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Are you going to get a coronavirus vaccine? Why?

Started by pepper, Jul 18, 01:25 PM 2020

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Are you going to get a coronavirus vaccine? Why?



Basically pepper, you're not there yet. You will be, one day. We all come back to unity, in our own time. Even the people seeking to oppress us. It's just how it works.

From that perspective, which is the biggest picture, nothing really matters, except the experience itself.

Maybe 1 in 100,000 (on this planet) would properly understand what im taking about.
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Quote from: Steve on Jul 21, 09:34 AM 2020decided to be weak, subservient

Weak? Subservient? Do you pay your taxes? You may rationalize that you do, because you don’t want to get thrown in jail. If that’s your rationalization, then where do you draw the line? If you would be jailed for not getting a coronavirus vaccine (I know it won’t come down to this), would you accept it?

Quote from: Steve on Jul 20, 11:48 PM 2020And if anyone tries to force a needle into me, I'll stab them in the neck with it.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think you’d actually do this (you accepting jail and going through the legal system because of your strong views). I could be wrong, because you appear very adamant on your views.


Quote from: pepper on Jul 21, 10:41 AM 2020Weak? Subservient? Do you pay your taxes? You may rationalize that you do, because you don’t want to get thrown in jail. If that’s your rationalization, then where do you draw the line?

The skin. That's the line.

We are all in the matrix to some degree, for now. By choice. Aware or not. It's a fight to get out.

Quote from: pepper on Jul 21, 10:41 AM 2020If you would be jailed for not getting a coronavirus vaccine (I know it won’t come down to this), would you accept it?

My friend, if you held a gun to my head, i still would not accept it. I'm not scared enough of pain or dying. And i have the benefit of not being scared of a cell.

I will never roll over. I know who i am.

This is not about a stupid vaccine.

Quote from: pepper on Jul 21, 10:41 AM 2020Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think you’d actually do this (you accepting jail and going through the legal system because of your strong views). I could be wrong, because you appear very adamant on your views.

You don't know me. I would clearly warn them first. And it's what i would do.

You don't understand, this is literally a war. It's just not like other wars.
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I think I'll take it.  I've been red-pilled but it's so heavy, so challenging and troubling to have all the forbidden knowledge.
I prefer being comfortably numb and sink back into the mass.

( sarcastic ).
Life is hard, and then you die.
Mes pensées sont le dernier retranchement de ma liberté.


I think that Pepper did bring up some valid points, at least something to think about.

Is it a fact that covid actually damages the lungs? If so, that can have serious consequences on one's health.

If what you say Steve is 100% true, and things are looking that bad - isn't everyone fuccked anyway? Or what steps (actual action) that one should take in your eyes?

This is the problem with most "conspiracy theorists" - a lot of theories, but no practical info as to what one should do.

You got MSM on one spectrum, and on the other, people spewing very radical theories, (David Icke, Alex Jones, etc) my personal approach is that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. David Icke for example totally denied that the virus even exists.


Quote from: Steve on Jul 21, 10:48 AM 2020
The skin. That's the line.

We are all in the matrix to some degree, for now. By choice. Aware or not. It's a fight to get out.

My friend, if you held a gun to my head, i still would not accept it. I'm not scared enough of pain or dying. And i have the benefit of not being scared of a cell.

I will never roll over. I know who i am.

This is not about a stupid vaccine.

You don't know me. I would clearly warn them first. And it's what i would do.

You don't understand, this is literally a war. It's just not like other wars.

Neo?  Is that you?  Get me the oracle and I'll double check with her to verify.

In the Matrix there is very specific tasks to break out of this control.  What the f does Icke want us to do? 


Quote from: winforus on Jul 21, 05:26 PM 2020

You got MSM on one spectrum, and on the other, people spewing very radical theories, (David Icke, Alex Jones, etc) my personal approach is that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. David Icke for example totally denied that the virus even exists.

Oh you mean like common sense?



Quote from: Bigbroben on Jul 21, 02:32 PM 2020I've been red-pilled but it's so heavy, so challenging and troubling to have all the forbidden knowledge.

Absolutely. It sucks, but it's the truth.

Quote from: Bigbroben on Jul 21, 02:32 PM 2020I prefer being comfortably numb and sink back into the mass.

Ignorance is bliss.

Quote from: Bigbroben on Jul 21, 02:32 PM 2020( sarcastic ).

I fukn hope so.
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Quote from: winforus on Jul 21, 05:26 PM 2020I think that Pepper did bring up some valid points, at least something to think about.

They are points of a submissive slave. It's the easy route.

It's the choice of temporary pain but freedom (maybe about 10 years of difficulty), OR smooth sailing but extreme limitation.

What's going to happen is the world will be split in two. It will be divided: people who see and resist, and the people who give-in. It's happening all around us.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 21, 05:26 PM 2020Is it a fact that covid actually damages the lungs? If so, that can have serious consequences on one's health.

Oh boy. The ongoing vaccinations will do far more harm.

Coronavirus is a damn flu. It has a mortality rate no worse than the seasonal flu. It is just being lied about, and made worse in every possible way. Like when the murderer Cuomo ordered over 4000 COVID patients into NURSING HOMES, where it could do the most damage. I mean could you make it any clearer?? It is not incompetence. It's deliberate murder, for an agenda.

That's just ONE thing. Once you know more, you CAN'T NOT conclude this is deliberate. Everything from the media lies, to official policies from the WHO, CDC etc. We are AT WAR. Literally.

It's all so convincing when the lies are everywhere. From Google, to your home TV. Everywhere except a few independent media companies, which cant compete with Google, Facebook, Twitter, CNN etc.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 21, 05:26 PM 2020If what you say Steve is 100% true, and things are looking that bad - isn't everyone fuccked anyway?

I hate to say it, but yes, we're fucked. We are fucked REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU CHOOSE. But you have to choose between temporary difficulty but freedom, OR relative ease but literal slavery.

So it's having balls, vs being chickenshit.

Most people don't see enough, to understand where being chickenshit will get them. It's not pretty. It's not just "going along with it".

We are on the edge of a massive change. It's an evolutionary leap. It's the turning point.

And while most people say "how can we beat this system that has us all hopelessly enslaved". And they're forgetting things like:

* These elite are losing control. The whole financial system is unsustainable and about to collapse. That's why the interest rates are so low. It's a house of cards.

* People are waking up. They elite have run out of time. They are not powerful like you think. They are WEAK. Their only power comes from us thinking they have the power. It's exactly like "The Wizard of Oz". In fact that story is all about the elite. The yellow brick road is the path. And in the end, all you really needed are things like brains (research and think), BALLS (courage), and a heart (wake up and understand yourself).

Consider how BLM movement washed over the USA and there wasnt a damn thing done about it. The elite deliberately allowed it though, and even funded it. But it wasn't resisted from the other side for some time. BLM even created their own micronation. But it didn't survive because it imploded. That was one small area. Now imagine if pockets like that happening ALL OVER THE WORLD. There is no way the elite could control it. We outnumber them like 10,000:1. Their power is all an illusion. With TV, internet, news etc.

The whole system is going down. The elite have been using "betting progression" for too long, and they're about to go broke. Like what has happened in countries like Venezuela. So the system needs to be replaced, for them to maintain control. And that's what the New World Order is.

These elite aren't all-powerful. They are on their knees. And we need to take advantage of that.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 21, 05:26 PM 2020This is the problem with most "conspiracy theorists" - a lot of theories, but no practical info as to what one should do.

I'm not a "theorist".

And you're absolutely right. That's how most of the awake people are. No solutions. Try this:

1. Stop blaming others.
You are in control. You always are.

2. Start using cryptocurrencies.
Use decentralized exchanges where privacy is maintained. They are the future of currency. The bankers are making their own digital currencies for use in government. Those are not decentralized cryptocurrencies.

3. Educate yourself and others.
Learn properly. And dont push "unsubstantiated theories", or you'll do more harm than good. Back up what you say.

4. Question everything.
There is bullshit all around you. Google, facebook, twitter and TV are the main parts.

5. Do NOT rely on violence.
It's not that kind of war. Violence will only give the elite more of an excuse to take power. That's why they literally pay agitators at things like protests.

6. Respect the police.
Don't defund them, or something far worse will replace them. Unless they continue to serve the wrong group.
Yes some police are cunts. But the vast majority of them are good people, just trying to do the right thing. And when they see who they've been the right arm of, they'll be more inclined to resist, in their own way. It's already happening. But for now, police that speak out are often fired. In other cases, entire police departments are standing. It will happen more.

7. Support technology development.
Do you really think an affordable house is $500k and a lifetime of debt (for most people)? Do you really think Earth is over-populated? Check out some satellite photos. Look carefully, then tell me we're over-populated.

8. Stop letting fear control you.
We all die. You'll die one way or another. When it's your time, do you really think you'll say "gee I'm glad I bent over for them, and let them control my life"?

9. Don't focus on anger.
Sure, be angry. But dont dwell on it.

10. Demand (TAKE) rights with your own land.
It's currently "illegal" to do certain things with your own land. Some parts are justified, most are not. In the end, most people are just going to do what they need to survive. The elite are already trying to control food supply. They want to forbid you from even growing your own food. That's the whole idea behind genetically modified plants.

11. Start standing up for others.
Stop worrying only about yourself. We are in this together. Helping others is helping you too.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 21, 05:26 PM 2020You got MSM on one spectrum, and on the other, people spewing very radical theories, (David Icke, Alex Jones, etc) my personal approach is that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. David Icke for example totally denied that the virus even exists.

Alex Jones is not "radical". That's just how he looks, because he sees, and is rightfully mad as hell.

David Icke is mostly right, but most people are so far behind his understanding, that David looks like a kook.

Both of them have been wrong about some things, and you bet their mistakes are used to the advantage of MSM for propaganda. I find them about 95% accurate - pretty damn good. Their mistakes are no comparison to the outright and blatant lies of MSM like CNN, and the absolute atrocities of the elite.

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A bit about how these vaccinations may damage your DNA forever:


Some of you really need to start researching the shit out of this.

Coronavirus also may be damaging your balls and fertility.


There's a lot more. KEEP DIGGING.

Again, we are literally AT WAR. The vaccine is injecting you with Frankenstein DNA. We have no idea what this might do to us. This is not just like a measles or whatever vaccination.

Also BILL GATES is a known eugenicist. His FATHER was a eugenicist. There are some very odd things about the guy.

The vaccine could very well lead to significant drops in fertility rates, for POPULATION CONTROL. That's what Bill Gates and these people have said they want, many times. Watch Bill Gates slip up here:


This guy wants the whole world vaccinated. Really, keep digging. It gets worse, and worse and worse. Until the point where you'll see what's happening is bigger than anything that has ever happened in our recorded history.

Track it back and you'll see Fauci's correlation to the Wuhan virus lab. This guy is definitely part of the agenda.
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Got this one from Tony Robbins:


It's a big read, take your time. Still only part of the picture.

What happening today will be tomorrow's history lesson. Wake up and be on the right side of history.
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This one is interesting.

NIH study finds its actually possible to create coronavirus via 5G:


Quote“DNA is built from charged electrons and atoms and has an inductor-like structure. This structure could be divided into linear, toroid and round inductors. Inductors interact with external electromagnetic waves, move and produce some extra waves within the cells. The shapes of these waves are similar to shapes of hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source. These waves produce some holes in liquids within the nucleus. To fill these holes, some extra hexagonal and pentagonal bases are produced. These bases could join to each other and form virus-like structures such as Coronavirus.”

“To produce these viruses within a cell, it is necessary that the wavelength of external waves be shorter than the size of the cell. Thus 5G millimeter waves could be good candidates for applying in constructing virus-like structures such as Coronaviruses (COVID-19) within cells.”

At the start, i thought it was theoretically possible because everything is vibration, but unlikely. And more on the side of crackpot stuff. Maybe we should look deeper.

We already know 5G can easily be used to decrease oxygen in blood, and viruses thrive with low oxygen (not helped by MASKS).

Remember, viruses aren't actually alive. They're just stands of shit like dna that replicate and need a host.

The way i see it, 5g isn't the cause. Maybe Icke was right though, we may never know. I'm not convinced at this stage. But i think easily it could make health and a pandemic far worse.  Still it wouldn't be as effective as forcing covid patients into NURSING HOMES.

Seriously, fucking wake up. There's so much more to it.
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Quote from: Steve on Jul 21, 08:31 PM 2020

Oh boy. The ongoing vaccinations will do far more harm.

Can you describe in more detail, the major harm that it will do to one's health?

Quote from: Steve on Jul 21, 08:31 PM 2020
I hate to say it, but yes, we're fucked. We are fucked REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU CHOOSE.

If we are fucked and there is nothing that can be done to change the outcome, why should think and spend energy on this at all?

Wouldn't the time be better spent on personal development and spiritual growth, instead of on theorizing this?

I personally have not seen any known, highly conscious spiritual teacher/guru, talking about this stuff.  (people like Eckhart Tolle for example). Why do you think this is?

Quote from: Steve on Jul 21, 08:31 PM 2020

* These elite are losing control. The whole financial system is unsustainable and about to collapse. That's why the interest rates are so low. It's a house of cards.

That's what guys like Alex Jones have been saying for the past 20 years - that dollar was going to collapse, etc. But it hasn't happened. In fact, some predicted it would have already happened a long while back. Say 10 more years pass and nothing happens, are you going to continue saying this?

Quote from: Steve on Jul 21, 08:31 PM 2020
And you're absolutely right. That's how most of the awake people are. No solutions. Try this:

1. Stop blaming others.
You are in control. You always are.

2. Start using cryptocurrencies.
Use decentralized exchanges where privacy is maintained. They are the future of currency. The bankers are making their own digital currencies for use in government. Those are not decentralized cryptocurrencies.

3. Educate yourself and others.
Learn properly. And dont push "unsubstantiated theories", or you'll do more harm than good. Back up what you say.

4. Question everything.
There is bullshit all around you. Google, facebook, twitter and TV are the main parts.

5. Do NOT rely on violence.
It's not that kind of war. Violence will only give the elite more of an excuse to take power. That's why they literally pay agitators at things like protests.

6. Respect the police.
Don't defund them, or something far worse will replace them. Unless they continue to serve the wrong group.
Yes some police are cunts. But the vast majority of them are good people, just trying to do the right thing. And when they see who they've been the right arm of, they'll be more inclined to resist, in their own way. It's already happening. But for now, police that speak out are often fired. In other cases, entire police departments are standing. It will happen more.

7. Support technology development.
Do you really think an affordable house is $500k and a lifetime of debt (for most people)? Do you really think Earth is over-populated? Check out some satellite photos. Look carefully, then tell me we're over-populated.

These are the things that everyone should be doing regardless if anything that you said here is true or not.

But where are the practical steps and solutions, as in to stopping the "elites" from executing their plan?  If there is none - then what is the point of even thinking about it?

Quote from: Steve on Jul 21, 08:31 PM 2020

8. Stop letting fear control you.

The irony, is that the stuff that you mentioned in this thread, plus what guys like Alex Jones say, invokes fear in MANY people. And presidents like Trump, use fear to gain votes. I don't see how a person could read this stuff all day and think that they are at WAR - without being in fear!

What I personally found, is that I feel much better and present in my everyday life when I don't read or think about any of this stuff at all. Vs reading different theories and thinking about the outcomes.

Quote from: Steve on Jul 21, 08:31 PM 2020
9. Don't focus on anger.
Sure, be angry. But dont dwell on it.

This doesn't make any sense Steve. Most of the time, anger is an indication that a person is not present, and usually comes from the ego (identification with mind)

Quote from: Steve on Jul 21, 08:31 PM 2020
Alex Jones is not "radical". That's just how he looks, because he sees, and is rightfully mad as hell.

I personally don't fully trust him or his inforwars website. While his site provides some truthful info, I have seen a lot of manipulations + lies to get people to buy his products.

When you observe how he interviews people - he is unable to stop himself from cutting others off. His behavior in general, is very much in line of somebody who is self-absorbed and narcissistic. Do you not see this?

Quote from: Steve on Jul 21, 08:31 PM 2020

David Icke is mostly right, but most people are so far behind his understanding, that David looks like a kook.

While he may be right on a lot of things - denying that covid exists certainly undermined his credibility.

My view is that the truth is somewhere in the middle - thus I like to view things from different perspectives, without getting attached to one.


You're in a reasonable frame of mind. You just need more information, and to broaden your view. It's not an insult. It's more a compliment because you don't appear to be closed off.

I'll give a detailed response in time.
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