is manufactured, the next new strain of the flu or coronavirus is out. So, what’s the point? I’ll tell you the point.

Getting the previous strain injected into your body must still cause your body to be at least somewhat immune to the current/new strains. Then, what’s the point of getting a new flu shot every year? Probably because the strains start to change too much to where your body’s immunity of the virus goes down.

I don’t know if these theories are correct.


Quote from: gizmotron2 on Jul 18, 02:12 PM 2020We are still dealing with the original Spanish Flu every year.
You mean it’s like mutating into new H1N1 viruses, like the one in 2009? The 2009 flu pandemic was the first global flu pandemic in 40 years


Yes, I'm not scared of it. And I think it will be mandatory anyway, since this virus has ruined the world. And I can imagine that you will have to show proof that you are vaccinated before boarding a plane or crossing a border. Maybe even before entering a stadium or concert hall.


Hell No.
If the system forces me to comply I would make sure to get in on paper and land it in the trash bin.


The vaccine isn't about health. It's about control. Either get the vaccine, or the system will reject you.


Any possible immunity from a vaccine would be temporary anyway. So you'd need to regularly get the vaccine. That's the whole idea.

This has been planned for decades. Even fauci said there would be a surprise pandemic, and he predicted it a year in advance.
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Can you explain why the Russian elite already got the experimental covid 19 vaccines back in April? How come they don't hesitate and willing to get it? I would have have a hard time to believe that they are all ignorant. (I personally would not get it, but very curious)



I'm sure there are many cures for probably every disease, that we're not told about.
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Quote from: ati on Jul 19, 05:10 AM 2020this virus has ruined the world

No, the lies about it by groups with a nefarious agenda caused the problems. The vaccination is just part of it. So are the masks. It's a stepping stone to vaccination id. Ie get your vaccination, or stay at home.

It has been planned for decades.

This was never about lives. You really think they give a shit about the lives of old people??

Seriously, come on. Wake up.
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I changed my mind into getting the vaccine, rationalizing that I don't want to risk permanent lung damage.

Then, I changed it back to not getting the vaccine, because there are parts of aborted fetuses in vaccines. This is sick, because I bet there is an alternative to this. It's just not right, imo.

To be clearer: I bet there is an alternative to putting parts of aborted fetuses in vaccines.


Viruses are an ordinary part of our bodies. Pumping our bodies with Frankenstein fragments of DNA, mixed with other likely long-term harmful ingredients, is not the right solution.

But maybe you're forgetting this is not a health issue. It's about CONTROL. It always has been.

There's no way i'm taking the vaccine. And if anyone tries to force a needle into me, I'll stab them in the neck with it. So that's a "no" from me.

I dont expect it will be "forced". At least, not initially. It's more about financial incentive, and "getting back to a normal life". Still, no thanks.

Again this has been planned for a very long time. If everyone knew what this was REALLY about, and what it was leading to, you'd be refusing too.
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I changed my mind: I'm getting the vaccine/s. I am taking an educated guess that the benefits will outweigh the risks. The risk of coronavirus I am concerned about is permanent damage to the lungs.

I am guessing that the risk of vaccines from possible side effects is relatively low. No one really knows about the risks of anything, e.g., deodorant, toothpaste, ingredients/chemicals in the foods you eat, pollution in the air you breathe.

Quote from: Steve on Jul 20, 11:48 PM 2020It's about CONTROL.
Maybe. I'm not discounting the possibility, but I just don't see it. Exactly how would this enable a group of people to control us? I suppose you could argue that it would make it easier.

I have reason to believe the following theory/theories I am about to type: I don't think they need an excuse to control anyone. Here's a theory/theories: their powers are so great, there is nothing you can do to stop them. They don't even need an excuse to do what they want. I told everyone on here how I am monitored (at the least) by a group of people 24/7. They can secretly drug you, implant you with anything they want, even vaccinate you without you ever knowing, read your thoughts, etc. They can implant and manipulate your thoughts and even reality with or without you knowing. If you have committed or been accused of a crime, they can manipulate everyone else's thoughts concerning your fate of being let off or charged. They can do this by psychic means and/or advanced technology. They can use the law of attraction, occult like tactics, and mind control technology with great accuracy to place you on the path they find suitable. There are already known cases of the CIA experimenting on the public like MK ultra. I think they or other secret agencies are light years beyond what they did concerning MK ultra.


Then you've given in, and decided to be weak, subservient, and fail to understand you have always been in control. It's your choice.
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